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I haven’t been able to catch up on Gibby stream VODs lately. Has he mentioned any reason why he’s not committing to any of the 7 Days to Die event with the boys? I noticed him and Flay weren’t there, and don’t have it on a schedule.

Is it just not their kind of game, or has either mentioned another project requiring their attention?


It’s easy to believe him when you remember that most of his time is dedicated to his wife over holostars lol


Apparently gibby might be joining tonight from what he said at the end of his deadlock stream with ruze


Last edited 11 days ago by Anonymous

I’m at the point of thinking every maybe is just a soft no when its Gibby saying it.
It helps curb the disappointment a little.
Ruze clarified its open to 12 players, so Gibby just didnt want to join.


Oh. That’s…disappointing, if true. I hope they each have important stuff to work on instead of hanging out with the boys.

They aren’t obligated to show up to every collab, but it would have been nice if they popped in for even one night.


I have no negativity towards flay cause he never engaged in the conversation of 7days, meanwhile gibby lied and said he would be there. That’s being bad at his job


Didn’t someone say it’s max 8 players at once? They probably had to pick 2 people to sit out since it seems like they intend to all play at the same time.


(OP) That’d make sense! I must’ve missed when they said that, thank you.


Because they never said it. They DID say its 12 players though.
People are coping by pretending gibby just couldnt join instead of being bad at his job


He’s not bad at his job, but most likely he doesn’t seem to favor collabs. They are not required to do collabs, and if they are not that close, why force them? I prefer them to be honest than pretend they are close friends. Not every gen will be like Tempus, and that’s fine.


I guess a part of me struggles to understand why he’d want to mostly fly solo when he’s claimed to have been an early days Tempura himself. You telling me you enjoyed the group dynamics of an idol unit and then just don’t wanna play with your group when you beat the odds and get in?


He seemed okay during the Minecraft collab with EN and JP senpais back in the debut month, the Among Us Stars EN collab, the TTT Stars EN collab and even the weekly Armis collabs. Also, he got along with the boys when they all met during the Holo Expo. So what changed?


im actually ??? because he doesnt even interact with Hakka, of all people, the friendliest chillest dude on earth who literally brought Vesper back to the fold when he was self-isolating. I’m baffled in all ways and forms


how you interact with people in private may not translate to streaming, bc at the end of the day its his job and it might feel more comfortable or natural for him to focus on his audience. the thing also is that ruze and octavio are especially good at social interaction bc they are shameless in a way, which isnt an insult it just means theyre a lot less inhibited. jurard is somewhere in the middle because he can fit in if he needs to but you can tell hes a lot more self conscious compared to the other 2.

then you have gibby whos clearly very much in his own head. but gb is good at masking so his outwardly affectionate nature gives people the impression that hes bold and outgoing. but if you look past the facade its obvious he struggles with anxiety.



He did have an impromptu Call of Duty collab with Hakka a few weeks(?) ago but that VOD is gone for some reason. I checked it before and they’re both chilled.


Last edited 10 days ago by Anonymous

Oh, I don’t mean the boys mentioned it on stream, I mean I saw a fan saying that it can only have 8 players. I am just assuming that’s what it is since they had exactly 2 people sit out


8 is the max for supported players which I assume they wanted to do because the server was already a bit unstable + plus ping, you can technically have up to 30 players though it would just be unstable and unsupported


Last edited 12 days ago by Anonymous

Anyone else here feels like Jurard’s chat is getting annoying again? I want to participate in chat too but all these new viewers are actively making me close my chat every stream and they never follow the rules. The regulars are okay and I really appreciate some who constantly giving out warning to chat (thank you, love u guys). But damn these people act like they’re in discord with their friends. Like, when Jurard start the 7 days to die stream he was asking for tips and help yet all these chatters coming in spamming shit like “morning, what are you doing?, i’m busy today, have a nice stream, i’m doing blablabla”

Why did this keeps on happening?!

At least now that the server had officially start I can just go participate in others chat instead


Jurard’s chat was more tolerable today but it was also moving slower for the most part compared to the previous days. There wasn’t much chatting after he started playing besides giving tips except during Blood Moon, when Hakka was talking about toilets, and after Ruze and Axel ended their streams (they didn’t redirect to Jurard though). It could be the day or the fact that it’s his 4th 7DTD stream in a row (if we exclude HuniePop) that most newbies stopped bothering because there were names I didn’t see today. It remains to be seen if they’ll reappear tomorrow or when Jurard returns to his regular streaming hours.

I do hope his chat becomes less annoying and that the new viewers he attracts are more aware of etiquette. There are times I wonder if a newbie is a kid with how they ignore chat rules. I won’t stop you if you like the other boys’ chat, OP. I just felt to report the situation.


I didn’t really see anything wrong with it while I was watching his 7DTD POV, but I don’t really look at chat that often


Does anyone have the Jurard Huniepop stream, I missed it 😭


Its tier 3 membership


(OP) FUCK, but thank you nonnie 😭


i love ruze


me too and i want him to hit 100k subs so bad. how do we get more people to love him like we do?


More clips on youtube


Someone’s gotta since he hates himself so much
(I’ll love him with you)


i wrote this


Octavio is getting roasted by his senpais for misintepreting timezones for the 7 Days to Die collab, lol.


senpais don’t use the calendar. poor tavi. he followed the calendar but at what cost


and now he’s calling Shinri’s Mom… I thought that title was for gibby, guess Shinri did the same things too


i prefer whore gibby over bfe gibby



jurard t rexford ryona



Octavio is really a silly boy. Now I understand why Bettel said he shared the same brain cell as him, lol.


it’s really cute both of them share similarities being showmen/theatre kids. It’s really no wonder that they share the same manager.


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