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that was a nice members meltdown


I like Jurard but I feel like sorawrity definitely need to be more careful about live posting especially on other sites (like 4chan) with stuff behind menshi, I know that he kinda indirectly said that he knew that there would be people clipping his words and taking them out of context but I just wish they’d be a bit more careful.


Even Ernoul revived just to post it


True but Jurard also needs to learn to think before speaking, even in menshi.


If he wanted to vent, he should’ve done it in a tier higher than T2 because gifted subs exist. It’s ridiculous that people are leaking menshi to the point that even he thinks it’s going to happen, and it did. Like… he doesn’t trust everyone who was there to keep quiet or he wouldn’t have provoked.

A hater who is determined to find yabs could pay a higher tier membership but they’re still giving him money, though.


This is why we can’t have nice things smh.


He has haters in his menshi too so he should’ve tiered up like he said. But also yes don’t live post menshi content especially the talents personal and controversial hot takes they share that in a space they consider safe enough to share to deepen their bond with you.


i think they were definitely haters considering none of his other menshi stuff has been leaked. plus grade a drama content he’s talking about? people were foaming to cause drama and leak.


“none of his other menshi stuff has been leaked” he has a lot of live posters on /mans/ whenever he does a menshi, but I guess the leaks weren’t as juicy as the one from today for the people lurking our thread for potential drama.


I went to sleep soon after that one dumb sorawrity quoted what he said on /mans/ and haven’t checked 4ch yet. Not surprised it got out, what the fuck were they thinking.

One anon even warned them about liveposting menshi and they just went ahead and greentexted the worse possible thing he could’ve said in this situation. Dumbasses, the both of them.


I don’t normally check other boards but something leaked onto my twitter timeline that made me check 4chan and there’s like 10+ threads made already. It sucks because I truly do like Jurard even if he can be a bit brash sometimes. People tend to misconstrue his words a lot and this is definitely one of those times. It makes it worse for the genmates and branch as well since they’re so small there’s a bit of a splash back. I don’t really truly care what people over there say, because at the end of the day, they won’t say it to his face. I just wish the harassment would end and sorawrity learn from this not to leak or talk about menshi content.


There’s are multiple threads with tavi d*xx ;_; whyyy I’m too stupid for the captcha and can’t report it TT



Last edited 2 months ago by Anonymous



Where is this so we can help report?


this jurard menshi is one for the books!


It’s certainly something.


he’s so good at telling his stories. people really need to get his menshi.



Why bother? Sorawrity live post and leek his shit for free


I’m saying this because i’m concerned. I know he is a grown man but i’ve been in that situation of playing games for super long hours before. You feel like you can do it, you’re healthy and u still sleep 8 hours everyday… until one day your body just crash. Multiple health complications because u forgot to eat and drink properly, sitting for too long etcetc. Frequent clinic visits because u just keep on getting sick. I’ve been there before, it’s not fun. Streaming games 7-11 hours frequently in a week is not good.

Hopefully him and his manager knows what they’re doing. But i gotta say if i had a nickle everytime a holostars got health problem from endurance stream i’d have multiple already


Yea…it seems like nothing until you realize you’re not 15/16 anymore and it’s your ‘job’ over just having fun. Hope they can balance it all out with their other pursuits.



A sample of the chaos Ruze conjured yesterday


15 second stream from banchou, i hope the “blame it to ruze” is just one of his kayfabe and not real bad blood coz he sounds mad


you’re quite the overthinker lmao. he just sounds tired


He allowed himself to stay up despite being sick that’s on him and I’m sure he understands that lol and he didn’t sound mad more like deadass tired.


Wdym mad? He just sounds exhausted from staying up so late


Jurard’s medical situation is rather concerning, especially since he can’t seem to say anything about it and apparently they found something in his chest. He was given medications and if it works after a couple of weeks then he’s all clear. Otherwise, it’s a big problem.

Kinda sounds like tuberculosis. It’s coming back in the SEA region.


oh my gosh, i saw the 7 hr vod and was like nope is he ok??Sounds like the sickness everyone got was covid in JP 🙁 and Bettel caught it again after the con??


Last edited 2 months ago by Anonymous

I think it was confirmed in Japan that it wasn’t covid. It was probably RSV. But RSV nowadays are pretty serious and they can cause long, long sicknesses…


the way he described it sounds like he has a tumor on his throat. but if it’s tuberculosis… T-T


Wait, a tumor in his throat? It’s hard to hear what’s going on with the boys being so rowdy so I thought it was something about his chest. I think a throat tumor have the potential to be worse especially if it’s cancer….


that’s what i thought based on what he said. i really hope that’s not the case.


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