Disclaimer: We Discuss These Vtubers/Fleshtubers in a Random type of way and they are in no way or form related to the “HoloStars” brand, in any way shape or form. We, for some weird and coincidental reason, like these particular set of entertainers very much.



Approved List of Random Streamers We Appreciate:

  • Xellar (formerly Itone Lloyd)
  • Professor Lando and Friends
  • Caspurr
  • Randon Neuring
  • Commander Connor and Reeser Rat
  • Ais Riale
  • HIRAGA and PengieVT
  • Lex Parte
  • Kamiya Juu
  • Karlobster
  • SuperKrazyBones
  • Liminal Lark

 JP net culture is different so please be a responsible fan and follow them discreetly! We do not wish to make them uncomfortable and potentially hide, so keep the interactions at Looking Respectfully ™ if you do not have the ability to blend in as a normal JP citizen finding them. Don’t put pressure on these Completely Unrelated Streamers!

  • ちのたろ/Chinotaro | おいちゃん/Oichan
  • にどみ/Nidomi
  • はぐん/Hug+n
  • でる汰/Deruta
  • プテラたかはし/Ptera Takahashi
  • ちゃんふぁぶちゃん/PHAB
  • めゐろ/Meiro
  • ゆう十/Yuuto
  • はなつぐ/Hanatsugu 
  • Hono / Hononos
  • Bakeyuka / バケゆか
  • Mutsuu / むつー
  • Sentankyofusho / 先端恐怖症
  • Matsunart/まつん
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I know people don’t want censorship but what if we asked admin to make a new page for venting and Lando posting? This page was created for streamers we APPRECIATE and it’s clear nobody appreciates this guy. Literally nobody says anything nice about him because there’s nothing nice to say about him. Call the new page the Dumpster or something idk. This man was a detriment in his time in the company and is now continuing to be a detriment to our discussions of the ones we actually want to support.



or just be a grown up and simply ignore posts about him


This is a professional advice.


Absolutely not in 1 million years, awful idea. Giving them a place to put their bad feelings will just validate and encourage them, any server with a dump ground eventually becomes bullshit wall-to-wall as people use it as an opportunity to flood anything they don’t like with negative sentiment. I’ll say it again if you don’t like what you were seeing, simply down vote, report, ignore, do not offer replies, and start up discussions that suit your taste better. We are not children, the admin does not need to baby us.



>We are not children, the admin does not need to baby us.

On this subject, one of the things I hate the most on Reddit and some Discords is how they treat adults as babies and babies as adults, to the point where it becomes a tantrum fest of approved tantrum topics.


Sorry to rain on your parade but I don’t think censoring will work, this is not nyfco/reddit . Also not EVERYONE hates Lando and there are post of appreciation of him regardless of your opinion, you can always filter it out in your head and don’t read it.

I would be so annoyed that Lando STILL gets the “special treatment” by having his own page, if you want him gone just don’t talk about him PERIOD or don’t add to the discourse regarding him unlike what you’re doing. So yea you are contributing for him to be relevant lol


Last edited 13 days ago by Anonymous

who’s pengie?? why are they listed next to hiraga??


I didn’t notice the new addition until you pointed this out. How long have they been there? Were they added along with Caspurr?


Hakka bro




I hope that he and Resee collab one day.


I hate to break it to you, but you’re sounding like a collab beggar rn. The possibility of a Reese and Pengie collab is below zero cause they both aren’t relevant to each other.


why on earth would reese, of all people, have a connection to them? we really getting collab beggers for the brothers now?


The worst type of fans, next to antis


It’s like they’re preparing for application.


THANK YOU!!!!!!!!, I also would like to follow the Honorary Stars.


lol why tho



Oho i see he decided to take up streaming too


op- ah, thank you!


anyway now for what i actually came here to post: i’m really happy lark can afford a car now 🥹 i hope that means he’s not too far from being able to move out of the trailer park too. it sounds like such a shit living situation


ive been in a similar situation myself, im so proud of him!! hopefully he can get a nice place soon !!


Not all trailer parks are bad by any means (hell, I know one that’s almost nicer than some of the surrounding area), but it does sound like where he’s at is kinda ass.


oh yeah not knocking trailer parks, i’m sure lots of people are perfect happy there, i just know he complains about it sometimes. elf prince deserves his castle 😤



Oh yeah no I get you! I’m just glad the dude can get a car. Not having one when you need it is baaaad.


Who else doesn’t give a shit about Lando and finds both sides of the aisle unhinged? Admin might as well remove all of the tabs and just put a link to page for Lando and a link to a page for Gibby and the discourse would be virtually unchanged.


Then talk about something else fucker.


If you guys are free to talk about Lando then people are equally free to talk about how they’re sick about the discourse on Lando. See how that works? You get to post about what you want and other people can have an opinion on it even if it hurts your feelings.






Once again we’re not having reddit/discord censorship here. Everywhere else is censored and segregated enough we don’t need more.


You guys are so whiny, nowhere did I say anything about CeNsOrShIP or anything similar. How are you guys going to complain about Lando’s narcissism when you can’t even self-reflect to recognize how you all on both sides literally cannot handle not talking about this man for 30 seconds.

Like where is the self-awareness if you can’t look through this page and see how dramatic it is all the time. Every day you get a bitch eating crackers moment about Lando and Gibby. The favored pastime on here is either complaining about them or complaining about complaining about them but then you all want to whine and cry over one post just tongue-in-cheek pointing out the behavior.


You need some soup for your bitching-about-bitching-about-Lando/Gibby crackers girl.


[crimzon ruze voice] thank you for the soup



Page after page is filled with arguing over Lando and Gibby almost every day and someone makes a post saying “Isn’t this excessive?” and somehow they’re the unreasonable one for perceiving reality.


You would have never survived nyfco days.


I saw what nyfco was like and as long as no one is doxxing the boys like they did to Octavio or Jurard or making explicit sexual comments about the Hololive girls, the Lando tantrums pale in comparison. It definitely has become more like nyfco over time though and people responding with tantrums because their precious discourse was criticized shows it’s not a change for the better.

I don’t know why anyone would want to recreate the culture on that site but hey you guys seem to enjoy it for some reason so you’re free to make this site as unbearable as you want.


Yeah no, that says you don’t know shit. The Tempus page on there was by far the tamest of that whole garbage site by entire continents. Actual full doxxing was smacked down fucking hard on that page, like the weird fuckers who kept trying to triangulate the twins move and new house. It was also the only place Tempura could even talk about this shit without upsetting Twitter and the Discords, because no fucking way you could (nor can you even now) criticize MagVes out in the open without getting eviscerated.

If there’s one thing this place shouldn’t forget its roots on, it’s that it was neutral ground to praise and criticize the boys and the fandom.


Cool story, except that the only reason that everyone else here including myself knows that Octavio is married and what he looks like is because of nyfco, just like the only reason people know what Jurard looks like is because of that very website.

And now you’ve carried that culture onto this website, leading to Gibby’s partner being doxxed. And your behavior is so piss poor that a bunch of you can’t handle any form of criticism or the idea that maybe a bunch of you are toxic, actually. I’m glad at least there are still some people on this site with a level of integrity since a couple jumped in to denounce the doxxing instead of acting like it wasn’t a serious problem on nyfco.

Some of the criticisms towards Lando and Gibby are warranted but many of them are laughable considering how many of you act like children. You can’t self-reflect, you can’t have a discussion, you can’t take accountability.

Have you ever considered that maybe some of us want a place to discuss the boys anonymously but not be fucking nasty all the time? No, clearly not. This board used to be decentish and then as it’s gotten more popular the same kind of rot that infested nyfco started overrunning these boards.


Oh whoops I just forgot someone doxxed Gibby’s fucking partner the other day. So I guess this site is 2 for 3 like nyfco now, great job everyone.


Someone here before took a picture of Han byeol in a convention without his consent and posted it here. Fortunately, that post was reported and taken down.


Jesus, take note future talents: having your face out there on your PL might prevent your nosey ass would be fans from digging up your private life. People here are so entitled they don’t stop digging until they’ve found SOMETHING and will share whatever they scrounge up.I say this since 3/4 of armis (the ones who didn’t have any info/photos public) have all been doxxed.


Last edited 14 days ago by Anonymous

post about something else then? saying “I don’t care about the discourse” is very much still participating in the discourse


OK but that’s neither the statement I made nor the point I was making


op of the caspurr post from the last page: sorry for inadvertently starting shit but y’all need to shut up and take a breath. i wanted to post about something landon said that i genuinely thought was nice. i thought we had all gotten to the point where we could have a conversation about a graduated talent without eating each other alive. lesson learned, i’ll fuck off to the graveyard page next time



You’re not allowed to like him here. Tbh at this point I’m just going to report the site to cover for doxxing lmao



I actually informed cover i made this site, and that if there was something wrong they could contact me. Never received a reply. Also unlike nyfco the site is reg in the USA, which is protected by freedom of expression, given we are actually not doing hard doxx. Finally the comments doing the “doxxing” not the site itself.
Just so we’re all in the same page

And, you can like him i like him. But people will have their opinions. At least im glad they are not using homophobic takes or slurs instead of criticism like they did back in the day


Last edited 13 days ago by Anonymous

Tbh I think cover is too busy to care that much about places like this when it really comes down to it.


Oh to be replied to by the GOAT. [This site is a great contribution for HoloPro fans]


Go adminchama go 📣


Last bit of co-related discussion
“Why you defend Connor and not Lando?!”
“Do you like the podcast or watch it for Connor??”
And related questions, the answer is:

I care about Connor idgaf abou Lando never had not as Magni not as Professor, and I’ not the only Bettelion his views never translated 1:1. It just as ridiculous as saying Randonites should also defend this adjacent man cause they collab.

While there’s some who were magmites the great Majority is not. I watched the Sana and Kiwawa before watching Bettel.

I don’t defend Lando ‘cause he is not my man nor my responsibility! This someone else’s dirty mans i wont wash his ass when he shits the bed!!

If yo mans on the floor pick him up yourself!!



Last edited 15 days ago by Anonymous

If you’re not a fan of him, you don’t have to defend him. No ones asking for that. It’s just annoying to constantly hear bitches complaining about him when they never liked or watched his content to begin with. Psychoanalyzing the way he breathes and only watching his shit to hate on him. It’s so annoying. What was the reason? If you don’t like him then curate your fuckin life and stop watching his shit ffs.



Literally two post below:
“ Whenever Connor is insecure you guys smother him in love and treat him like you precious baby boy”

Like the one’s attacking Lando are magnites because they literally watch him. I don’t even know this man!! Because I curate my experience idgaf therefore he is not my responsibility to protect him from his own fans!


Anon. Log off. Step away from the computer. You’ve lost your mind. I don’t understand a damn thing you’re ranting here. All I see is a manhera breakdown.



Maybe we should just stop talking about Lando/Caspurr or ban any discussion about him in this site if that’s the case. Report any posts about him. You can still mention about Magni in the context for his previous stuff. But Lando/Caspurr? You’re just inviting haters. He’s always to be this controversial figure in the StarsEN fandom no matter what. It’s harsh but this is just a suggestion.


Who gives a fuck? People here are going to talk about him whether positively or negatively. Unless he did something criminal, he’s still regarded as a former member of Holostars. And then the next day, people will move to another topic for discussion.


Oh shut up this site is for anonymous discussion and he’s listed, just get over it


daga kotowaru


stop ego searching and go back to making real content, lando


this would ruin the purpose of the site. yes posts might get hate but there’s also genuine conversations happening around the topic that wouldn’t be able to happen elsewhere. anything posted on an anonymous site opens the floor to discussion along with people giving praise or hate and that’s the nature of it.


For a page thats description is literally “Streamers we appreciate” It’s impossible to show any type of support for the subject if it’s going to met with bashing or being accused of being lando himself. Not everyone dislikes him and it’s childish to assume that every person who doesn’t dislike them is in turn labeled as an alt.


If a topic annoys you personally, visit another page. Log off the site for a day and it’ll likely blow over. Or contribute different discussions that you do like. No need for censorship like this, you just look like one of the antis trying to “win” by running him out of town.



We’re not bringing reddit/discord level censorship here. That’s only going to make the problem worse.




As someone who is not a fan of Lando, it’s funny how you perceive the differences insecurity for people you actually like. Whenever Connor is insecure you guys smother him in love and treat him like you precious baby boy, but when Lando ever expresses a negative emotion y’all are like “He’s a drama queen. He’s a narcissist! He’s an asshole. He’s ungrateful.” Or maybe he’s fucking human and even narcissists experience normal emotions and feelings that are valid too. WOAH AMAZING.

Y’all need to fucking get over yourselves and have some empathy. Stop hate watching that mf. Grow up. Stop projecting and reading into every single thing he says. It maybe YOU look more of an asshole than him. The only reason you trash him so much on this site is because you know the things you’re saying are irrational, but you also know everyone else with no sense is gonna be on here hate-boning with you. Just go on /mans/ where all the other crazy haters rant about shit. Stop circle jerking and acting like this behavior is normal.

Say this around anyone with a working brain that goes outside and you will look like a psycho, tin-hat ass mf. Grow the hell up and leave that man alone. Not y’all got me defending a man that I think is a dickhead. I can’t stand y’all.



>As someone who is not a fan of Lando

*proceeds to write a 3 paragraph rant in support of Lando*



>narcissists experience normal emotions and feelings that are valid too

no they don’t


please show your PHD in psychology


Ok, Lando.



as a magni fence sitter who really dgaf about him either way, i think that this is a gossip website where people anonymously gossip about people affiliated with holostars en. nobody is actually directly doing anything to lando as far as i’ve seen. if you’re bothered that people use this site for its intended purpose then that might be on you

i hope it continues because some replies are really funny and i read this site like a tabloid magazine, i don’t expect objectivity, just to see things that will amuse (also you starting this thread will just keep the discourse going longer, never forget to not feed trolls)



all we do here is gossip about voice actors and talk about knocking up anime boys those voice actors act for on the internet. if youre genuinely getting heated about it, touch some grass like you would some boobs.


The intended use is also to give out thoughts that may not be popular. If bashing posts are allowed, being critical about the bashing is also allowed.



some people really forget how much better this site is in comparison to its origins



We can gauge how many manheras are lurking based on the amount of downvotes this is getting. This anon is talking facts.



Can you stop perpetuate everyone who you dislike as a menhera, it’s really disrespectful.


Last edited 13 days ago by Anonymous

I find the hate for this subject bit silly especially because truly we don’t know these people. we don’t know how their mind work and we don’t know what makes them tick nor can we dictate how someone feels about themselves and I feel we’re all human at the end of the day. We can all come off as dickish once and while, especially out of context. but the comparison you made here is kinda funny all things considering we are toeing around the elephant in the room which makes people apply that grace to one person and not another which is the fact people even a year later still dislike the dude for what he did when he quit his job and after the fact. If connor said the same stuff and then a year later redebuted as lord commander chaos and said that same statement caspur did it would go about the same that it did here. The fact that he hasn’t is why people give him grace.



Last edited 15 days ago by Anonymous

Jesus how many essays are you guys gonna make about this.


This is my first one, darling. I guess multiple people think y’all are dumb, but you won’t listen. We can’t all grow I guess. Stay remedial if it makes you feel like a superior human being.



real put this much effort into your school assignments 🤣


Bruh have you seen the previous page? It’s half long long long long rants of Lando Caspurr bashing


With the amount of schizo posting lately, can you blame them?


They could just contain it to one post instead of spending several pages reheating the same shit over and over and over again. Or you know: report and ignore.


They could. But they won’t. I can’t control what they do so oh well


fr. I understand being upset at how things ended and not liking the guy, that’s fucking fair. I’ve met people I absolutely can’t stand too, but holy shit some people really need to start looking into themselves to see if they’re the true narcissists sometimes with the way they keep pointing fingers every time someone on their shit list expresses any kind of emotion.

You can’t dictate how someone else perceives their own reality, like who are you to tell someone they shouldn’t feel insecure about something because you feel they had everything handed to them??


Exactly! I hate people that act like this. Just because you don’t like someone doesn’t mean they’re evil for acting outside of the narrow standards for “normal” that you’ve imposed on them specifically.

“He’s such an asshole for quitting his job and feeling insecure in his own space on his own stream. I always knew he was a narcissist.” And none of the behavior is narcissistic at all.

Do some damn introspection and learn that YOUR behavior is abnormal in this instance, not his. Jfc.



Based on the number of downvotes the original post is getting, so many visitors of this page really have the emotional maturity of a child. They really do think that anything outside of their narrow approved expectations equals to evil.


just ironic because narcissists are mainly the ones that are judgmental and overly controlling of others


I find it funny that the people defending Lando are yelling about how the people shitting on him are calling him a narcissist when all the people actually shitting on him are specifically calling him an asshole. Curious.



Rip all my typos that I can no longer edit out lol.


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