Disclaimer: We Discuss These Vtubers/Fleshtubers in a Random type of way and they are in no way or form related to the “HoloStars” brand, in any way shape or form. We, for some weird and coincidental reason, like these particular set of entertainers very much.



Approved List of Random Streamers We Appreciate:

  • Xellar (formerly Itone Lloyd)
  • Professor Lando and Friends
  • Caspurr
  • Randon Neuring
  • Commander Connor and Reeser Rat
  • Ais Riale
  • HIRAGA and PengieVT
  • Lex Parte
  • Kamiya Juu
  • Karlobster
  • SuperKrazyBones
  • Liminal Lark

 JP net culture is different so please be a responsible fan and follow them discreetly! We do not wish to make them uncomfortable and potentially hide, so keep the interactions at Looking Respectfully ™ if you do not have the ability to blend in as a normal JP citizen finding them. Don’t put pressure on these Completely Unrelated Streamers!

  • ちのたろ/Chinotaro | おいちゃん/Oichan
  • にどみ/Nidomi
  • はぐん/Hug+n
  • でる汰/Deruta
  • プテラたかはし/Ptera Takahashi
  • ちゃんふぁぶちゃん/PHAB
  • めゐろ/Meiro
  • ゆう十/Yuuto
  • はなつぐ/Hanatsugu 
  • Hono / Hononos
  • Bakeyuka / バケゆか
  • Mutsuu / むつー
  • Sentankyofusho / 先端恐怖症
  • Matsunart/まつん
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Here’s Caspuur’s actual quote:

“Thank you for the gifts; it’s very sweet. I didn’t expect to get anything Caspurr-related.

If you’ll let me be sentimental for a moment, I felt truly real [as Caspurr] for the first time. It’s been difficult because I’ve felt like people [gen] haven’t taken me seriously [when it comes to Vtubing.]

Before my old job, I was the odd man out. I didn’t know much about [Vtubing], while everyone else already did and knew each other. People [in the industry] treated me differently, whether positive or negative, because I was an outsider [in the Vtubing world.]

[Even] my friends who’ve been in the industry for a long time didn’t take me seriously when I said I wanted to do this. But I’ve really fallen in love [with Vtubing]—everything about it. I want to do this again, but I’ve been having some trouble. Seeing all the fanmade models and creations made me feel real. So, thank you.”

It seems like some of you are interpreting this in bad faith. It’s important to note that HQ aren’t his only friends in the Vtuber industry, and he’s not talking about feeling socially alienated—he’s addressing the fact that he had the least experience in the hobby. Yes, the way he expresses himself might come across as Hostile, and Lando can be a quite impulsive and emotional.

I’m not here to defend everything Lando does—he has his issues, lots—but I don’t think this particular situation is as deep as some are making it out to be.



He just seemed pretty insecure about this subject and I don’t mean this in a bad way but like a I get where his emotions are coming from type way because i’ve had this before in my work place. He words himself badly but I get what he means, especially seeing the full time stamped VOD. Also guys. just call him an asshole if you don’t like him and think he’s self centered asshole or whatever. No need to make into a mental illness thing or whatever.


Last edited 15 days ago by Anonymous

I get he’s grateful for what he has today but I think he needs to stop thinking about the past and move on. Caspurr is supposed to be his new life as a vtuber not be haunted by the ghost of Magni Dezmond. Sure, some graduated corpo vtubers like Michi, Matara and even Mint talked about their experience in the former workplace but then, you have Doki and Randon not dwelling on the past and just doing what they want to do. Randon rarely talks about his corpo job except for a few shorts. Doki wants a clean slate and move on from the termination. If Caspurr wants to follow Doki’s example, then he should learn to let go.


Lando doesn’t want Caspurr to follow Doki’s example of a clean slate. He wants Caspurr to follow Doki’s example of how she took her fanbase and identity back, but he will always fail at that. Selen/Doki’s situation is lightning in a bottle. It only worked because it was a combination of specifically her, how she treated her fanbase and fanbases of other vtubers/personalities that fed into her welcome back, the work ethic she has, and how the situation with Rainbow played out.

The answer seems really clear to me: he needs a full break from the past, full separation of anything he associates vtubing with Magni (so no more he he ha ha references), banning himself from referencing his vtubing past since he has not moved on from it in the year since. Maybe then he’ll be fine and able to make it as his own creator. Until then though? No, he’ll mire in more issues.


You put my thoughts into words ^


I agree so much. He really needs to get a journal or something for these thoughts and just move on, new content, new persona should have been just that and focusing on new people to watch and new growth. I get that it’s mostly his old viewers watching him but that doesn’t mean he can’t have a new slate and stop looking at stuff through the eyes of magni.


Last edited 15 days ago by Anonymous

He’s not talking about HQ, he’s talking about me. So true king I’ve doubted you from the start and I’ve never believed in you 😣



The balls on this guy, it’s stunning. It really just comes down to “I didn’t get omega super popular just by existing as a member of StarsEN” doesn’t it? Magni got so much handed to him on a silver platter and he just misused all of it. So now he blames everyone else that what they went out and did (networked, collabed, what have you) didn’t just drop into his lap the same way. And he “felt like an outsider”? Axel went into Stars with no doubt the smallest PL out the entire English branch (girls and boys alike), definitely with no fucking connections he could use, and worked his way up to where he is. Just….wow.

And a friendly reminder: if he smells shit everywhere he goes, he probably needs to look down at his own shoes rather than yell about how this new place and all the old places smell like shit. Anyone who complains this much about every old group/job they’ve been in was not the innocent party that they think they are.


> Anyone who complains this much about every old group/job they’ve been in was not the innocent party that they think they are.

Imo, this is not a reasonable or fair expectation. Sometimes situations were just shit, and the person is a complainer by nature. Those two combined doesn’t make someone pathological. To assume this to be pathology was the reason why many black companies get away with their bullshit.

It’s also human nature to see themselves as the main character of their story. This is not unique to narcissists don’t let the internet make you think that way. This applies for everyone including normal people. In fact those who see themselves as lesser are labelled ‘low self esteem’. It’s because their own perception is limited like how WE are limited in looking from outside in



Yeah no. Someone who relentlessly talks about how “everyone else is wrong”, “they screwed [them] over”, “everyone was against them” isn’t just someone whose feelings are hurt. They are someone who cannot and will not admit when they are wrong and they will let entire cities burn down before they admit that. They will ignore the good times and only focus on how much ‘they got screwed over’. That is self-centered.

I dealt with this exact type person and once I finally tossed them and the decade long friendship with them, I saw how they trapped me in their nexus of ‘me me me I’m always right me me!’.


A narcissist will never take responsibility unless there is a gun to there head and they wont truly believe it even if they admit themselves



Honestly I’m tired that narcissism becomes the immediate go-to label for anything that makes viewers unhappy. It dilutes the term so much.


How is it not that? He is blaming everyone else but himself. He could have put more effort into being a vtuber instead of ranting about anime every stream. He had the spotlight to show off all of his talents in week one and if he could not retain an audience in those 10000 viewer streams thats his fault.


There’s a big difference between a self absorbed person with tunnel vision versus actual pathological narcissism.

The former would be in their head and view most of the time, but they’re still capable being self aware and keep other people’s welfare in mind.

A real pathological narcissist would do crazy shit like stab you and then blame you for standing there, emotionally or physically.


a pathological narcissist also wouldn’t be able to keep a friendship as long as he has because eventually the mask slips, it always does. At most you could argue he has traits of narcissism like most entertainers.

To claim full on narcissism is insane and those people that say this are very blessed to have never come across an actual narcissist before. wouldn’t wish it on your worst enemy.


(cont) and before anyone starts pointing to his streams and use the banter with the fans as ‘evidence’, those are jokes. I mean serious stuff.


bunch of armchair psychologists overusing a term until it means nothing anymore like they did to anxiety, adhd, and autism the past few years.

Just call him an asshole instead lol


Classic, people who’ve already made up their minds about him choosing to interpret his words in the way that confirms their biases.
I don’t think he said anything substantial and he’s just being grateful for those still supporting him. Reminder that he has friends we don’t know about and NOBODY here knows the circumstances surrounding Magni’s graduation. Some people here sound like the holostars antis with how much they make assumptions about things they don’t know about and use those assumptions to hate.



I definitely agree that people are reading this in the worst possible light divorced from reality.

It makes zero sense that he’s bashing HQ with how they kept in touch post-graduation with all that drinking and meeting up in real life and other activities in the background. They met at the Pokémon cafe in Japan man.

There are just so many colleagues and contacts that are not HQ. It could be the various staff-san. It could be the music side of things. It could be the girl side of things who knows.

And he has a life outside of Cover. All the indies? Other agencies? His family? His offline friends? Fleshtuber circles? He lost a lot of old friends by joining holo. It could be them.

He had an old job before his old job and i think some people really forgot that.


Lando isn’t perfect or a saint. He’s just human with flaws and issues. If he’s happy with his current state, so be it. If he said he’s not happy with his time in Holostars, then that’s it. People, be it his fans or outsiders, already made up their minds about him based on how he handled his departure from his previous workplace. It’s hard to satisfy people no matter what. That’s how life is.Let’s admit it. We really don’t know Lando personally because we’re just outsiders in his life. As the anon said, he has a life outside of Cover and streaming. That said we don’t really know what kind of person Lando is. That’s why it’s best to be careful in becoming emotionally attached or very parasocial to idols/celebrities/vtubers/streamers.


Last edited 15 days ago by Anonymous

So taking this at face value, referring to the period “before his old job” would mean that he felt awkward and looked down upon by whatever VTubers he was socializing with as Professor Lando pre-Holostars.

So people like Ironmouse, girl_dm, Buffpup, etc. All people who have cultivated pretty positive reputations among fans and their fellow streamers. I could see him feeling awkward about starting in this niche later than several of the people he spoke with. He probably wasn’t in the VTuber networking Discord that people like GEEGA have alluded to multiple times, in the early days of VTubing.

This emotional conflation between that awkwardness and not being welcome within the space might honestly explain a lot about the trouble he’s had in the last few years. It isn’t unreasonable to speculate that part of why he was unhappy with Holostars is because he felt like he wasn’t being taken seriously as a creator under Cover’s nominal guidance and employment, even if I don’t personally believe that was the case.

Being one of the faces of HoloPro’s first foray into male Vtubers in the English-speaking audience was probably a horrible place to put someone who was already wrestling with the Impostor Syndrome demons. That happens to coincide frequently with narcissists.


not particularly convinced by this defense.

i doubt axel was involved in any early vtuber networking on the EN side either, for one thing, and this hasn’t stopped him from acclimatizing despite having more working against him (lower numbers, very different audience niche pre-stars, more limited in collab opportunities due to niche/location/timezone/ping, mostly only leads collabs when they’re for music projects) than magni/lando would. vesper is also a self-professed recluse who had and probably still has fewer connections in the vtuber community.

but even if i DO buy that there’s some early vtuber clique mentality, there’s a bit of a “… okay?” reaction from me because, like. girl_dm and ironmouse have only seemed to be nice and encouraging to him? and they are known to generally be nice and encouraging people.

also, magni got plenty of opportunities with cover relative to his genmates. cover started him off with a t-shirt deal. cover got him perms to cover a sonic the hedgehog song. cover is also known to have come down hard on other tempus members (altare mentioning he couldn’t do a book club when he started and being surprised ruze has one). if he felt he as an individual wasn’t taken seriously as a creator, that’s fair in the sense that feelings are feelings. but the evidence that he ACTUALLY wasn’t taken seriously is not consistent with reality.

and in your last sentence, are you implying imposter syndrome is comorbid with narcissism or something else because that’s kinda ???? uh… no, i don’t think that’s true?? also if anything, lando doesn’t come across as having imposter syndrome. he comes across as somebody who doesn’t understand why his efforts haven’t gotten him more because he doesn’t see all the ways he let the ball drop. just a nonnie on the internet and so not capable of diagnosing him at all ofc. i’m more confused that people might think imposter syndrome in public-facing positions is a sign of narcissism because i think that’s just on lando bro


The only part of that which was intended to be read as a defense was recognizing he might’ve felt awkward not having been part of the early networking days. I literally acknowledged how nice the other streamers are in the post, yes.

The comorbidity theory is something I was suggesting as a possibility, yes. It has come up in academic research as a possibility that some of the narcissistic population also experience impostor syndrome. Absolutely not a 1:1, that’d be absurd of me to suggest. But in fairness nonnie, I’m also not a psych professional who can give any kinda formal diagnosis. I’m just speculating based on his comments about not feeling real in his role, not being taken seriously, and his framing himself as an outsider.

None of what I speculated there was meant to diminish any of the other streamers, and I apologize for it having that effect.


I’ve watched the full segement of when he was talking about this + read this and it just doesn’t make it better for him unfortunately. I get that you wanna explain but this statement just wasn’t the best. Maybe he’s just impulsive or whatever but hearing Oh woe is me, none of my friends believed in me becoming Caspurr again holostars friends or not is kind of shitty. It’s also not like anyone expected him to be doing vtubing again after last year with his emotional outbursts when he was either fired/quit holostars, and the fact that he didn’t start working on a model or even PNGtubing until alot of former fans were gone already. Maybe his luck is so bad with models and stuff because it just wasn’t meant to be with this attitude lmao.


I agree that it’s very possible he’s not actually talking about anyone in holostars. I don’t know why people immediately jump to that? I mean I don’t know enough about him to say what vtubers he’s friends with, but still. I do agree that it’s not a good look, though. Because ‘my friends’ does make it sound like it refers to all of the vtubers he knows including holostars.


The only non-holo friends that I know he’s friends with are Ironmouse, girl_dm, Kyo/Quinn, and Saruei. Ironmouse and girl_dm seem very supportive of him. Daph is not a vtuber but she collab with him once when he was Magni and she’s known to be super controversial (e.g. her calling Doki a liar after the Niji termination).

Ngl, but it’s hard to pinpoint who his true friends are since we don’t know much about his personal life. Blake, Hakase and possibly Connor, Reese and Randon are his very close friends. But Altare and Axel? He might just see them as friends from his former workplace. Altare has his own set of friends outside Holo. The same goes with Axel who lives on a different continent.

Anyone who has been in a workplace would understand that you may be friends with all of your coworkers but once you leave that workplace, you can only have one or two coworkers as your friends. So, I’m not surprised if this is what Lando/Caspurr feels about his former coworkers.


Han and Magni do hang out pretty close in real life especially with all the drinking stories, and this is after he graduated. I don’t think those two are just colleagues.


Don’t they just meet up at cons when Han has the time to attend with his own streamer friend group? They’re on opposite sides of the country.


Still counts as hanging out and you can still be friends with someone long distance. Anyways they’re probably hanging out next week with Connor according to what caspurr implied on stream yesterday.


If they are not his only friends he sure acts like they are. The occasional forcing himself into ironmouse tournaments or Quinn Bennett interactions on Twitter do not come off to me as genuine.



What does he love about it so much? He is streaming the same way he just calls cons secret missions now. This acting is hollywood level!


“im not here to defend everything lando does” … proceeds to defend 🤣🫵


What a load of bull fucking shit.


nice moment from caspurr’s stream: he basically said he always felt like the odd man out in HQ even when times were good, because he was the only one without prior vtubing experience. now that he sees people drawing fanart of him and stuff it’s really validating and makes him feel real :’)



Where is the anon that said Randon is a red flag? dude look at Lando, he’s the real walking red flag.



Last edited 15 days ago by Anonymous

Anon… Why did you summon red flag anon….


I’m here, and yes, Lando isn’t just full of red flags—he is THE red flag. I’ve been critical of him ever since he made those comments about money, the ugly uniform, and so on. Everyone defended his statements because he was being ‘honest,’ but honesty doesn’t excuse being a jerk.

What really solidified how much of a red flag he is was when he implied that ‘everyone betrays him,’ referring to all his past friends. Usually, when someone feels that way, they’re the problem.

He’s slowly doing the same thing to HQ, and it’s only a matter of time before he twists the narrative to say ‘HQ let him take the blame.’ I’m counting the days until he does because he’s done it before with every of his associates, and narcissists have a pattern of repeating this victim behavior.

At the very least, Randon acknowledges that he’s not a great person and tries to keep to himself as much as possible. He doesn’t victimize himself constantly. Plus, his flaws are largely influenced by trauma and mental illness, not just pure ego (that doesn’t excuse his behavior either and I do believe he has many red flags that will alienate him further eventually).



can we get an actual quote/timestamp instead of an inflammatory summary that ppl are running with to rev up the hate engine again?




With context now? That is fucking worst, he’s undermining the other HQ members in the past for not taking him “seriously”, so what when all of them had more experience, isn’t that part of a reason why all of them were a team to work things out and support each other? Didn’t most of his projects came out successful during his glory days? I will say it again, Lando is an egotistical piece of shit and I pity Altare and Axel a lot for believing in this asshole.


His covid subscriber count makes people think he is more successful than he is when he cant even hit three hundred live viewers and thats after leeching off connor and he almost has a million subscribers but cant even hit one million this year and even he realized how young his audience is in this stream and he is talking about dialing back his content again since he is surprised talking about hentai and gooning gets him that audience.


Is this just an inferiority complex thing? because I feel like even if he didn’t truly know what becoming vtuber entailed, he truly did really well within in his time there and he was always a pretty successful content creator. He played into his character really well too so I don’t get it.


No amount of attention will ever be enough for a narcissist.


Last edited 16 days ago by Anonymous

He sounds like a drama queen, what a dickhead.


I’m happy that he’s having a good go at this, but that position of his does confuse me. Feelings are often not rational, but the idea he was “the odd man out” while also arguably being the social glue of Tempus is kinda odd.

He took point on lots of collabs, including impromptu ones to help increase interactions with the VG boys when they were new debuts. He’s the one credited with covering for Flay’s goof during the Raft collab. Dude was absolutely not treated as an outlier within his unit in any capacity we saw as fans.


I find it incredibly odd for him to say this, considering Axel (at the time of his debut) was probably the one with the least experience in content creation. Sure, he had his time as Lloyd, but his early days were awkward, and it was apparent that he needed more acclimation time compared to the others.

Magni might have been his first experience with Vtubing, but almost every single thing he did as Magni was a hit. He brought out so many new ideas that were quite unusual for a Vtuber stream at the time. It was fun and fresh.

Also, his comment on being “the odd man out” is iffy, considering most of the HQ memes and inside jokes revolved around him. He also had probably the most off-collabs compared to the others. He is probably the most mentioned in others’ stream compared to the other 3.

Sure, Magni might be his first rodeo and he might felt like he didn’t have enough experience compared to the others, but he is by no means, lacking. His PL was probably the most popular out of them pre-debut. It’s really odd that this is the way he viewed himself, because with the context, it just sounds like a slight to the other 3.


his viewpoint also really confuses me because even though he wasn’t a vtuber per say he was still a streamer putting on somewhat of a persona (professor) whenever he streamed. i’m not very well versed on the hololive side but i’m pretty sure there were some of them who never had experience being vtubers who were able to find their places just fine? it’s just such an odd take and i never would’ve expected him to say anything like that after having watched him as magni


i was a casual but very consistent magni viewer who was sad he graduated and ambivalent towards him for the most part post-grad but this might be what pushes me over the edge to disliking lando/caspurr as an individual. that is such a self-centered view to drop when he always seemed to get along with vesper (which obviously carried through post-grad) and despite everything/the permanent impact the grads had on tempus’s growth as a group, altare and axel only have good things to say about him.

maybe he did feel that way and i don’t want to invalidate that, but man. the fact that he would say that boggles me.


He fortunately became very good friends with the most successful member of each generation what a coincidence!



Axel and Altare still sing his praises on stream to this day too, like literally today on stream for both of them actually. I don’t get why he would say this genuinely and I hate to be inflammatory but it makes him seem like kind of a dick who only thinks about himself. Of course I don’t know what happens behind the scenes but this kinda seems like a spit in the face to all the HQ boys. Randon/Vesper included.


I shared the same feelings, HQ is near and dear to my heart and I can’t fucking believe he have the nerve to say these type of shit. The other 3 still sing praises about him to this day and wow, I’m starting to believe the story of when he was lonely; it’s not that his friends are garbage lol He’s the piece of shit instead that people dump because he’s so self centered.


Last edited 16 days ago by Anonymous

He only allows yesmen into his circle thats why even with all the networking he does he just ends up with Blake and his Asian friend. The podcast was going to be with the Asian one to.


It’s absolutely stunning that in the year since he’s been graduated from Holo, Lando’s done nothing to make himself look good to the community he abandoned (in fact, I’d argue he’s made himself look worse), improve his reputation as an entertainer, or do anything that he claimed Holo was stifling him from doing.


No one cares, he still should have handled the backlash properly instead of whining like a lil bitch after he left. Both Lando and Randon should had given their positions to those that deserves it more instead of backing out in a year.



Last edited 16 days ago by Anonymous

what’s with anons on this website thinking they speak for everyone? I’m glad he can have that validation, wishing him the best 🙂



Last edited 16 days ago by Anonymous

Same. I understand not liking him, but being mad at someone for being insecure when a lot of you fuckers can’t leave the house because of social anxiety is crazy to me. I’m the glue in my family and a lot of my friendships, but I still thinking about distancing myself from people I love because I think they secretly hate me sometimes.

You guys are fucking ridiculous and I don’t even like Landos personality.



Ok Lando. Get off the internet and go touch some grass or something. This is not healthy for you at all love.



Why not take your own advice?


lex parte really is the king of vague tweets… pisces behavior


Do we know whether Lex is an Aquarius, Pisces, or cusp? All I know is that his bday is in February and I often see elements of both signs from him.


what aquarian signs do you see in him?


He just revealed it: his VRChat model. Looks good!


Last edited 16 days ago by Anonymous

Screenshot stops at the knees

It would be really funny if his model didn’t have any legs and he was just floating the whole time. Shame that he doesn’t plan on streaming with it…



For those who didn’t attend Caspurr’s first karaoke this is “Caspurr Spitting Bars in His Karaoke BUT Forget to Turn On the BGM [繁體中文/ENG sub]”

The edits and the chat highlighted on the screen makes this extra funny.


This was so funny to watch live, I kept waiting for him to realize or say it was a bit


bitterberry love


bitterberry delivering the top quality vids


holy fuck connor’s facecard is insane lmao



Out of general curiosity, had Karlobster ever mentioned his wife or was that information something that folks managed to dig up?


it was posted on his twitter acc before it was privated/deleted. His friends & family tagged his @ to send their congratulations.


Last edited 17 days ago by Anonymous

It was stupid to tag his Karlobster acct to replies to his personal acct but he’s been using Karlobster as a handle even before he became a vtuber. It could be ignorance on those people’s part but I don’t like that it happened.


He’s always had really shoddy opsec. But TBF he was just some guy with a hobby, people couldn’t have predicted he’d end up having this many eyes on him as a member of holo one day.


IIRC it’s something that was dug up back when they invaded his FB (there were pictures of him on his wedding day)


good for him honestly


I love The Best in Jest, I really do, but god I really hope they start doing bi-weeky episodes soon. I hate to say it but these are getting more and more boring every week.


Do you really love it or do you just like seeing connor



Not op, but you got me


Remember when Kamiya Juu was still making content and not livestreaming, that he advertised himself by adding people on facebook to promote his facebook page and his youtube channel back in 2020? It worked on me.


Even if the method was “???”, you gotta admit the kid was on that grindset mindset since Day 1


I mean, you can’t argue with the results


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