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Speaking of Ruze being lonley about boys not playing games with him, I wonder if Hakka was more knowledgeable about games and Ruze was for music they would vibe a lot more than now. They talk about how they’re alike, has matching energies, etc a lot despite having little in common, aside from sharing a tumblr fandom culture background like Homestuck.


Last edited 1 month ago by Anonymous

Not really because even as tumblr raised folks Hakka is a fudanshi and Ruze is not into shipping at all


We’ve officially passed the 24 hour mark. I’d say I hope he’s alright, but he’s still had time to repost some really nice fanart and shitpost calling us stinky.

Also to shill.

Here’s hoping he figures out his schedule ASAP.



I hope he streams/gets a schedule out for you this week bubby…


nta but i hope he does. i miss gibby a lot T-T


Kinda wish there was a poll option but with all these arguments about GB and Jurard and how everyone feels about them, the question here is do you want GB and Jurard to improve or do you want them to leave Holostars?


I think saying x member should graduate because you don’t like them is incredibly selfish. Like sure, gibby barely streams right now and has had some problems before, but there are still like hundreds of bubbies out there who watch him every time he streams and who oshi him and you want to make them depressed because you’re a petty spiteful bitch? Nahh that’s not right. That’s toxic wrecker behavior. Just keep to your own oshi and tolerate the ones you don’t like


I’m not a Bubby, but I would be depressed as well. His creativity and random bits are what got me hooked. One example is when he says ‘you better not jump on me’ and then he gets jumped at the game with him pausing at the right time. I will never forget GB foot and his stranded on an island stream. Pls, let’s all wait, even if it would be next week. GB would want us to watch the other boys while he adjusts.


i want them to improve. there’s no need for another magnoir situation, we’re still feeling that today.


thank you


I would say that Yagoo should hire strict managers who are able to leash them from any unhinged behavior


Honestly kinda this. If Cover can afford it, putting each of the boys who are causes for concern back on mane-san training wheels might not be the worst idea. Preferably 1:1.

This might not even be just a thing for certain Armis members, but that’s a whole other debate to be had about which members of Tempus need the extra attention.


It shocks me that there are apparently people who would rather them leave. With “fans” like that holostars doesn’t even need antis, dayum. Even if you don’t like them that much just don’t watch them, nothing they’re doing is is going to hurt the brand more than more grads/terminations would…


Aside from the one sicko who wants Jurard to actually die, most of the replies are only talking about GB leaving. And even then under the condition that he continually fails to show improvement. There is no “they”


I want them to improve. Always have and always will. There’s always redemption to be had in my personal opinion and i’ve seen first hand how graduations can ruin momentum of members. Jurard has vastly improved since debut in my opinion and if he didn’t have the occasional yab and actually got track of his health issues that are easily fixable he would be very redeemable in my opinion. Goldbullet needs consistency and to actually own up to himself about that. He’s terrible at actually communicating what’s going on other than vague posting about how much he loves his fans and giving pseudo inspirational quotes. He also lets his fanbase control him too much. His DDLC cancelation was perfect proof of this.


I still can’t believe he canceled that stream and then never rescheduled it because like 3 or 4 fans were saying how terrible their day was and how they didn’t feel comfortable with the game choice because it wasn’t comfy or whatever. Not to be that bitch but as a talent you need to have a fucking backbone. The fans need to realize you don’t need to watch everything either. So incredibly unprofessional considering that he was literally already like 5ish months into the job when he did this. He really needs to put up boundaries and get his shit together.


Last edited 1 month ago by Anonymous

Just be patient, Jurard just had his boundaries, who knows maybe GB would realize someday that he too would need to put boundaries⚠️


I posted a giant wall of text about why I’m unhappy with Gibby lately, and I still would rather see him improve than leave. Unless a person has crossed certain lines, I’m inclined to err on the side of no one being beyond redemption.

More cynically, I think the StarsEN brand would be irreparably damaged by any more sudden losses. The boys are working hard despite whatever the hell went wrong with their anniversary orisong. They’re trying to keep consistent streams going (mostly), expanding their content capacity with things like Altare’s new studio and Shinri moving. They’re working on continue to do more collabs, including a multi-agency Valo tourney coming up. And now they’ve got another Hololive girl who’s actively trying to show them friendliness and support in defiance of the unicorns.

They need more time and opportunities to build on this momentum, not reduced capacity and another round on all the Vtuber drama feeds.


I’m going to be blunt.
Jurard leaving would do a lot of image damage as he’s the one who currently aggravates the unicorns the most and interacts with ERB the most, while talking about his lofty ambitions as a Stars member– his departure would be seen as an affirmation that any male who dares to interact with the girls doesn’t belong, no matter how much he
GB on the other hand has had bad rumours (even if they are largely unsubstantiated) swirling around him since early in his debut and has done little to become known outside the branch for anything else. Unlike other boys in his gen, he rarely appears in large intercompany collabs and rarely collabs within his own branch as well. He’s also numerically the smallest talent in Stars at the moment. His departure wouldn’t be a significant blow to the brand overall, at best it would be seen as an unfortunate loss and at worst it would he seen as confirmation of negative rumours surrounding him.


Not that it really matters, but Jurard may be the loudest about interacting with girls in general, but honestly Bettel has interacted with ERB more than him, showing up for multiple Karaokes, collabing with her, and having a cameo on her debut.

As for GB, I can’t believe he still hasn’t had a 1 on 1 collab with Ruze. Kind of wonder if it will happen before the 1 year mark.


I will not start a rrat but whenever they interact together either it be group or one on one it seems incredibly awkward so I think it will happen but it will be incredibly hard to sit through.


I noticed this with the ARMIS 6 month anniversary stream but I thought I was crazy. Maybe Gibbys schedule just doesn’t line up with Ruze but considering my mans is always up no matter what because of his caffeine addiction and Gibby could probably just stream at like 1/2pm EST for him it seems unlikely.


Could be a difference in personalities, could be scheduling, who knows. It makes sense they could butt heads – Gibby can come across facetious and Ruze is very genuinely true to himself. Maybe thats not a good match!

Scheduling doesn’t make as much sense since Gibby has collabed with the other boys and their schedules are very far from his normal time slot vs Ruze’s afternoon slot. We’ll likely never know unless they point it out themselves.


this is also rrat behaviour so don’t pay me too much mind but since i’ve also been noticing the weird energy between those two, i wondered if maybe it’s because ruze knows about the controversial things surrounding GB that people have complained about here before (not because i think he goes here but because they’re coworkers so it’s not unlikely that others know about it behind the scenes), i.e.: the fan dms, the unprofessionalism, etc, and maybe that stuff put ruze off. we know ruze has a strong moral compass and strong work ethic so it’s possible it tainted his view of GB


Are we really doing altnoir rrats round 2



The fact we haven’t had a Hunt: Showdown collab between Gibby and Ruze is frankly fucking criminal. It’s practically tailormade for them.


Both of them are really good at shooting games if you compare their scores during their Tower Unite Collab. I wish Gibby can get the confidence to join in on the competitive FPS side.


i know that gibby was on break that time, but i wish he joined that valo tournament. it would have been neat.


Ruze can’t get anyone to play that game with him 🙁



Except boys outside of the company, apparently! 💔



He’s made it pretty clear for quite a while he wanted to collab with the boys, I’m glad he’s moving on to people who are interested in playing with him if our boys are not. Watching not Ruze play with his friends was also really heartwarming.


Oh true, on the ERB correction, thank you! Good for her too since I’m pretty sure Bettel is her oshi lol


(Reply OP) I think those are both fair assessments from the current context. But I’d strongly prefer neither of them just leaves. Partly because I don’t want whoever’s left to have to deal with whatever that looks like in terms of questions and speculation.

I still remember the period where people thought there was some sort of major beef between Altare and Magnoir over their graduations. Wasn’t fun.


Same anon I want to clarify that I’m not saying this in support of Gibby graduating. I just want to temper large fears regarding what potential graduation would mean.


i think all of us want them to improve but if one of them has not shown any signs of improving the entire time he’s been here, i don’t blame people for thinking it may be best for him to leave. especially since he seems to have no clear direction for himself in the company


I want GB to leave if he doesn’t make some sort of drastic change in the next half year. Jurard is fine, he needs to learn moderation for the sake of his health above all else, though.


Honest but probably unpopular opinion here. I know it’s not for the faintest of the heart but this page has much better vibes and discussions flowing more compared to everyone reporting everything and treating any slight criticisms like “are you from /vt/ psyops?” “are you that one loud hater guy named ernol or something?” “you’re not a true fan if you don’t say anything other than positivity” and shit. Even the big GB discussion before the page got nuked as a whole had pretty important points about where GB falls hard. Being a fan of someone doesn’t mean you have to see everything in positive sight, and anonymous boards can be a safer, freer space to talk about topics that people keep out of public sight for other fans and oshis. And no it’s not 4chan/nyfco all over again since apparently admins and the anons here know what we should be wary about. Everyone has opinion and not everyone is free from flaws.


Last edited 1 month ago by Anonymous

As long as the discussion doesn’t devolve into “they should graduate” stuff or comparing them to magnoir or saying they “don’t deserve to be in Holostars” or “they don’t do brotuber stuff” or “this fandom is worst” etc., it should be fine.


Anon wanted to compare streaming records between Armis so I thought I’d give it a shot with Jurard, who has also taken a number of breaks since debut ( https://elysium.baby/armis/comment-page-19/#comment-9798 )

This is in Eastern Standard Time which is why there are a lot of “double streams”. Someone made one for Ruze last month https://warosu.org/vt/thread/79632265#p79643259



Octavio doko


Might not seem like it but this stuff does take quite some time and effort, I’ll get to him soon


Posting the Ruze for convenience.



Bro came in with the receipt, I’m impressed. This is how we should discuss, with evidence surely people here have brains to know what you’re conveying.


OP of the comment
I know what the post is saying. My point is that if ever anyone has any disagreements or arguements, don’t be afraid to use tables like the anon did.


Bubby… ☠️



Nonny this makes Gibby look worse. Jurard eclipses his streamed hours by a couple hundred despite similar level of absence, and this chart shows that he also double streams to compensate on the days he’s able to make it.
While Jurard does too much to a foolish degree, GB also does the bare minimum even accounting for all of his excusable reasons for absence.
Furthermore, it bears restating that one of these guys actually delivers on his menshi while the other does not, cementing comparative effort metrics. I don’t like directly comparing, but do keep in mind that you invite it for the sake of correction with comments like these.


you know Jurard and GB ard criticized for different reasons, people didn’t dislike Jurard for not streaming regularly


❗️ Reading Comprehension Check ❗️
1) Reread the post’s context. What did “with evidence surely people here have brains to know what you’re conveying” imply?
2) Reread the post itself. What was the correction being made?



I wasn’t conveying anything, I just fucking love spreadsheets. I’ll say that Jurard’s habit to post regular updates on Twitter made it very easy to fill without having to check the other boys’ pages.



Love you autismchama


Are people really forgetting the fact that GB has VODs? And that there are other talents you can watch while he is still taking his time to recover? Accusing him of free loading is a bit too much don’t you guys think? You guys were able to wait for Magni and Vesper to come back after one month, but you can’t wait for at least 2-3 weeks for GB? What’s up with that?


For me it’s less the 2-3 weeks break specifically. It’s more that this time I’ve been made more aware of the hard numbers describing how he’s missed 30-50% of every month since he debuted, if you average it across the entire period.

I think there’s a happy medium between what he’s doing now, which feels like he’s coasting on the support he’s garnered so far, and what Jurard does by trying to compensate with overwork when he is streaming. I wouldn’t mind if Gibby streamed 3 or 4 days a week, giving him more break time than basically any of the Stars, if he was upfront about it and communicative with the fans.

He’s a professional who derives part of his income from us, the fans. He or his mane-san communicating with us about his inconsistency isn’t unreasonable.


She doesn’t know about Vesper discourse…



HQpuras we’re so old. Time to go to the retirement home.



Some people here are entitled af. It’s just like Bettel’s hiatus all over again.


Is it entitlement to expect a schedule when you’re told one will be posted, and then be disappointed when it fails to materialize without explanation?


I don’t want to fuel any infighting or discourse but it makes me sad when people say they don’t watch Armis, or even lost interest in StarsEN as a whole, because there are “those two guys” in the group.




Wrong, should be called those two princesses. One is a girlfailure princess, and the other is a pillow princess.


Two dum dum nonnies below don’t know that op is referring to Jurard and GB.
-Both have health problems
-Both talents are of great concern
-Both have PL controversies
-Both have no leash
-Both are of the bird family
-Both are ranged fighters
-Both have caused unnecessary drama
-Both have the worst fanbase


Not gonna lie reading “both are of the bird family” made me laugh out loud


kek at the bird family


Jurard is fine aside from being stupid sometimes. I literally don’t understand what Gibby showed up to do in Stars these days.


i had the same impression of vesper when HQ debuted. i really do love the guy but he was not cut out for the idol life. maybe GB is the same.


He’s silly to me


I hate to admit it too but sadly first impressions matter and no matter how they try for many people they will be forever labelled as “BFE guy” and “corpo dramatuber” that they will never bother watching. Unless they make a huge breakthrough like successful big in-corpo collab, or make Ame’s or Magni’s first half year level of contribution to their branch.


Last edited 1 month ago by Anonymous

Does it really also affect the interests on the other talents? /gen I get that people might turn away from the two due to those impressions but how about for the others? Because I think that’s what’s op was referring to. Are they stunting the potential growth of armis and/or stars en?


Not OP but from what I’ve seen it does have some impacts on their growth. Mixed opinion about Jurard still didn’t go anywhere, and those who couldn’t care less just moved on him, or Armis/StarsEN after the initial distate. For GB, maybe someone who usually watch the other corpo than holo might not understand it much, but Holostars EN’s viewers tend to be very against BFE for various reasons, unlike the fanbase of the girls, or other corpos’ boys.

The thing is, hololive production focuses more and more on group synergies for the recent gens, especially from the EN side. That means even if you have one or two members of the gen you aren’t interested in, they will frequently get along, mention each other and do group collabs. Then some people just decide not to give a fuck about them, just to not get annoyed. If all members of the gen are received well, it works as a synergy, but if there’s anyone with a mixed opinion or has vocal dislike in a fanbase it becomes a hindrance to less divisive talents. Hate to say this, but I’ve seen people who even said they feel bad for the other Armis boys because they’re grouped with a troublemaker like Jurard. This is not just from unicorns/antis or holofans outside Holostars fan space, these kinds of statements pop up from Tempus or even StarsJP fandom now and then too.


And yet Jurard has the highest sub count out of all ARMIS.


They’re branded as a unit. I can’t imagine it makes a huge difference to most individual viewers (who would be oblivious to this stuff until someone tells them about it), but it’s plausible it would impair sponsorship possibilities. If the Armis brand is questionable, some companies are going to be hesitant to work with them.


For the individual viewers part, I noticed that a lot from Ruzaders and Octoposse who aren’t interested in Armis as a group. They are mostly indifferent about the whole unit selling, because both of them deliver their solo contents consistently, and their niche is pretty solid. Parts of the fandom could be bothered by the other two enough to be actively against the group synergy, but they probably won’t vocally show it to avoid trouble or infighting in public spaces.


Last edited 1 month ago by Anonymous

As a Ruzader I can confirm that I do feel this way sometimes. I’m a VG Tempura and I just don’t feel the same group synergy with Armis like I do with VG or even HQ. Although I don’t wish for anyone to graduate, I admit that I wouldn’t feel like there would be too much of a loss to the group dynamics of Armis if GB did end up leaving. That’s just my opinion though and you’re free to disagree


(Person you replied to) Honestly as a Ruzader myself (lotta Stars oshis), this doesn’t entirely shock me if you’ve seen it. I can still recall multiple times where Ruze was trying to do collabs with the other boys only to be ghosted. To the point it happened frequently enough he’s made a gag out of it.


The week he played Barony and Hunt was so sad, even though he couched it in humor


Speaking of Magni, Jurard and Gibby are really bastard children of Magni. Fighting drama and hate with same drama and hate trying to act cocky but vain, relying on unhealthily parasocial fanbase, even enabling it, just to get away being lazy as a content creator…

Too bad that they inherited only negative qualities from their surrogate mother.


Somebody post the magves butt baby audio again



does that mean the last magclone died from childbirth?



If Jurard dies for our sins will he become a dino Jesus?


only if he gets flogged and crucified publicly


Sorry, but for me, those who believe in that are delusionals. First impression will not guarantee that the person is like that. I believe in process of change. Yes, in the beginning, the person gives a good impression, but will he maintain it? Whether we like it or not, people change and will change. This idol thingy about Stars is a journey, so I can’t be watching a talent because of ‘first impressions’. They’ll have their development arc for sure, I’m just seated here and waiting for it, cause that’s what they are, entertainers. OP you don’t have to feel sad, the talents are braving through all the negativity and I hope you also will be able to. Hugs from me to you!


Since when did dramabaiting and freeloading become an idol activity? According to that logic, 4chan hateclippers are ironically idols, and unemployed virgins who live in their mom’s basement are idols too


IF they made it to Holostars, got their model and debuted. Is that not what defines an idol?


let me rephrase that, IF hateclippers DO GET IN Holostars and debut, that would default them as idols, it’s as simple as that and you guys just complicated it by giving standards.


Companies make bad decisions and bad hires. Ever heard of the Rushia incident?


Hey, at least Jurard streams LOL


Idol journey only applies to people who are making the journey. There’s somebody in Armis who has done nothing but stand still.


Are Bubbies more upset about GB’s unprofessional behavior because they’re, well, more parasocial? There are reasonable criticisms from outsider views, like general unstable behaviors, lack of understanding and misaimed contents for his own branch, etc, but for the Bubbies… sounds like their complaints come from more of an emotional attachment, like, how should I word it, taking his lack of professionalism as commitment issues rather than as is?



Last edited 1 month ago by Anonymous

Are you really shocked that people who genuinely like a streamer are hesitant to engage with the same logic that people use to say he’s a waste of a slot, he shouldn’t have ever debuted, hurry up and graduate etc etc etc to rounds of up votes and back pats. Like yeah of course my complaints come from a place of love because I want him to get better for him and us bubbies to have more fun together, not because I want to go scorched earth because he didn’t meet whatever random starmin standards of what a holostar should be


Speaking as just one Bubby, there’s definitely at least a little bit of an emotional component to my recent complaining. I think it helps if I provide a little context into my perspective:

I’ve been an EN Starmin since day one. Follow the boys basically as soon as their socials went public. I didn’t have the financial means to show my support until post-graduations because of my internship/work situation. Then Armis comes along, and one of the members very explicitly claims to be a Tempura like us. Someone who you’d think would have been around to see the challenges the Tempus boys have been facing. So I kick him (and Ruze) some menshi money and even start using my newly stable income to drop gifts to try and help them grow and retain fans in the only way a non-artist/clipper like myself can.

And he’s not even putting in half as much time as some of his genmates. I can’t truly speak to the effort of each of them behind the screen, I don’t know the guys. But all signs indicate that Jurard and Tavi have both been through serious health scares, and they’re still pushing. Ruze seems to unironically be doing his damnedest despite living in borderline poverty conditions.

Gibby barely shares the art skill he’s spent years developing and probably helped get him hired. In 34-ish weeks as a Holostar, he’s done ~12 Menshi streams. Least hours streamed. No covers. Probably the least collabs with his fellow Holostars AND outside of the company. Lovebombs his fans and then doesn’t back up his talk with his actions as a professional entertainer. Uses Gamma’s termination as an excuse to start and prolong a break he was already planning on taking anyway. He averages missing half a month or so, every month, since Armis debuted.

I’m a little salty that the first person to try and sell themselves to fans as a fellow Tempura outside of Tempus kinda seems to be the shittiest kouhai by every metric I can think of. There are probably dozens of fans like us who make content that would’ve killed to be in his shoes. Maybe hundreds.


Not a bubby, but I’m more upset that a seat in holostars was wasted on someone who doesn’t seem to want to stream or communicate with his audience. That model could have been put to better use if he was just going to squander it.


At times, I wish GB character stays intact but the person behind him can be replaced for a person more fit to the job, like replacing VAs for the character. There were cases like that before in the vtuber industry, But then it was a case of unfair termination and one of the Holostars JP boys’ PL is the victim of it afaik, I feel bad for the very idea at the same time


Agreed, I keep hearimg that we need to respect his idol journey and let him cook but like… I don’t think he’s cooking LOL literally any random guy off the street would have sufficed if this was what was appropriate


Wow, that’s something… me however, I’m grateful that he made it, mind you, there were lots of talented applicants, maybe even more talented than him, but he got chosen instead and you call that a waste? What’s with people being disappointed that a model is being qoute on quote, wasted? I’m just very happy on his journey and even if he gets terminated or graduates like some of the boys, I’d cherish the memories made and move on to support both his PL and ARMIS. Plus I hate that it’s been normalized that a talent has to update his/her fans of their personal status. With GB and Jurard, I can understand because health problems, Octavio has his medical field stuffs and Ruze has Pollux. I think fans, in general just lack understanding. Shouldn’t we just wait until they can comfortably return to their schedules, it’s hard to adjust schedules.


A model feels wasted because they’re extremely expensive and take a long time to make. An artist getting a model gig from the largest vtubing company is not one they will get again. So yes, streaming literally half as much as the other boys, having so many vods go down, doing 0 karaokes/progress toward an idol journey in an idol company for 9 MONTHS is a waste by some.

As for that last bit, “Octavio has his medical field stuffs and Ruze has Pollux.” ??? what does this have to do with anything other than just trying to drag more boys into this mess? Octavio can’t ignore his medical knowledge and Ruze has cats you can hear in his streams and shares photos of, so what?


A model feels wasted

This again? I keep hearing this from former Sana fans who are upset at her graduation and saying she wasted a model and spot in Hololive and those former vesmites who are angry at Magnoir for graduating and wasting their new models. Who gives a fuck? The artists of those models got paid. End of story. Pako was sad that his two children were gone but at least, he’s not the type to hold grudges and follow their PLs.I won’t be surprised if GB graduates and you see this type of argument saying, “Model and Holostars spot wasted”.


Last edited 1 month ago by Anonymous

It’s to be expected ATP because of the so called quote on quote fans who are entitled because they bring gifteds and akasupas.


You think Artists don’t take pride in their work seeing it literally come to life through this medium? Yes, they got paid, but it’s still a blow to the artist to not be involved in annual birthday arts, model outfits, or going to Expo to hang out and draw with the other art mamas on the big wall. I will still feel sorry that their efforts were spent on someone who doesn’t appear to be trying.


Tbf, Pako and Furumi-sensei are famous artists in the gacha world such as FGO. Sure, they won’t get to participate in Holo anymore or they might not draw a vtuber anymore (but again I did remember people shitting on Magni’s early model and some throwing unnecessary hate at Furumi-sensei) but in the end, this is another job for them.


And if we wanted to look at it more pragmatically, several of those things you listed are also potentially lucrative opportunities for the artists to have a steady income from 1-4 projects per year. And to at least some degree, an active Vtuber functions as a constant advertisement for their skills.


I’ve been lucky enough to never see people making comments to those effects about Sana. I think that’s because everything was pretty above-board in explaining how her health necessitated she step away from regular streams.

I followed Sana before Tempus debuted. Them debuting around the time she was graduating was actually one of the factors that made me give the boys a try.


I’m not a bubby so i can’t say for sure but i don’t think you need to be parasocial to be upset by this. hell, i don’t watch him at all yet i’m upset FOR bubbies. any normal, non parasocial fan would still be bothered if the person they’re a fan of is showing concerning/unprofessional behaviour that can endanger their career and disappears all the time


(OP) I think you got what I tried to say wrong, like you said, people who aren’t Bubbies are criticizing GB’s behavior for the right reasons. But I was wondering if it’s different for the Bubbies because GB is their oshi, therefore they tend to be more emotionaly attached towards him, and you know he’s the most blatant BFE seller in Armis and whole StarsEN which means the parasocialism is the basis of his fanbase. So it can be more from the standpoint of mutual commitment than as a standpoint of content creation or branch growth. Even with the seemingly similar criticism, the tone or the base of it can be different, like one for the logical reason and one for the emotional reason


Last edited 1 month ago by Anonymous

(comment op) yeah i get what you’re trying to say but like, even if they are coming from a more emotional place due to parasociality (which is kindof expected i guess?) why does it matter? is it causing any problems or is this just an observation?


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