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bettelion artists on main swearing up down left right that they don’t want the daki and aren’t horny for the clown at all, when your fyp instantly recommended their alt where they draw the rawest down dirty porn of him imaginable with their OC clearly visible

bettel claiming he’s uninterested in fanservice when during the phase of twitter likes being visible he liked every raunchy fanart he could, the less clothes the better, monster smash or pass arc, the biggest tittiest betsy imaginable with her ass hanging out of a g-string

you all deserve each other



artists who post their magma board and have a dozen mutuals oc gremlins all gathered around AWOOGA eyeing at the cake 🫵


theres a reason why the saying goes “like oshi, like fan”


Want to smooch da clown on da lips and pamper him lots


I have covid rn but same and still would


Its the cure 😩


Any review for Bettel’s VP? Is it the usual hee-hee haha or is he seriously going the bfe route?


Here you go.


backread pleaseee


There’s a more in depth review on the last page but it’s probably the most BFEesque bettel thing would ever be caught doing with a fun little flare. It was very much so clearly tailor made for his yume fans who enjoy it (I did) and he’s very sweet in it, it also correlates really well to the theme of the daki itself and there’s a reason why he said he couldn’t even listen it to back to check if it was okay lmao. take take as you will.


Last edited 17 hours ago by Anonymous

wait he’s so right. do you think this was a deliberate choice or did senzaki sensei forgor https://x.com/crimzonruze/status/1836344008949243973



Probably make up


I don’t think Senzaki sensei is liable to forget anything about Bettel’s design, as she famously was a stickler about his height.

This might’ve been a deliberate choice on her part because she or someone else involved thought the hand corruption wouldn’t work well with the daki.

Or… Maybe it’s another Bettel? A la Last Game.


oh yeah good point. spooky lore implications


Yeah! Bettel sticking a less corrupt Bettel into a coffin before merking them.

It’s giving tofu clones, and I’m here for it.


Reminds me of that impostor lore drop


Bettel is the first Holostar to have daki and he just opened the floodgates. So….who do you think is next?( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Based on fanbase probably the kois or roons would go crazy for it but I don’t see that happening just based on merch sales (maybe ruzaders for luls, bubbie or poppets). Depending on the design, I could see any of the boys getting one tbh. It’s sad Senzaki’s OG design got canned because that was really peak.



Last edited 1 day ago by Anonymous

I do forget that merch sales have some input into who gets what stocked for x amount of time tbh. Wish that wasn’t the case but I get it. I do think if all goes well and considering bettelion have a lot of people with deep pockets for anything bettel and do a lot of GO orders it’ll give cover some incentive to think about this with the other boys since his was basically guaranteed to sell.


Last edited 1 day ago by Anonymous

I think his being the guaranteed to sell is the only reason he got one plus senzaki mama basically soft launched it and confirmed it would sell out before cover stepped in.


Over here in EN, Hakka or Flayon seem likely if the response continues to be positive. Altare and Axel said last night that they hadn’t really thought about it, but Axel seemed slightly more open to the idea. Shinri I’m like 70-30 on, because he’s definitely comfortable with less seiso stuff, but has expressed mixed opinions in the past about being objectified in his idol persona.

From Armis, I think the only boy unlikely to at least consider it is Ruze. A daki would be very on-brand for Gibby’s relationship with the Bubbies, and Jurard/Octavio both absolutely seem like the types to do joke-y dakis like Bettel’s laying in a fucking coffin.

I don’t know JP as well, but just based on his fanbase size and the way some of them have reacted to him in the past (even fucking Bae), Roberu could probably make a killing on a daki that’s as silly as it is sexy.


i mean shinri has literally made an unofficial nsfw tag for his idol persona plus he’s retweeted some saucy fanarts of himself before so i can totally see him being down with getting a body pillow


Shinri did not made the tag, its the Kois. Shinri just found out about it while scrolling the timeline


Shinri absolutely made the suggestion of “if I had a nsfw tag it could be something like Shinrisque” near debut. That’s also the reason people were immediately able to find Lex’s nsfw VA account when he said it was up.


(Comment OP) It’s true! That’s why I said I was 70-30 on it. Seems more probable than not, but I wasn’t absolutely positive.

We’ve gotten Tempantsu, perhaps the age of Dakistars is upon us.


I could definitely see Ruze getting one. He had a nsfw tag and fansly in his pl, I could see him looking very blushy playing up the tsun act and I would buy it.


Last edited 1 day ago by Anonymous

(Comment OP) I had no idea! I guess it’s possible any of the lads would consider it, then.


wait he had a fansly???? d-does anybody know the @…


Looks like he deleted it when he graduated https://x.com/LiminalLark/status/1576462860221227009


I know ruzaders are desperate but please read the rules.



Watch them mad, just wait.


damn. i hate how normal it is for stuff in the vtuber community to become lost media


oh what i would give to see the content on there ):


for what it’s worth, it doesn’t seem like he uploaded too many things there while it was active



I would say shinri or hakka since they’d probably be pretty open to it. Altare and Flayon are also good picks because I think machiroons are so horny it’s crazy and Cultares don’t show it on public but they are just as bad. I for some reason can’t picture anyone in ARMIS other than GB getting one and maybeeee Jurard.

The real answer is though we gotta see how this sells because if it doesn’t sell well then I doubt more will be in production. I have faith in the bettelion for being horny enough though.


The daki is the most requested merch of the betellion since the very beginning. I’ll be more surprised if it doesn’t sell.



I would say Hakka but his audience is a bit different to Bettel’s in the sense that most (of us) see him as a cute little bratty brother.

In terms of popularity Ruze? I don’t watch him, he seems like a wildcard, he seems seiso but so did Bettel.

On loving/horny fandom Shinri or GB i know kois would trade their soul to kyubey for one.

Altare mentioned something which in all honesty being so lovely as he is it wouldn’t surprise me, i just never expected Cultares being secretly horny, i thought you saw him as a cute brother too!


Cultare are insanely horny for Altare, just find any of the Cultare smut artists and you’ll see. They just hide it well on their main accounts. (No judgement! It’s just funny to see the juxtaposition is all.)

Ironically (or not even considering it’s fucking Shiny Spicy), they’re almost the exact opposite of the Axelotls, who are horny on main and even more horny on their NSFW accounts.


Cultare are amusingly very appropriately named. All smiles and sunshine and purity on the surface, dark degeneracy hidden in the basement like it’s the Stepford Wives.


Maybe it’s the circles I run in, but while there are Hakkitos that treat him like a hermanito or go ew at every attempt at fanservice, the most degen people I’ve seen in the fandom are definitely little purple birds (affectionate)


The eggkitos…


i feel like a lot of hakkitos are secretly big hornballs, i mean look at the reaction to his most recent tengutalk thumbnail lol. he’s got a bit of a gap with having such a cute face but a raunchy personality. i do think a lot of hakkitos view him in more of a brotherly light but there’s definitely a sizeable audience of hakkitos that wanna get him pregnant and just don’t talk about it in chat or public accounts.
cultare are so horny dude honestly all HQpuras are, esp with how modest all their original outfits are, seeing an ankle or a wrist sends us into maximum overdrive. i think cultare would melt into a puddle of blue goo if he ever got a daki.


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