Disclaimer: We Discuss These Vtubers/Fleshtubers in a Random type of way and they are in no way or form related to the “HoloStars” brand, in any way shape or form. We, for some weird and coincidental reason, like these particular set of entertainers very much.



Approved List of Random Streamers We Appreciate:

  • Xellar (formerly Itone Lloyd)
  • Professor Lando and Friends
  • Caspurr
  • Randon Neuring
  • Commander Connor and Reeser Rat
  • Ais Riale
  • HIRAGA and PengieVT
  • Lex Parte
  • Kamiya Juu
  • Karlobster
  • SuperKrazyBones
  • Liminal Lark

 JP net culture is different so please be a responsible fan and follow them discreetly! We do not wish to make them uncomfortable and potentially hide, so keep the interactions at Looking Respectfully ™ if you do not have the ability to blend in as a normal JP citizen finding them. Don’t put pressure on these Completely Unrelated Streamers!

  • ちのたろ/Chinotaro | おいちゃん/Oichan
  • にどみ/Nidomi
  • はぐん/Hug+n
  • でる汰/Deruta
  • プテラたかはし/Ptera Takahashi
  • ちゃんふぁぶちゃん/PHAB
  • めゐろ/Meiro
  • ゆう十/Yuuto
  • はなつぐ/Hanatsugu 
  • Hono / Hononos
  • Bakeyuka / バケゆか
  • Mutsuu / むつー
  • Sentankyofusho / 先端恐怖症
  • Matsunart/まつん
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Here’s to hoping he stays committed. He probably knows by now that consistency is more important than getting the best results every time.



Matsun’s newest short uses Masarada’s song “•utlaws”, and I know that this might not be such a big deal for some but I’ve already correlated the song to his time as a certain paripi mangaka idol who has a very, VERY similar art style (wink wonk). It makes me so happy to see this style of editing paired with this song again 🥹



man, caspurr’s 12pm pst timeslot is a wacky choice considering he used to stream at 8pm. is he trying to appeal specifically to the EU audience? or just unemployed americans like me lol


He already gave up and moved it to 4PM. Welcome back overlap hell.

12PM may have seemed out of left field for him but it felt smart, because even if no one wants to acknowledge it, he is still pulling from the StarsEN CCV pool still. It’s part of why Randon has done well too and ERB has slotted in for a lot of Tempura, staying way away from that mid to late afternoon area.


I was excited for him doing 12 to watch live but yeah it’s vods maybe now. He shot himself in the foot out the gate


He played himself with this schedule change, so I hope it was a necessary one for his real life needs.

Going this late now means that Randon probably won’t be able to easy redirect into him without drop-off, and means more Tempura/Starmin in general who enjoy him are going to have to choose or multi-stream as he overlaps with the other boys.


This overlaps so bad now. I was gonna be able to catch him before because usually my other oshis stream after him but now.. It’s gonna be hard i’ll say that. Definitely not top priority outside of speciality streams.


So final thoughts:
-opening lore was great, better than pretty much all of Magni’s original debut (I know it’s not fair to compare them really but let’s be real it’s hard not to)
-song was decent, needs a longer or more varied chorus but it’s better than Copium so I’ll give it that. I’d like to hear it finished
-he definitely did not concentrate enough on introducing himself, and I know it probably feels redundant to do that to an audience of people that know who you are and are probably insanely parasocial towards you but debuts are something new viewers look to when discovering your content so you gotta hash that shit out and make people want to watch you. A debut is one of the most important streams for a vtuber, it’s the ultimate form of advertisement. VG’s debuts are nearly perfect in that aspect
I do definitely have my doubts on if he’ll see this through. L2D is not cheap and it is a heavy investment so I hope he can keep up with the project long-term. I always feel really bad for artists of grad/terminated vtubers
-On that note, he didn’t seem entirely confident in himself here. I guess because he’s not working for a corporate project with genmates he needs to make look good but he was really hard on himself. The L2D not working out was definitely part of it. Also call me crazy but I feel like he kept insinuating that he could possibly drop the project or like he wasn’t sure he could maintain it long-term. I know financially vtubing is very straining but I’d like to see him open up a bit more and come out of his shell. It felt like a month 6 stream rather than a day 1 stream in terms of energy levels, if that makes sense
-Please…. more creative/project streams. I miss them

What are your thoughts?


It was very classic indie soft debut in tone, so the casual yet nervous tone felt about right. I assume he’ll go balls to the wall for the real one.
I think he’ll be fine if he accepts that he’s going to have to grow… like an indie. Relying on consistency and in slow bursts. Staying way the hell away from his overlap hell timezone will also help a lot, since that was a major reason a lot of us holdouts fell off his Prof stuff.
I also assume he’s prepaid his mama/papa since indie side doesn’t do payment deals the way corpo does, so he’s likely more locked in than we think. I also just got the feeling that he really missed having a character like this, so as long as he’s inspired that will take him a good way.


I didn’t manage to grab a screenshot when it happened but Han showed up in chat a few times during the debut


Last edited 1 month ago by Anonymous

the almond crumbs will sustain me for the harsh winter to come.


There’s another one but I don’t know how upload 2 photos from phone posting. Gomen.



why the cats got purple blood tho


magmites were filled with the same purple goop its just another magni reference


girl you’re 10 days late



reverse [redacted]


I thought it was a reference to the very big (iirc unconfirmed) fan theory that Magni’s blood is purple. But that might be a stretch.


i thought it was because of censoring like how danganronpa has pink blood



the sleeping ending screen. it’s so not fair. i wish i had a time machine.



he wants magni to be a “fond reminiscence” even though he spent like 3 streams shitting on his time there and talking about how awful it was. this isn’t even me hating i just don’t really know how to feel. we really never got any answers as to what happened back then, huh?



We will probably never get answers. I’ve moved on at this point but it’s possible for you to look back fondly on something, especially taking it for what it was, and still not be 100% happy with how it ended or think the situation was shitty. He met some of his closest friends, built lets say a very dedicated fanbase and much more. I think it was probably a shit show at the end and he was probably pretty pissed off at the time in my personal theory but, at this point it’s been almost a year. You can only stay so mad for so long.


Idk I dont feel like it’s that weird that he feels both ways about it. Despite the problems he clearly has some fond memories. I know plenty of people who will be big mad about something for a while and once they have gotten all the anger out they might reminisce about it. It will always feel not quite right because we will never have all the answers to what happened.


Nope. No answers, and we probably never will. Not unless he or Randon gets so shitfaced drunk before/during a stream they risk potential legal repercussions. NDAs seems to be a part of the Cover talent package.

Honestly, that’s part of why it’s for the best that enough fans and him agreed to not go with “Catnation.” Moving forward is the best way to handle this new Vtuber arc. If he lays the references on as thick in all of his future streams, that will not bode well.


do we know how long their NDA lasts for?


move on no one will ever know other than Lando and cover themselves.


nope. Lando pretty much said we’ll unfortunately never know what truly happened during that hiatus, doesn’t seem like the end will be anytime soon since Coco graduated years ago and still has yet to mention Hololive by name.


I understand the curiosity on wanting to know what happened but it really is just best for the talent and fans if we move past that too


yep I understand when the graduations were still fresh and people were having a hard time, but at this point it seems them and the rest of the guys that were close to them have moved on. clinging to something you cant change helps no one.


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