Disclaimer: We Discuss These Vtubers/Fleshtubers in a Random type of way and they are in no way or form related to the “HoloStars” brand, in any way shape or form. We, for some weird and coincidental reason, like these particular set of entertainers very much.



Approved List of Random Streamers We Appreciate:

  • Xellar (formerly Itone Lloyd)
  • Professor Lando and Friends
  • Caspurr
  • Randon Neuring
  • Commander Connor and Reeser Rat
  • Ais Riale
  • HIRAGA and PengieVT
  • Lex Parte
  • Kamiya Juu
  • Karlobster
  • SuperKrazyBones
  • Liminal Lark

 JP net culture is different so please be a responsible fan and follow them discreetly! We do not wish to make them uncomfortable and potentially hide, so keep the interactions at Looking Respectfully ™ if you do not have the ability to blend in as a normal JP citizen finding them. Don’t put pressure on these Completely Unrelated Streamers!

  • ちのたろ/Chinotaro | おいちゃん/Oichan
  • にどみ/Nidomi
  • はぐん/Hug+n
  • でる汰/Deruta
  • プテラたかはし/Ptera Takahashi
  • ちゃんふぁぶちゃん/PHAB
  • めゐろ/Meiro
  • ゆう十/Yuuto
  • はなつぐ/Hanatsugu 
  • Hono / Hononos
  • Bakeyuka / バケゆか
  • Mutsuu / むつー
  • Sentankyofusho / 先端恐怖症
  • Matsunart/まつん
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Randon seems to slowly becoming more open to stuff like Karaoke and dancing, as long it’s done with friends. It’s nice to see him picking up idol-ish things again on his own terms. They were things that he originally wanted to learn.


karaoke and dancing are things that are fun to do with friends, not exclusive to idol culture just because hes a vtuber?????


Last edited 28 days ago by Anonymous

Of course it’s not exclusive to idol culture. But he was noticeably less comfortable doing it as a job.


Beri and Grimmi are going to be opening up a Vtuber-focused GTA 5 RP server!

I clocked Lex among the people who will be participating.




do you think he was intentionally referencing the LCC lore here lmfao


Idk why this got downvoted I thought it was funny too. Whether it was intentional or not


Ptera is really really cute. I wish I enjoyed the way he autistically (/pos) plays Among Us so I could watch him outside of Temma


wow ohmonah get that bag, but ohmonah…. wtf?



Your point is…? I don’t get why people are mad over monetization of Conner’s own projects, don’t you want him to succeed as a content creator? Without many sources of income how can he create more things, and I could tell Conner doing irl content is his way to push out his creativity. Plus this is just business for ohmonah, both party wins and gets profit. If you don’t like it you can ignore it, truthfully all I’m seeing is scornmites being bitter for nothing. You are not his mother or manager, if cover stated their talent’s personal life is none of their business why do you care so much?


don’t you want him to succeed as a content creator

The sad answer to this for some of these crazy bitches is no. I remember when the MagVes graduations happened on nyfco, one insanely stupid comment that got a massive amount of upvotes said something along the lines of “stop supporting their PLs don’t let them feel safe enough to leave” and I specifically remember that anon not wanting the boys to feel “safe” with income from outside of their Holo careers. It’s toxic and reeks of abusive partner vibes. They just want their anime boy and will lash out at anything that threatens that, even the men behind the avatars. Especially the men behind the avatars, if the Lando hate persisting to this day is anything to go by…



I remembered that shit, bitches are insane for this type of mindset. Guess what, in the future if this keeps up, watch them leave and graduate.


Luckily it’s only a really small section of people who are mostly on private twitter accounts or on 4chan now and occasionally poke their head out here for this type of stuff. Most normal people don’t care like that and I think most of their vocal fans that support both of their activities for all talents overpower the schizos who are usually too coward to do anything. This goes for all talents not just LCC.


You might want to go back and rewatch his Connor streams from July 2023 because he literally had a discussion segment at one point asking if people would be interested in meet and greets, panels, merch, etc. of him as Connor. Said it would be kind of weird to do as Just A Guy when Lando has the prof persona and he would have to figure out branding and appeal to give it structure and make it worth the fan’s time. This was always in the cards, it pleases him AND the fans who are into it, it’s a creative and social outlet, he gets to be successful and proud of himself for personal achievements. If that’s a “yikes” moment for you idk what to say.
https://youtube.com/@commanderconnorfanarchive idk what vod it is tho im sorry



its not a big deal


Like y’all know that a lot of corpo Vtubers have careers and merch outside their corpo job right??? A lot of people both in HoloLive a d Holostars. Vshojo, Idol, etc etc.

It’s kinda creepy and selfish you don’t want these 30 year old men to have lives and earnings outside vtubing.

Cover obviously doesn’t mind, so let them be?? If you don’t like it, ignore it?? Wtf


There’s a member of hololive who currently actively tours, does panels at cons, sells merch of herself/her sona and there still aren’t as many schizos as here compared to Lando and Connor. I think the stars en fanbase especially the ones who engage in PL content are always a bit jilted because of the whole magves situation except it’s been almost a whole year since they officially graduated. Being mad at ohmonah for taking a collab opportunity for something that will clearly make all parties involved money is baffling. If she or any of the parties involved thought that this would be problematic I doubt they would have taken the deal, especially the dude who’s main career is active and is still working with cover corp for the foreseeable future.


There’s several, like these mfs wouldn’t survive Hololive at all. Not only do they keep active and fruitful PLs, they take LONG breaks like months long breaks for their personal pursuits like I understand some people here come from AC but you need to leave your mindset over there and not project or bring that mindset over-here because not only does Cover allow it, the whole mindset is weird and toxic. They are people, and many Nijigraduates that have spoken up i.e Quin/Matara have expressed how frustrating it was for them to be under that toxic environment. So please you are welcome but leave that toxic behavior and mindset elsewhere



I think it’s really not because of niji but scorned fans in this case. People deny it but a lot of crossover is in Connor’s current job fanbase and ex Magni/Lando fans. So much so that whenever he finishes his main job and Caspurr is streaming Caspurr almost always gets a 50+ CCV Boost and a lot of his current fans who stayed for Caspurr/Lando are former begni people or moved on to Connor’s main job in StarsEN. I don’t get why people project onto him the alleged sins of Lando because he’s friends with the guy though. They’re different people who are just close friends. I think it’s so stupid that we’re still having Best In Jest discourse loops after the naming and boring/recycled content debacle when the content is so boring and inoffensive.


•̀ ω •́)b entering my Oncest era by mashing Connor and Bettel together


it is truly wild that they can get away with the best in jest merch while actively selling stars merch. like…. cool if cover is okay with it but damn



Having opinions like this reminds me how fucking weird the vtuber fandom is. Literally nowhere else in the entertainment industry would fans give a fuck about creators having merch from multiple projects at once lmao


People should remember that ohmanah is a businesswoman who is willing to work with anyone. I doubt Cover cares about that because, in the end, it’s just business.


I mean they were selling Randon/Lando merch before TBIJ stuff and will probably sell Caspurr shit when he officially debuts. I doubt cover cares since they’re actively still working with them for holostars/live stuff even after that. Is it a bit weird? Yeah probably. But if cover doesn’t care, I don’t either.


Is there an issues? Idk much about ohmonah other than their tempus collab stuff.


It’s just some magmites who are unable to move on.


No issues just jilted magmites


not at all. though ngl I’m tired of her art and designs by now and want stars merch done with someone else’s style


was also disappointed that the vg merch line nothing matched color wise when hq did


Like it or not, ohmonah has a proven track record to make and deliver the goods as requested. Unless there’s someone earning the same level of trust, you’re not going to see another name….


Yea with how many horror stories I’ve read about merch companies ghosting or never delivering goods, Ohmonah is LIGHTNING fast in comparison and actually gets shit done. I got the Vesper hoodie (after graduation, rip)- it literally arrived like two or three days after ordering, it’s nuts. (Im sure it’s a lot longer for international but for in the US it’s very fast)


Yeah that is indeed very fast.

Even when things went wrong, like staff accidentally bringing big ham plush instead of randon orbies, she was very prompt in correcting them and making sure everyone gets what they came for. The box of orbies were immediately sent driving on the road the moment she received the news that they got the wrong box, on the very same day. That’s very professional.


??? What? Nuis cute!!!


I’m so jealous of mites that has moved on to caspurr. It makes me so happy everytime the boys talk about my dead oshi and hearing they are still good friends irl, and I’ve chosen to believe the wordless grads are just unfortunate red tape circumstances without malice since they seem to want to stay at least a little longer. But what was that ugly uniform tweet about? randon retweeting it leads me to believe the chances of it being just a misunderstanding and not at all about their avatars in holo are really slim. Insulting his mama that made such peak design really rubbed me the wrong way, its painfully obvious a ton of research and meticulous care was put into crafting it. I know this has already been brought up many times but what he called ugly is dear to me, I guess I just desperately want to be proven wrong ;_; thank you anonnies for lending an ear


The design was always good, but there were problems with the model itself- it became endearing because of the person behind it, but the update was warranted. For Vesper too. They both felt rushed from an objective pov. I still believe that the tweet was more about the unfinished feeling to the model than the actual design.

Now I still think it was in bad taste to tweet about it of course lol but people do stupid shit sometimes, you know? Idk I just feel like a lot of people are so upset still about them leaving that they will continue to hold onto every shred of “wrong” that he did.. when his fanbase was horrible to him at times, too. Not to mention the hate he (and all of tempus) got.

Im not agreeing or disagreeing with anyone, everyones feelings are valid (not everyones actions, though) so it’s just like.. meh. I’ve moved on from caring, I’m enjoying watching him as Caspurr and it’s extremely obvious HE is enjoying it even with a much smaller view count.


I find it weird to keep bringing up that tweet as a magmite because really, how does that make a difference? He had already made that tweet you watched him as Magni and if you’re a magmite you were fine with it then, so what meaningfully has changed?


The answer is simple, because these people got too parasocial with Magni. When he left with no farewells, they had turn against him for “betraying” them. Honestly Lando is a fuckwit menhera but some of these people are crazier than him. It’s been a year, time to move on. Felt like those ppl are just projecting their emotional fallout on the wrong subject.


back then I really excused it as a love-blinded mite because I know at the time he was taking a LOT of the hate and negativity and even moreso because of his design and him becoming the “meme” of the gen. I figured “if everyone else can poke fun at and hate on his design, he should also get the right to do so.” but Altare, Vesper, and even Axel were getting just as much shit from antis and tourists and they didn’t stoop so low as to insult their artists’ work. and then he made a whole fuss to get a 1.5 and then left almost immediately, so the entire situation is so much worse in retrospect. a lot of people say “well the artists got paid so who cares?” but as an artist I would feel very disrespected for my art to be insulted like that and then never used again. Pako and Senzaki are stronger than me fr, Pako especially for continuing to be such a huge holo fan.


Was rewatching Tempus DND and Randon is such a good DM, hope he does more DND games with others even if he’s too hesitant to reach out. He have great talent to make these games super interesting.


Yeah Vesper Randon is a very good DM. The double edged sword is that he’s so good at dming, he’s tried of it and wanted to be the player for some rounds lol


Last edited 28 days ago by Anonymous

He’s recently been able to do a lancer campaign (I dont know if it was one shot or not, I’m personally not into watching much ttrpg stuff) as a player so at least there’s that!


Thanks nonny, I went to rewatch the vod, those days were the good times… I missed the HQ boys laughing so hard that they can’t breathe. It’s bittersweet and I will cherish these memories forever );


When will Lex Parte come back with the milk



(if he decides to stream it, or else we’ll see glimpses of him through the others’ streams)



i keep re-upping my sub on the off chance he comes back any time soon :’)


It’s been 4 months… I miss him


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