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Madlad really streaming two games at the same time.

Persona 3 on desktop, Minecraft on laptop.



i thought he made a mistake in his schedule. really don’t underestimate this dino.


Is Octavio’s real life job as a doctor already common knowledge in the community? Altare casually mentions him being a doctor in his recent Minecraft stream and said he’s afraid of him, lol.


His constant spitting of detailed medical facts probably gave it away 😂 I think hakka also went to med school but octavio’s on a whole other level.



Oh yes Octavio finished medical school AND his residency training (and is considering going through his specialty I think) so makes sense. He talks about it a lot as Karlobster


I don’t think it’s a hard confirmation type of deal, but it’s something that became so obvious over time that I guess they’re giving up pretenses. Consulting Octavio because he’s an “expert in anatomy” from Jurard’s HoloExpo adventures was already soft confirming that it wasn’t just kayfabe. I’ve also seen comments from medical professionals going “I’m an x and I know a radiologist when I see one” since debut.


I’m starting to love gibby more after some toxic fans leaving :’) i always looking forward to watch gibby’s stream everyday!


i really do enjoy his streams!! he’s not my stars oshi or even my oshi in armis but he covers the really underused timeslots & i was pleasantly surprised to see how well he engages with chat


I gave him a try again and put one of his streams on in the bg the other day and i was shocked at how much growth he’s showed and how much more relaxed and funny he is when he’s just fucking around on older games. Makes me really appreciate him as a member of armis.



Its such a genuinely nice community since the pick-me’s simmered down or left, and he seems a lot freer to be natural without them henpecking him constantly in the chat :3


I really hope Jurard show us a little bit more of his lore during the first anniversary, because, why the heck a prince would become a bounty hunter? Is he hunting someone? Did he run away or what? I’ve got so many questions and barely any answers… •́⁠ ⁠ ⁠‿⁠ ⁠,⁠•̀


Also, he mentioned that the reason for his love for money also had a character background reason. Almost forgot that one since he hasn’t being doing that recently.


As mentioned in his Merryweather interview, he’s had his character backstory planned since before debut. He’s a prince who ran away from home because he wanted to prove himself. He then spent all of Daddy’s money on the tavern and is now broke. Seems to be mixed in with his own personal experiences given how many situations he’s mentioned putting in lots of effort just to show that he’s capable of doing something (ex: going from barely passing to salutatorian and Dean’s List) and his mom being so notable in his community that “Queen Rexford” is an appropriate title.


i’m honestly surprised they have perms for bioshock infinite considering the themes of that game


I’m gonna take a wild guess that the company don’t think very hard about the themes or political interpretations of games they approve perms for. As long as they can monetize it and not risk the talents’ channels, they’re pretty much down for whatever they can get legal approval for.


the game is themed on a world where white supremacists live. Is there a game where the opposite them is, you know, a world run by black supremasists? Would they have perms for those?


any game with that premise would either be a kusogame or made by hotep black israelite style weirdos. former would be treading too close to making a political statement (aka why they’d never play mr president) and latter is an awful idea to platform.


I don’t think there’s many games built on that premise, no. But the same general rule applies: If they can get legal permission and monetize it, the company would probably consider it.

That said, I don’t think any of the current talents would touch such a game with a ten-foot pole. Shooting white supremacists is a proud gaming tradition in the US going back to the original Wolfenstein. The inverse would raise some eyebrows that might damage viewership.


Speaking of the topic below, do you think Jurard’s initial “dramabaiting” or “hate marketing” or whatever ppl call actually worked for the better in the long run? Like, did it contribute to Armis or StarsEN’s growth in a meaningful way?


Last edited 2 days ago by Anonymous

He was dramabaiting? WHEN? I only watch his endurance streams, and that’s all. [also his collabs with Ollie, they are awesome!]


Calling Ironmouse a discord kitten and greeting the holoEN girls “Happy Birthday” happened on Twitter. The former was on pre-debut and he got to collab with Mousey after that, even if it happened months later. The HBD tweets I feel are something people try to make a big deal of, moreso after someone leaked Jurard’s menshi, for the sake of a culture war.


if it worked he wouldnt have need to have joined holostars. controversial marketing is easy just be unlikeable. clearly it doesnt translate to ccv.


Nah it further separated himself and to a degree Armis as a whole from Tempus. Especially from anyone who doesn’t closely follow the boys and just see “the new guys” as a whole only coming up negatively. If anything it got him a ton of empty followers and a lower average ccv than before the hate marketing clip leaked.


Come to think of it, checks out with his past content. Dude is good at farming follows on an account with drama/click bait but sucks at retaining actual numbers. Shame he didn’t learn to better utilize his following.


In line with this topic, do you really think Jurard has already improved in role as a Holostar (no relations to numbers because it’s already discussed)?


i agree with nonnie below this topic that he is improving. his bbbb cover was better than his karaoke vers and he’s taking care of himself more.


“a meaningful way” in what sense? Bad publicity?


nah. if he’s capable to make good content for good publicity (and he kinda did, sort of), why make a bad one?


apart from the hbd greetings and the menshi leak, are there any other intentional bad contents/publicity that he did? /gen


Not really, no. The birthday thing isn’t even “bad” or “negative publicity”. It just looks like a generic Twitter interaction unless you’re a really deranged Holofan. I think people get way too dramatic when talking about Jurard baiting. Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s dumb and immature of him, but all the “drama” he’s actually been involved in is so petty a casual viewer wouldn’t even see anything “wrong” with it. The only exception is maybe the menshi thing, and even that is pretty tame.


Is greeting HBD to someone a big deal to westerners? Like Jurard said in menshi, it’s pretty common in PH to greet your coworkers hbd even if you aren’t close with them.

He even stated in his menshi people shouldn’t turn it into a big deal as he doesn’t consider himself “brave” like some twitter comments said. That’s what he tried addressing in the leaked menshi. I do agree he could’ve been more tactful during menshi as it seemed he was goading people to leak it.


I was having mixed thoughts if his actions were really that bad or were they magnified because it was him. Some already dislike him in the first place so I guess they react strongly against his yabs. I agree though that it’s foolish and unnecessary but I’d like to believe it’s not done to deliberately harm. I just hope he learns to be more tactful.


he got a bonked vod on the first week.




the bonk was for his remark about having a spy that helped him get into holo. his first vod yab, basically.


Last edited 1 day ago by Anonymous

I’d say his whole first few weeks were a train wreck tbh he really came out the gate stumbling


Had Jurard and GB become more professional these days?


Yeah !! They are focusing on their character, their skills and content and all armis feels locked in right now, im so glad to see their growth ;v;/ !!


I think every time they mention Armis 3D soon/Japan arc 2 soon they have gone from just giggling at the funny concept, to actually straightening up and starting to plan and be more intentional with their work. GB’s slight shifting his audience interaction, Jurard working harder at perfecting his character. This month all four of them will have had their first Cover birthday, and the 1 year anni is staring them down the face merely two months away. It’s all getting REAL now and Armis are locking tf in >:3c


I think so, yes! I love that for the both of them, and can’t wait to see even more of their growth!



Gibby handcam, brocolli cheddar soup



What is the “ranch mattress” incident hinted in the episode?


In one of his earlier streams (I think an art showcase?) he went to show the next one and he accidentally played a commercial called the mattress ranch that he had saved on his computer



god this soup looks so fucking good



I think out of all the boys, he has the best looking food. Maybe one day he’ll make a Gibby cookbook.



In case any anon wants to cook



ooh gonna try this recipe D: I saw his chicken one too I haven’t tried yet. They always look so perfectly golden 😋
