Disclaimer: We Discuss These Vtubers/Fleshtubers in a Random type of way and they are in no way or form related to the “HoloStars” brand, in any way shape or form. We, for some weird and coincidental reason, like these particular set of entertainers very much.



Approved List of Random Streamers We Appreciate:

  • Xellar (formerly Itone Lloyd)
  • Professor Lando and Friends
  • Caspurr
  • Randon Neuring
  • Commander Connor and Reeser Rat
  • Ais Riale
  • HIRAGA and PengieVT
  • Lex Parte
  • Kamiya Juu
  • Karlobster
  • SuperKrazyBones
  • Liminal Lark

 JP net culture is different so please be a responsible fan and follow them discreetly! We do not wish to make them uncomfortable and potentially hide, so keep the interactions at Looking Respectfully ™ if you do not have the ability to blend in as a normal JP citizen finding them. Don’t put pressure on these Completely Unrelated Streamers!

  • ちのたろ/Chinotaro | おいちゃん/Oichan
  • にどみ/Nidomi
  • はぐん/Hug+n
  • でる汰/Deruta
  • プテラたかはし/Ptera Takahashi
  • ちゃんふぁぶちゃん/PHAB
  • めゐろ/Meiro
  • ゆう十/Yuuto
  • はなつぐ/Hanatsugu 
  • Hono / Hononos
  • Bakeyuka / バケゆか
  • Mutsuu / むつー
  • Sentankyofusho / 先端恐怖症
  • Matsunart/まつん
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Who is PengieVT?


Hiraga’s brother


Haka bro??


Hirabro but yeah lmao


The boys are smiling, traveling together, and still friends after all this time while the Lando haters are still battling ghosts in their heads over something we’ll never know, but clearly was not bad enough for the boys to stop being friends over. Y’all are still so mad over losing an anime boy that you’ll mald over the simple fact that a human being decided to reluctantly quit his job and y’all are trying to gaslight people into thinking he’s some sort of abuser or leech as if the boys would travel across the country for someone like that and as if other talents on the girls side haven’t made even more blatant references to their Holo careers on their PLs. One of the girls even made and sold an entire EP worth of songs venting about her time in Holo and y’all get mad over a jester reference lol.


Which holo girl was that?


pretty sure OP is referring to demondice’s “shut up, get happy” EP


thanks wasn’t aware of it


Idc about lando but have y’all seen han’s pose here??? Very cute, very demure, very mindful 🫶




i know he’s straight (or at least that he’s had girlfriends in the past) but his body language is so fruity i love it



Last edited 9 days ago by Anonymous

kitten top really pulls the whole look together


Bro gets cuter by the second idk how he does it


bros a cutie patootie in all ways but his smile is really super cute


han is so fucking cute lemme smooch


He looks like Kevin Moon hes so beautiful


omg a deobi! but are we looking at the same kevin here…


it’s the – “your english is very good” i would hope so, it’s my first language – kevin yeah?


I don’t mean to sound insensitive, but is Ais ashamed of being brown? It’s not like he hasn’t shown what he looks like since joining, but even then he heavily had the brightness up to make his skin look lighter, and now in a more natural setting that he can’t edit he’s hiding behind someone else. I don’t know, I just get the feeling he’s insecure about being a darker skinned guy given a lot of vtuber fans absolutely have a bias towards white and asian people.


eat shit but also thank you for triggering this chain of events


i don’t think that’s why he hides his face. i’m pretty sure he does professional voice acting, so i feel like it’s just good opsec to prevent people from connecting the two. i agree that vtuber culture in general has massive racism problems, but only 2 out of the 10 EN boys are white so they’re not attracting a lot of weird racist fans to begin with


It’s white and east asian people in particular that otaku spaces have that bias for, just generally paler/lighter skin toned people. Even outside of fleshstreamers, just look at what happens when a vtuber group announces a new gen/wave and compare the hype for the model with darker skin compared to the ones that don’t have them and you’ll always see a trend that the darker skin toned vtuber will have the least amount of hype. Flare is still the least subbed member of HoloFantasy, Sana was the least subbed member of Council, Oga is the least subbed member of TriNero/MaFia, Goldbullet is the lowest subbed member of Armis. As uncomfortable of a subject as it is, unfortunately that bias still exists even if one would argue their side of the community is less problematic than others.


Last edited 9 days ago by Anonymous

I have another opinion.

I think he’s very aware of how wild and crazy the internet can be (previous doxxing) and he’s gone to great lengths to conceal himself. He’s talked about stalkers and has a million alt accounts. I vaguely remember him saying something like someone got his irl phone number or address and was messing with him – but that was a long time ago I don’t watch him as much now.

I don’t know about him brightening his skin, he may use filters but even in the con photos from fans and his own masked photo he had the same skin tone. There’s definitely an industry bias but I think he does it more for general privacy than being ashamed.


maybe he’s paranoid of deepfakes and doxxing. this is wild comment to read


It’s still an interesting topic to discuss. If I remember in nyfco back then, there were some nasty comments about Sana when they discovered her PL and even dissed her model as well. Heck, there was one disparaging comment about Ais’ skin color when his selfie photos from his old tumblr account were leaked on that site. Though I agree he’s paranoid about being doxxed.


Maybe, a lot of fans are absolutely weird and almost passive aggressive to darker skinned vtubers and make very weird comments about them. I noticed with another corpotuber who is black/brown he gets so many freaks. Might just be that he doesn’t want his face to be that well known for privacy’s sake? I don’t think it’s a confidence thing based on how he talks about himself still but yeah, could the case even though i’d hate for it to be true.


Last edited 10 days ago by Anonymous

It’s entirely possible he’s just camera shy, as there’s sparse examples of him leaving photos online.

It is also possible he’s a little self-conscious about it, since the wider online anime-adjacent community isn’t always normal about people who don’t visibly line up with the colorism of wide swathes of the medium (as in white or paler East Asian). I don’t think that it’s that, but I think your idea is plausible, yeah.


I wondered if he wanted more privacy because his relatively rare skin tone would make him too identifiable in public, especially in a con.


As someone who has gone to plenty of cons especially recently, I don’t think he’d stand out too hard unless he was always hanging out with Lando and Connor and co. But even then, it’d be more a giveaway that he’s hanging out with them than people recognizing him specifically


Yeah, they’re in New York. His skin tone really isn’t going to make him stand out at a con there


Ais is there according to the tag, hiding behind the back of Han.


Last edited 10 days ago by Anonymous

Dude straight up camouflaged against Han and the boat by wearing black and white


i saw I was tryna catch a glimpse in connor’s sunglasses 😔

pls don’t post another 5s selfie I’m too slow 😭


i didn’t even notice him until i zoomed in lol, cute.


those fuckers… (affectionate)

… technically the truth lol


Ohh! Hanbyeol did mention on blithe stream he’ll get more tattoo in NY 😮 happy to see he went to NY with connor and ais too ( ´∀`)


(op) oh nevermind there’s another person 😶


the connor fans being thirsty for him on main are so brave. like i feel the same way but i have to say it on here so i can pretend he can’t see it


the most i do on main is compliment his hair and clothing/accessories. for obvious reasons, i can only share my true appreciation here


Yeh on main I compliment his fashion, but on here i want to motorboat his badoonkas like hshdhejjdjejbrrrrrrr prrrrr dhjrjdheh



Connor confirmed for Twitchcon! I wonder if any of the other boys will say anything


Probably Han and Lando obviously. Ais/Flayon mentioned he’s taking a break this week though I can’t remember if he went to Twitchcon last year. Lex was supposed to go last year but he canceled his trip so maybe, he will go this time.


Ais did go to TwitchCon last year (that’s when we got recent pics of him)! And as you said Lex was really bummed out about not being able to go last so I sincerely hope he gets to go this time… Though from what I know about him I’d say there’s not much chance of it happening, the man cockblocks himself out of things way too often.



Last edited 10 days ago by Anonymous

i feel bad for lex sometimes. wish he could get out there and interact with his indie friends again at some sort of con and benefit from it a lot even though it would be a more expensive trip for him it would be great for him lmao


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