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Given the announcement of Regloss 3D live which is their 3D group debut (no announcement on the members’ solo 3D debuts yet), I guess Armis’ 3D debut might be next year possibly early 2025.


That’d track! I don’t think we’ve ever had a 3D debut before the talent passed their 1-year anniversary, and Armis’s are in the already busy holiday season. Somewhere in the first half of 2025 would make sense.

Putting on my tinfoil hat to point out that late Spring/early Summer 2025 would also be the most likely window we hear about new Stars, whether they be EN, JP or otherwise.


I’m expecting their 3D to be before HoloFes 2025. Please, Yagoo.


I can’t believe I’m debating buying some random comic just because the protag looks Ruze-ish. The brainrot is so real.


is this kagurabachi


Ouuh, which one ? *takes notes*


The King’s Warrior by Huahua Zhu. I scrolled by it on twitter and it was *just* similar enough to catch me off guard


Why are all of the boys shrugging off Ruze’s invite for HoloMarches? Even Tavi’s latest schedule has him just referring to it as “Ruze’s D&D thing” and scheduling a collab with some random girl the same day


Octavio just talked about how he finished his character, and that Axel, Hakka, and Jurard have theirs done as well. So no one’s shrugging him off.


Can’t watch right now but I assume this is from his Twitch stream? Maybe someone should clip that part.


Here at around 13:00 https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2247222177

Also in clip form: https://files.catbox.moe/2zwzix.mp4



Thank you nonnie


I don’t think they’re shrugging it off. Most everyone was pretty excited for it and I think it’s just miscommunication? A lot of the boys have been busy and probably didn’t get that they needed to chose a time slot and ruze wasn’t just assigning them and half of tempus is currently MIA and traveling together and that’s probably been planned since late July to early August. It’s just the troubles of playing and planning DND online/when not everyone is irl together.


There you go nonnies he’s making his character+writing his lore with ruze tomorrow! I never doubted ruzetavio’s bond! 😤


From what Ruze said earlier today/earlier this week, HoloMarches might even be delayed. Obviously three of the Tempus boys are out travelling and have said they might hope to be back active by the 13th or 14th, so they wouldn’t be able to definitively confirm attendance. Seems like the rest of them haven’t looked too hard into it by Ruze telling Shinri to “read my invite, join my server” during 7DTD. Seems like they’re waiting for him to tell them the times and groups, but he’s waiting for them to confirm attendance and hasn’t organized them yet due to flakiness. They’ll work it out eventually.


In all fairness to them, he could have actually locked in that people would be available that date before announcing it to all his fans


Also from what Axel, Hakka, and Shinri have mentioned, a bunch of projects and perms they requested from management have finally gotten the go ahead, so it’s also just bad timing.


If you watched the latest OcTalks, Tavi explained his case. Nonetheless, he should’ve followed up on Ruze regarding the time before tweeting his sched. “Random girl” Maddie is from his PL friend circle. His collab with her is at 5 am PDT / 8 am EDT so I doubt it’ll overlap with HoloMarches.


Last edited 10 days ago by Anonymous

I don’t watch Tavi, but I’m nosey, what was the explanation? scheduling?


Anyone cmiiw, he mentioned at that time he doesn’t know yet on which session he’ll be in nor the people he’ll be grouped with. I guess he just sort of blocked a slot on his calendar for it but it’s tentative. He did message ruze to confirm but there was no response yet as of the time he was streaming. Tbf, I think it’s due to time zone.


basically ruze only said 9/13 and never specified an actual time



I’ve had my Ruze menshi since he released them but I never really was able to watch him until tonight (I just wanted to support him, something about him made me emotions) and I gotta say…

Ruzaders, I get it. (thirst)


ruze bought his car in cash because he thought he wasn’t allowed to tell his bank where he worked…….. sir


Do banks ask? Isn’t just vaguely like what your profession is… Do vtuber corporations not do direct deposit?


that wasn’t the issue, they were checking his eligibility for a car loan because he has no credit history. they needed an address and phone number for his work but he wasn’t sure if that was ok to give out


I really think Cover could be doing more to prepare their talents for these types of situations, because this isn’t the first time something like this has happened. One time Kiara made a TSA agent really suspicious because she wasn’t sure how to answer their questions, and she ended up having to reveal more info than necessary to be let go.


Hakka had to reveal his job to the bank because they going to send his new credit card to Cover Corp rather to his own home. now the manager of that know who he is and also start learning about vtubing stuff.

but yeah, they need to come up something about it. But Shinri did advice the boys on some leniency method that at least allowed and not breaking NDA at all. But Ruze already done what he think will not break NDA at all. so Shinri’s advice will be for future problems


Rex Offender joke and the reactions from the boys is hilarious. That’s too much even for dik and bawls Axel.


Who’s the mane-san for dino again? I can imagine them throwing the bonkstick all the way from Japan to his house for saying that hahaha


SHIKAMANE! (Her nickname exists in all-caps in my head)


I’m imagining Shikamane, a whole deer, just heabutting this dino into space


Axel had left at that point, only the xenos and Altare were there with Jurard


Oh! I didn’t realise he left since I was hopping on and off. I thought he was still there.


I love Gibby and Ruze, best gamers 😽



gibby was toxic too lmaoo ngl i really enjoyed their deadlock stream so much


It was nice seeing them get in a little one-on-one time! I think that was technically the first time they managed to do a one-on-one collab together? They’re usually together with the rest of Armis.

Totally possible I’m blanking on a stream or two, in which case please tell meeeeee


Yeah I loved their one on one, I like when all ARMIS gets together impromptu, it’s very sweet. Personally, I love how Gibby can get really into explaining games he loves and with ruze’s skills, it’s very fun to learn about new games !! I love nerds hehe :3c


Hoping that someone can link me to a vod that I’ve been searching for. There was a solo Ruze stream in which he discussed success and what it meant to him. I remember him saying something about how he could have tons of followers but if he wasn’t satisfied with the stuff he was putting out, he wouldn’t see it as successful. On the other hand, if he had just a handful of viewers but felt good about his content, then he would find that successful.

His little speech inspired me to get back into drawing because I love doing so, not because I want online popularity. I want to listen to that segment again. Thank you in advance <3


Maybe his Noita stream at around 53:50 he starts talking about content creation and what it means to him, I think the segement your talking about is 57:24 though https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CgWAfV0qA6A



Hello Anon, yes this is it!! I’ve been searching for a few days now and it’s been driving me insane, thank you!! MWAH


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