I have no idea why this page takes so much time to load

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It has been almost 24 hours since Gibby said he’d post a schedule “by the end of today” last night.

I’m at least, like. 33% salty.


His communication is so bad. Being a bubby is such fuckin suffering sometimes.


Honestly at this point it’s better not to expect things


congrats to octoposse for poppet reveal this week!! finally all armis mascot will be official and maybe theyll get mascot plushies too someday


maybe we’ll get mascot plushies in their first anni like their tempus senpais.


Tavi Octalks with Ruze submit your questions here if you have membership



something i super love about tavi is how thoughtful he is when planning things with other people. gibby’s availability is the spottiest and then jurard’s while ruze is usually down for whatever. i was already impressed when he did pass-the-lore and arranged everyone in the perfect way to completely fuck the story for laughs and his journey to featuring armis on the owo telly reignited that feeling


Seems like gibby potentally went back to japan and came back? Or atleast that’s what it seems like unless these are old photos. https://x.com/goldbullet_en/status/1820308124697305204


Interesting breakdown of GB Streaming record so far. I hope he comes back strong this month.



Fingers crossed! If you have the patience for it, I’d love to be able to compare these to the other members of Armis. I don’t feel like it’s as fair if I were to compare him to fellow Stars who have been around longer.


Previously posted list should give some idea. As of mid-June, total hours streamed for the boys was:
GB = 247 hours
Jurard = 439 hours
Ruze = 442 hours
Octavio = 461 hours
The disparity between GB and the other boys is likely greater now as GB has been inactive for so much of the time since this list was compiled.
This list does include privated VODs, but does not include menshi or streams on other platforms not uploaded to their YT channels. IIRC menshi hours were ranked with GB at the lowest by a wide margin, Octavio/Jurard at comparable numbers, and then Ruze having some insane number in the lead.


Oh I did this. Here’s the updated (and hopefully easier to read) comparison, grads included



I suppose the list doesn’t include collabs without pov? Gibby and Jurard mostly did not have theirs up during armis’ collabs on later months.


AH sorry there was an error in my spreadsheet but I can’t edit my comment anymore! Shinri and Shiny Spicy stream a lot but not THAT much lmao. Here’s the correct one




I’m a new Octavio viewer but I was there during ARMIS debuts. I didn’t really follow Octavio because I thought he was going to be the most casual in ARMIS, I just got in recently because of Lies of P. Didn’t realize he’s up there with Ruze who I watch a lot. He also has unarchived karaoke (which I read while doing research about him are varied and high quality and not just the same songs over and over), rebroadcasts which he sings new songs in or maybe its just the recent one, twitch streams, weekly shorts and he has like 5 covers out and maybe a new one this week and has been in more expos/conventions than his genmates. Man has done so much in so little time. Thank you for sharing anon.


check his Archived like his bday karaoke & karaoke relay for examples of his production value. There are also some clips from his Unarchived Les Mis & Tagalog karaoke on YT where he sang with a choir of himself, made his own instrumentals & also incorporates special effects.

He sang live during his rebroadcast I think for the 3rd time now? During the Les Mis rebroadcast he had a coughing fit (it was funneh) while doing an extra encore & his 2nd attempt at doing a 50 songs karaoke because he only managed to do 37 at first. Both weren’t archived unfortch


it’s insane that jurard is catching up to magni when he’s not even a year in the company. but no doubt he’ll pass both magni and vesper soon.


charts like this from you and other op are always so interesting to me. the gap between gibby and the other armis members are insane though. i hope his schedule comes out this week and he tries to fill it up because i really do miss his streams.


Ily nonna chu


Damn Ruze is absolutely insane. I genuinely don’t know how he does it. Granted he used to almost endurance stream more during the beginning of the year/last year when he debuted but dang. Dedication to the max. Love this little tsun guy.


Sorry I know we’re discussing GB but it’s insane that Jurard only has 20 more VODs than GB but nearly double the total hours streamed. Go less beast mode when you’re online man


Last edited 1 month ago by Anonymous

This is how he streamed himself into a hospital visit.


Shinri having 1000 hours over the next most-streamed member of his gen is insane LOL mama chill


Kinda crazy that GB most likely still hasn’t hit 300 hours streaming when all of the rest of the boys are 400+. I wish that he’d hit this month hard for all that’s it’s worth and that no weather challenges overcome him, especially because that looks like why he cancels the most and if he lives in a more rural area of america with a shitty power grid, it can be difficult but dang son. Even ruze with the shit midwestern internet in a trailer park can do it.


Last edited 1 month ago by Anonymous

That is absolutely wild. That’s barely over half as much as Jurard, the next lowest. Who has literally been through multiple nasty weather events and hospital trips.


Last edited 1 month ago by Anonymous

Also here’s Tempus (same parameters of measurement) at the same point in June, if anybody is curious:
Bettel = 908 hours
Hakka = 1146 hours
Altare = 1338 hours
Flayon = 1367 hours
Axel = 1431 hours
Shinri = 1436 hours
Honestly kinda surprising to see that Bettel’s hours streamed lags behind the second lowest by a similar amount to GB and Armis’ second lowest, considering Bettel was gone for much longer stretches of time.


Man I did not realize mama streamed so much, I guess it’s because he’s always streamed super regularly, though.

Axel and Altare not outstripping VG by a lot makes sense since Axel takes his yearly time off to see relatives and Altare’s had some stretches of inactivity, especially in the last half year.


You know for all that people meme about bettel being lazy and always cancelling those aren’t bad numbers considering his anxiety and ear issues that he had at the beginning of the year. I never realized flay streams that much until I read this lol. Sorry unrelated for the ARMIS page.


Bettel honestly has great work ethic and puts structures in place to mitigate his issues, all things considered. There are just a variety of reasons, his actual performance aside, why his alleged work ethic gets nitpicked (annoying fanbase that people want to aggravate, very publicly still friends with Magni who has a bad reputation in many circles, easily targetable health arc, etc)


Not the discussion for this but I agree. His fanbase being the most quick to defend him no matter what and get mad over nothing, and psychoanalyze everything he does and turn into his mother about it and being the orphanage for multiple graduated livers at this point does not help also. He’s a genuinely dedicated guy all things considering. Hell even delivering an Orisong after the whole health hort was something I never expected from the guy.


Can you stop blaming Bettelion, you know how annoying you being rn.
Edited: “liver”, so you’re a nijisis, just watch your corpo go away.


I love this OC you’ve created of somebody who only watches Niji with the exception of Bettel for some reason, while vehemently hating his fandom for no reason. Can you tell me more?


Bettelion killed Abraham Lincoln, sank the Titanic, eat the forbidden fruit, disbanded the Beatles,crashed the market in 2008, did 9/11, killed Harambe, and their most famous quote is “Let them eat tomatoes”



Here’s a thing that happened to one of my friends. I was there.

Basically, we were walking down the sidewalk, talking about something meaningless. I think it had to do with a movie. Then this bus screeches up, stops next to us, and a bunch of Bettelion with “Down with Sis” shirts climbed out and started beating him up. I was punched and kicked a bit too, but I managed to avoid brutalization by going for their faces. After figuring out what’s happening, I started attacking them back, getting them off of him. He was quite injured but I called 911 and he made a full recovery at the hospital. I was fine, with only a cut on my arm that they patched up.


not op but this is exactly the behavior they were talking about, niji fan or not LMAO





Some people watch both companies, what is so shocking about this for you lol
You’re not one of those grand conspiracy schizo corpo war types, are you?


Just use TALENTS next time, it’s not that hard. That’s what I do to respect both companies and their fans to avoid this stupid kind of arguments.


“Do what i want to avoid me making a problem out of it again”





Are you 5


NTA but how hard is it to just use the correct term when speaking about Holostars, or simply use “vtubers” if you don’t know.

There’s no need for the “insane” emojis here, are downvotes and replies somehow not enough you need to triple down?



God its so offensive when people play genshin and call pities sparks


Zeroing in on somebody who is obviously a Stars watcher for making a well-reasoned reply in line with the current flow of conversation just because they said liver instead of talent is stupid


This is why we shouldn’t use “livers”, it ruins everything.



Dying of 2ndhand embarrassment at you trying to counteract negative emojis across multiple posts and getting ratiod… please hop on a VPN and ammend this immediately



it’s almost like dvs and emojis only take less than a second each to apply on impulse and shouldnt be taken so seriously


NTA either but it’s just a slip of tongue lol the way some nonnas get so aggravated whenever somebody accidentally uses the other company’s term is insane


Agree 100% with everything you’ve said. I’m not a Bettellion but the dude has had an amazing “idol journey” going from a classic 2010s gaming youtuber type to making improvements in his mental health and achieving outside his comfort zone.


It’s because GB does relatively short streams in general even while active, while Bettel has had “arcs” like Elden Ring or P Week where he streams frequently and for long hours.


Even taking that into account, Gibby averages 13 days off per month since debut (which I only counted as half a month for the math). If you remove Japan month from the equation, that average drops to 12 days per month on average.So our babygirl misses, on average, 40-50% of every month due to cancellations and rest days. In a business where the norm is to take 2-3 days off per week (8-12 days over a month), Gibby is consistently on the high end of that.*Edited because I realized I took the 25 missed days of JP out of my sum, but forgot to remove it when doing my division. With JP, ~115/8.5. Without JP, ~90/7.5.


Last edited 1 month ago by Anonymous

AYRT, I agree, I wasn’t defending GB’s average. I was just explaining why Bettel’s total didn’t take as massive a hit from literal consecutive months off from streaming.


I hate how doing an Edit ruins the formatting. Alas.



If any Armada that went to the panel wants to share, can you give a summary of how the panel went? I’ve just been really curious ><


Gibby…! I am begging you!!! 🥺🥺 Please post a streaming schedule soon!


The schedule is that he’s going to be gone another week LBR



Really, really hoping not. 110 archived VODs (counting menshis) in 8 months is… Big oof. Babygirl’s only been able to stream and post it to his channel like, 45% of the time he’s been in Holostars.


I’m assuming he’ll post one later today or tomorrow hopefully


He said end of the week, and we’re now in a new week. Patience, fellow Bubby. Patience.


Tavi Mic Funeral Karaoke Rebroadcast in case you missed out on him singing in italian ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ



tavi love! thank you for the heads up, anon!



He’s live singing rn!


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