Disclaimer: We Discuss These Vtubers/Fleshtubers in a Random type of way and they are in no way or form related to the “HoloStars” brand, in any way shape or form. We, for some weird and coincidental reason, like these particular set of entertainers very much.



Approved List of Random Streamers We Appreciate:

  • Xellar (formerly Itone Lloyd)
  • Professor Lando and Friends
  • Caspurr
  • Randon Neuring
  • Commander Connor and Reeser Rat
  • Ais Riale
  • HIRAGA and PengieVT
  • Lex Parte
  • Kamiya Juu
  • Karlobster
  • SuperKrazyBones
  • Liminal Lark

 JP net culture is different so please be a responsible fan and follow them discreetly! We do not wish to make them uncomfortable and potentially hide, so keep the interactions at Looking Respectfully ™ if you do not have the ability to blend in as a normal JP citizen finding them. Don’t put pressure on these Completely Unrelated Streamers!

  • ちのたろ/Chinotaro | おいちゃん/Oichan
  • にどみ/Nidomi
  • はぐん/Hug+n
  • でる汰/Deruta
  • プテラたかはし/Ptera Takahashi
  • ちゃんふぁぶちゃん/PHAB
  • めゐろ/Meiro
  • ゆう十/Yuuto
  • はなつぐ/Hanatsugu 
  • Hono / Hononos
  • Bakeyuka / バケゆか
  • Mutsuu / むつー
  • Sentankyofusho / 先端恐怖症
  • Matsunart/まつん
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archive of lark’s stream today?



First we have a png image, soon we will get a live2d model of Caspurr. Can’t wait for 3D so I can stick his cat cock up my ass ❤️



It’ll take a couple years to get to that point (unless he gets 3D before live2D, which would be a fun idea), hang in there horny nonnie


that went from 0 to 100 real quick


xellar and matsun interaction when


Caspurr mic peaking for the Roblox stream




Uncle Neuring rare moments of logic. I hope Jimmy doesn’t get an idea to eat smart animals to get smart after this lol


Last edited 1 month ago by Anonymous

Whenever Lando/Caspurr streams, there would be at least overanalyzing thread….


You can talk about what’s on his stream today to overshadow them. Maybe something interesting happened or how funny he was or maybe some inspiring quotes.. idk, there must be something.


I mean tbh the roblox stream was just silly fun from start to finish. Nothing to analyze except he was having fun and slayed in dress to impress.


I would like to

But sadly i need to sleep


I’m mentally ill as fuck I’m been crying so often cuz I’m so happy that my kamioshi is back… I LOVE HIM SO MUCH


If Magni decided to go as indie and just do the same thing as what he did as Holostars why did he quit in the first place? He could do it with much ease with the corpo benefit and support from his coworkers, and established fanbase from big corpo and group synergies. If the contents are not so different, corpo limits won’t matter so much anyway. Vtubing is already a harsh competition, and Tempus is sailing way better than what he expected and what he could possibly achieve as indie.

At this point I won’t be surprised if the truth is that he just quit out of spite bc he thought he couldn’t make big as fast as he wanted, but ironically chose the rockier way.


didnt lando both have a death in his family as well as relationship troubles during his time in the company? wouldnt be surprised if that stuff on top of all the other issues impaired his decision making and went with the quick escape from things causing him stress instead of looking at things long term.


Yeah, I recalled he mentioned his grandma dying and then, he and Carol had some problems at that time. Carol was in Japan for one year during Magni’s tenure. I know none of this is our business but it made me wonder what’s Carol’s opinion on Lando’s vtubing career (his time in Holo and now, him being an indie vtuber).


I was actually surprised when not!connor said on today’s stream that all his friends are single, in a very candid way. I was a bit surprised and wondered if lando and carol broke up


>Carol comes back from Japan

>Magni graduates

>1 year later

>might not be together anymore

>Caspurr debuts

It’s a compelling rrat, I’ll give you that


I wouldn’t read that too deeply. He’s been around long enough to have relationship obfuscation for all his content creator friends down pat.

It’s just general good form to call everyone single, because even though in context we know he’s probably referring to Lando/Doc/Brin/Tanner/Etc. people who aren’t PL knowers are going to assume he’s talking about his genmates. And then you get clips and people going “OMG whose the not single one???” “Star in RELATIONSHIP????” and all that shit.

Also just in general a lot of streamers consider it dox tier to have relationships talked about without their permission because it can lead to harassment really easily. Just easier to act like all you know is single dudes for everyone. 🤷‍♂️


I will indulge with my one rrat.

I think it wasn’t contracts like a lot of people think, it was committing to the 3D run-up. I mean sure, it’s the real world and they both have alluded to a whole host of reasons why they decided to leave, so it’s more the breaking point. Especially since both of them have talked about having really bad health in the last few years, the most notable ones being Randon’s foot injury that required lengthy physical therapy and Lando’s back.

Lando talked vaguely about the both of them making a huge sacrifice for everyone and being frustrated that nobody seemed to recognize it (It was the stream he talked about Doki’s comeback iirc) and it would make sense if he was talking about the two of them leaving so that waiting for them to heal wouldn’t hold up 3Ds any longer. And being upset about having to choose between taking the time to heal or committing to Japan would explain why he was so upset and betrayed early on.

That’s just my crackpot corkboard theory though. I will now remove my tin hat.


It’s sweet but way too virtuous for those two and I doubt the corpo would be such dicks to suspend them for having health issues/ needing time to come back and do a healthy 3D.


this is the one i always bought into. magni seemed genuinely afraid of 3D at times, and we all know vesper’s unique relationship to the idol journey. in year 2 they were undoubtedly going to have to do 3D and i just don’t think either of them were prepared or ready. that’s the only thing that makes the “sacrifices” comment make sense. shiny spicy couldn’t have their 3D without the rest of their unit and there’s no way they’d let VG get 3D before HQ. them lagging would’ve brought the entire branch down.

caspurr also said he has no plans to follow an idol path, which i think also alludes to this rrat. it’s the most believable one for me.


Then why join an idol company if you’re not bother with idol stuff. Took up a spot that could’ve went to someone that was dedicated


We have all gotten in on over our heads. Its human nature, you believe you can do x or solve it later to then find out you actually have to do the thing. In Magni’s case he did not predict the injury, Randon probably—- well that’s the thing and why no theory works. He was trying, he was trying his best.


Seems to me like he just wanted the Holostar name without doing the Holostar work ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ but it is what it is


You know what. Men are so dramatic that they make something incredibly small look like mount Everest *looks at Lex*
so i can believe this theory


Last edited 1 month ago by Anonymous

I don’t think this is it given the furniture building stream Connor had when he first moved near Lando and Lando was doing a lot of the heavy lifting despite his at the time injured toe.


the soft termination rrats just don’t really hold up, especially after mel. if they can be so open about mel’s termination even after everything she’s contributed towards the company and all the good will she had, it makes 0 sense for them to have been soft fired. this is corroborated by gamma’s parting as well, he had 2+ years with them and was a very dedicated and loved talent. imo, the branch was going through a rough patch with numbers or management or what have you and the andons decided they could do better as indie, or at the very least would feel happier with their work if they were indie. omega could have played a part in this, as another anon said, since pretty much nobody seemed to like them or want them around.

my biggest and potentially most schizo rrat is: sometimes i wonder if armis coming out had anything to do with it. before you downvote, hear me out. magnoir went on hiatus in july and that’s effectively what we consider to be their graduation date. if armis debuted in november, that means they probably learned about plans for a new unit around that time right? let’s be real, numbers were already relatively low among the 8 members and introducing more could result in the branch becoming even more stretched out. maybe they were worried about their numbers dipping. randon doesn’t seem like the type to worry about numbers like that but lando definitely is, he’s admitted to it himself. and with how close they are, it’s almost guaranteed that when one of them decided to quit, the other followed. one following the other is the only thing that explains why we had a double grad. magnoir both had a lot of plans for the 1st anniversary and their futures in holostars, both of their last streams had them pretty hyped about what they had cooking. iirc magni even had a cover with a hololive member that just got scrapped. to have a sudden disagreement with management and a decision that was made seems likely to me, idk. honestly this whole paragraph is so schizo and out there that you should probably just downvote it after all.


I agree with this theory actually about ARMIS but I always thought I was the only person who thought this lol. I swore ARMIS were probably meant to debut in september/early october just based on my own schzio theory and if we look at the PL graduation times vs the debut times for each member. Lark/Ruze has soft admitted he was scouted or something equivalent. I always thought that him and GB/Krazy were the first to get hired and they must have told the members in Early to mid June. This is all just speculation and I might just be making fanfic in my head but the timelines match up. Magni was already upset during when VG debuted because he thought it was too soon even if he did meet one his bffs during that time. I would only imagine ARMIS. Til the end Magves were probably we go together or we don’t go at all.


I don’t hate this theory. It had to have been some kind of disagreement with management on something that only they would care about, since everyone else stayed. Vesper had a history of disagreeing and lashing out at management and Magni had a bit of an ego and we know he’s a numbers guy. Of course all theories are voices in our heads we use to justify something nobody will ever explain. I really do believe that it was some kind of long-bubbling resentment they had towards management over the year they worked with them, since Lando talks so much about how awful of a year he had. They must have had a tipping point.
But I’m not sure what they expected, being founders of a new branch in a company that notoriously has a bit of a rocky history with management. Holo girls from every branch are very, VERY open about their grievances and JPStars are too. If you’re going into what is essentially a startup with expectations that it’ll be smooth sailing, you’re the problem tbh. Giving them a year to get their footing and then dipping when things don’t go your way is kinda clown behavior. You’re not obligated to stay with a company if you don’t like the management but you also have to accept when people ask, “well what did you think would happen?” Plus not leaving even a parting message was a bad move especially in retrospect when both Mel and Gamma did.


(op) having no parting message is what really gets me as a former mite. i know we have no claim to him and he can do whatever he wants but it just felt in poor taste. back then i justified it since i figured “they can’t do any more activities as holos because their contracts are done” but after mel and gamma it just leaves a bad taste in my mouth and i can’t believe i bought into it. if they had left with some grace i probably would be watching caspurr right now, but watching his debut just felt hollow and i haven’t watched either of his other streams. take all of magni’s bits and all of his fans when he couldn’t even give us the dignity of saying goodbye back then. i wonder if he regrets it at all. there’s no way he didn’t see the reception and the impact his sudden departure had, and his numbers are no dokibird. i wish i didn’t feel so jaded but i always wonder, “what was this all in service of?”


Tempus year 1 was nowhere as open as Tempus today.Altare mentioned in his VR chat was that they couldn’t get an approval for a simple book club. Imagine being hired for lore only to be told that you cannot do any lore. First year Tempus management was incredibly strict to the point of stifling, possibly tied to a former staff named Omega.And yet now VG boys did pole dancing and Ruze has a book club.


Last edited 1 month ago by Anonymous

I was hoping that seeing how he is now would make people finally realize this wasn’t just them leaving for funsies, but something else that happened and made the split unavoidable. But I shouldn’t be surprised that people are still gonna blame them entirely.


Didn’t Randon imply they didn’t quit but were soft-fired which is a very common JP tactic?
Given the things both have said and done, while it was not firing, it also was not willingly


This may be my theory so here it goes:
I also think they were fired softly. Do you guys not see the pattern? Those who were terminated had a letter of recognition from the CEO himself, whereas MagNoir, who “graduated”, I don’t see any letters. My theory is that, before they are laid off/fired, they’re given two options: call it graduation but no letter of acknowledgement from Yagoo or termination with positive feedback from Yagoo. I’ve been trying to spot the patterns and I’ve been trying to connect the dots. Only those who truly resigned or not softly fired are those who are given proper graduations like Sana, Coco. Plus it being a Japanese company should tell you that it has hidden flaws that they don’t show.



I dont think it’s as straightforward as that. I assume it’s simply a case by case basis and for whatever reason magnoir was a complicated situation. We just need to accept we will never know. I get frustrated with people still 100% blaming them but its like.. idk. What can you really say when we will never have all the info?


Someone on this page already said it before. Whatever caused Magnoir’s graduation will remain one of those unsolved mysteries. But at this point, it’s time to move on. I’m glad to see Lando returning as a vtuber again and I do hope to see his live2d model next year. I know he and Randon may not collab with their former coworkers ever again but it’s nice that they pop around in their PLs showing support.


Seeing Gamma’s case (and Mel’s case before) I don’t think that’s the exact truth


don’t care, old news. move on, he did.


Nah we will always care because we were never given answers from either side lol


I think he regrets quitting. I’m just glad he’s trying again.


It’s really hard to make it as an indie especially when you have no case that proves you were “in the right” to leave your company. Lots of corpo vtuber fans are loyal to the company, or rather what the company represents I suppose. I’m even guilty of it, I was diehard Magnation and was convinced I’d follow him anywhere but as time went on I just kept watching holo and didn’t really keep up with Lando and have no real plans to as of now. He says Caspurr has been in the works for a year and I believe it, getting all that stuff prepped on top of his usual streaming must’ve been so time consuming so I’m sure he wants it to succeed because despite his issues with the company I think he liked being Magni and he really flourished under the unique constraints of a vtuber. I’m sure he regrets leaving the safety net of a corpo paycheck. He might even miss having genmates. He certainly misses the connections he had by just having “holo” attached to his name.


I think the structure and expectations of doing corporate agency work was both helpful and unhelpful to Lando and Randon. Both of them seem more than a little easily distracted and disorganized. But the pressure was almost certainly a factor that made Randon more comfortable stepping away, based on what little we know about his mental health.


I still think he expected more of his fans to follow him to his PL than actually did. The return to vtubing didn’t get pitched as a potential future until it became evident that wasn’t going to happen, at least not as a fleshtuber. It would also explain the heavy references to Magni in his soft debut.
I don’t think it was a case of them being fired as Cover has always been transparent on whether things are breaks, suspensions, grads, and firing, even if they don’t provide details.


He definitely expected his whole audience to shift over to his Lando stuff with no bumps, but was floored when that didn’t happen. I wouldn’t doubt him seeing the higher CCV he had when streaming during the hiatus made him think that, when it was more that desperate Magmites and HQ-hako Tempura took anything during that time.

And Lando just doesn’t get why Doki’s situation would only ever work for her specifically: she was shit on by her employer and colleagues unjustifiably to the point her termination letter reads like a burn notice, had built up an insanely good work reputation with the vtuber/artist community, and absolutely dotes on her fans. As callous as it is to say, Magni had none and did none of that in the year he was active. What happened with her is unrepeatable, but all he sees is “She did it so why can’t I?!” The Magni references in his debut don’t echo Doki retaking her brand, they look like someone trying to recapture their glory after realizing they fucked up.


In addition to all the goodwill she’d built up in the community, the exposure of how terrible Niji can be really did help her public image a lot. Lando can’t take that angle, or won’t, possibly due to NDAs. As far as we know, nothing that happened to him working for Cover was as bad as that. Him not striking while the iron was still hot has also hampered him.

If the rumor mill is to be believed, Randon has to supplement his income again with outside work. We’ll see if Lando, who’s currently growing a fresh channel with the same average viewership, winds up having to do so as well.


I would bet a lot of money that Lando knows if he explained what happened, public opinion would not agree with him or turn further against him. The way he describes things reminds me of an ex-friend who complained just like him: “everyone was against me/worst year ever/my sacrifices/etc.” And when I finally got details out of them, it was stuff ranging from full nothingburgers to them admitting to being an asshole/hard to work with. Even ignoring the NDA, he can be specific about shit that happened (like Doki did and clearly follows her NDA still), but that he hasn’t speaks for itself.


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