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GB and Jurard are going to be Anime NYC.




Daily i love tavi!!! I can’t wait for octoposse form tomorrow (*´ω`*) also yippie!!! gibby is back!!(((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))♡
I hope everyone have a wonderful day!



ooh finally the cover that he accidentally leaked in T2 menshi


I am so excited Daily Love-nonnie! I’ve been loving the fan designs the octoposse are coming up with too!







Glad he’s back, but not gonna shut up till I see signs of improvement.


i think theres a realistic possibility that a major cornerstone of gibbys issues are him psyching himself out. he seems to struggle with anxiety and a facet of that includes procrastinating because of a fear of failure. people think hes lazy but remember how upset he was that he couldnt stream when he got sick in japan.

i dont think its about laziness. i think its about fear. hes been under multiple controversies and theres a good possibility he feels like he cant come back from it or that hes only going to make it worse somehow. and also hes outwardly playful so it covers up his insecurity and makes it hard for outsiders to accurately read him.

thats what i think is going on anyway. i think hes been undone by his anxiety and needs help to navigate it. therapy is an obvious one but i also agree with whoever talked about the managers being more involved. gibby needs more guidance to move forward.


Wasn’t this obvious though? The issue isn’t the reason it’s the performance because his output shows that for whatever reason he’s not cut out for the job.


the reason does matter because if its anxiety it can be managed…


I would entirely buy that a portion of this is performance anxiety. But speaking as someone who has had procrastination issues in the past at a waaaaaaay smaller scale and waaaaay lower level of scrutiny, he’s only going to make things worse for himself by prolonging it.

He definitely should consider getting some professional assistance if he hasn’t already, to help him manage things. He needs to stay regular on some form of medication for his ADHD. And a mane-san should probably handhold him for at least an additional month or two after he has taken those steps so he doesn’t go off the rails again.


Some of the sempais in Holostars JP rarely do karaoke because they don’t enjoy it. Additionally, some have limited time and frequency of content delivery. Nevertheless, they remain active as stars, and their JP fans positively accept and support them. Regardless of what people say, the Holostars’ way is to do what they want at their own pace. There is no rule saying that you shouldn’t be a star just because you don’t do certain things. Your discussions feel very strange.


I think the ones that get angry the most about the boys not following through idol regime are actually not Starmin but JP Hololive fans 1st. I’ve noticed they are the ones that get the angriest when the guys don’t follow strict “idol protocol” but similar to your point, you can’t ask the same of Holostars that you ask of Hololive JP, because and I say this extremely sadly, they will never get the same opportunities. They will never get a worlwide multi-city concert, they will never get the grand idol stages and opportunities their counterparts get, which has its negatives but also its positives. So why ask them the same regimen of idolhood as Pekora when they will never have to perform her same duties.

They are a smaller central project and that’s fine. They get to do things differently, and there’s also a richness in that.


Last edited 1 month ago by Anonymous

Ngl here but you and OP are kinda sound defeatist in a way you think that they can’t grow because of whatever problems they’re facing right now. I get they want their own pace to reach their dreams but seeing some of the boys like Altare or Bettel fulfilling some of their goals and they did that in 1 to 2 years.

You know what? Once Armis gets their 3D soon, we’re going to see if all four have progressed.


Thanks for the replies. I’m JP and don’t have much knowledge about the EN sphere, so my comments may have seemed unclear. From my perspective, they are EN-speaking streamers affiliated with a JP talent agency.
Accordingly I wanted to share how JP fans view the stars. Your replies helped me understand that it is challenging to gain fans in EN sphere and that the situation is different from JP. Thank you.
Of course, I hope they gain more fans than they have now. However, I believe that the charm of the Holostars is their ability to maintain their own style without being forced to do anything. Therefore, I still think the idea that if you don’t do certain things, you shouldn’t be a stars is not true. Discussing what we want them to do is important for their growth and healthy for us as fans, but not doing certain things doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be in Holostars, in my opinion.


The expectations are not going to line up 1:1 between JP and EN fans. The EN audience is much bigger, generally has more options willing to cater to them, and most of it isn’t as enmeshed in the idol culture.

Additionally, even when not necessarily dropping “content,” the JP Stars appear to be much more communicative with the Starmin. For just one example, go look at how chatty Aruran is on his Twitter. Way beyond reposting fan creations, dude’s on there basically every day reinforcing the connection.


More options? There are literally more stars JP members. And I assume you’ve never taken a look at the vast sea of JP indie vtubers. You’re talking a lot about things you don’t know about!


Last edited 1 month ago by Anonymous

(Reply OP) There are approximately 616 VTubers live on Twitch right now. Of them, only two are not indie. If you added in people on bilibili using the tag, and I checked that they are in fact Vtubing, the total climbs to 630. But we won’t, because I’m talking about the options that the English-speaking audience has convenient access to. On YouTube, I gave up after counting an additional 80. Of which only about 5 were corpo.

Right now, at this very minute I am posting. That’s 689 different options the EN sphere has easy access to for Vtubing content. On a random weekday, right around the time the NA demographic is starting to leave work.

You are ABSOLUTELY CORRECT that I do not know indie Vtubers, but please do not misconstrue my point for some kind of dunk, because I will in fact go get receipts. The JP fanbase is just as valid and important to Stars as the EN one, but the EN one is:

  • Larger
  • More diverse
  • Spread across many more timezones
  • Spoiled for choices for VTubers to enjoy, both indie and corpo

It is therefore unrealistic to expect that the exact same approach that works well for relation to JP fans is going to work for the part of the fanbase that covers most of the planet, if we’re counting all of the countries wherein English is a commonly taught secondary or tertiary language. That is all I am saying, and I am in no way trying to disrespect the hard work of the JP talents or JP indies.

Please moderate your tone if you don’t want to be scolded and lectured like this again, or be prepared with your own evidence. Even the really rudimentary, commonsense stuff I used here.



not the op but way to completely miss the point and then try to act smug about it lmao 🤡



Can’t wait when Armis gets their own Nuis and I can put Jurard in a blender ❤️❤️


got to treat the jurard nui like a stressball, like him to his sorawrity.


I hope the nuis have buttholes so that my pencil would have a case.


I wish Ruze was hornier



Sounds like you need to watch his twitch roommate


As much as I like vtubers, please no because we have MORE than enough creators who are horny as their main shtick. People like Ruze are likely better for most people to get into/start with for (at least) the en side of vtubers.


That would ruin his whole appeal. If you want to hear a man talk about how his penis feels there’s literally the rest of the internet available to you.


Nah. I think Ruze’s not being openly horny is part of what makes him a decent entry point for a wider audience. Vtubing can’t sustain itself forever if it only appeals to the same circlejerk of people. That’s probably part of why the initial appeal of StarsEN was just “guys hanging out” instead of the more easily shipped dynamic of their peers.


Last edited 1 month ago by Anonymous

I’m honestly quite happy he’s on the tamer side. I don’t mind when the boys pass a cheeky joke here and there, but not all the time as it can turn uncomfortable to me. It’s not my kind of content personally but I see why others find it appealing


well there’s azure



wow, what an absolutely bizarre feeling to check in here once in a blue moon and see schedule posting. hi, i post my schedule roundups in /mans/, if you search the archives for key phrase “Rate Gavis Bettel 2024” you’ll find the threads they’ve been posted in (i’m late this month gomen). initially it started as an anger venting exercise in pointing out bettel’s long breaks and inconsistency, but has since progressed into celebrating the boys, highlighting good stream recommendations for each month, and being grateful for their efforts, with a little tongue in cheek lazy clown ryona bullying. i’ve been including gibby and ruze, and i’m working on altare and octavio at the moment as well. i hope they can be used as a tool for the fans to enjoy and not a blame game or comparing talents as being better or worse than each other.



I personally really love seeing the data laided out for everything. It’s fun and I do appreciate the breakdowns even if the discussion turns into mental illness hours atleast half of the time they’re crossposted from /MANS/. thanks for keeping the data all rounded up so well.


I’m the other anon who makes the less intensive ones for fun, checked in here yesterday and saw someone reposted my GB spreadsheet which prompted me to start on Jurard’s (I had time to waste). I’m begging you not to use mama’s official colors if you ever make his btw. Not the poop brown…


This made me realize that Gibby’s no.1 problem compared to Bettel and Jurard is that he’s not made for ryona so when he pisses me off I don’t get anything out of it. When Jurard goofs it it just adds realism to the stomach punching fantasies.



Last edited 1 month ago by Anonymous

to be fair, that’s not the worst way to deal with shit like this


mental illness


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