Disclaimer: We Discuss These Vtubers/Fleshtubers in a Random type of way and they are in no way or form related to the “HoloStars” brand, in any way shape or form. We, for some weird and coincidental reason, like these particular set of entertainers very much.



Approved List of Random Streamers We Appreciate:

  • Xellar (formerly Itone Lloyd)
  • Professor Lando and Friends
  • Caspurr
  • Randon Neuring
  • Commander Connor and Reeser Rat
  • Ais Riale
  • HIRAGA and PengieVT
  • Lex Parte
  • Kamiya Juu
  • Karlobster
  • SuperKrazyBones
  • Liminal Lark

 JP net culture is different so please be a responsible fan and follow them discreetly! We do not wish to make them uncomfortable and potentially hide, so keep the interactions at Looking Respectfully ™ if you do not have the ability to blend in as a normal JP citizen finding them. Don’t put pressure on these Completely Unrelated Streamers!

  • ちのたろ/Chinotaro | おいちゃん/Oichan
  • にどみ/Nidomi
  • はぐん/Hug+n
  • でる汰/Deruta
  • プテラたかはし/Ptera Takahashi
  • ちゃんふぁぶちゃん/PHAB
  • めゐろ/Meiro
  • ゆう十/Yuuto
  • はなつぐ/Hanatsugu 
  • Hono / Hononos
  • Bakeyuka / バケゆか
  • Mutsuu / むつー
  • Sentankyofusho / 先端恐怖症
  • Matsunart/まつん
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scorned magmite warning. i want to forgive him too, i really do. it’s fucking exhausting being a bitter little bitch over an anime man but it’s still difficult when you cried over it for more than a month. it’s so fucking stupid but i can’t help it. and it is so difficult to believe him. why did it take a year to say he was sorry. why was his first tweet after graduating so arrogant. why on earth did he write that outfit tweet when his mama put so much effort into his design, even drew a silly little furry for him and bought the magging tshirt… i still miss him and i wish i could enjoy him like i used to. sorry for a pitiful vent not really seeking for answers or comfort, open for nonnies to defend him and say what they like about him now that he is more free and hopefully happier. just needed to get it out.


I won’t disagree with you or try to defend him, your feelings are perfectly rational and valid, and I was in your position myself for a long time. All I’ll say is, it’s like he said on stream: you feel the way that you feel. If you want to watch him, do. And if you don’t want to watch him, move on and find peace and happiness. He wants the best for you whatever the outcome is.


i have a lot on my mind after that caspurr stream. i wouldn’t exactly call myself a scorned magmite or anything but i definitely felt a bit bitter at the entire situation for much longer than was warranted, mostly the little things that made it worse such as their updated models and the nearly ruined anniversary. but in the end i always loved him so much because he had so much creativity and wit and i could tell he put a LOT into being a holostar, to the point that he burnt out severely multiple times and i wish it never came to that. if he puts even half of that effort into his new self, how can i be mad at that? bad situation be damned, i’ve definitely left jobs in less graceful ways that i’m not proud of. how can i hold it over his head when i’m guilty too? chat reflects the streamer, truly. i don’t think i can commit to the level of devoted i was when he was magni, but even if all i do is watch vods and lurk in chat during streams, i think it’ll make me feel that happiness i felt watching early HQ blossom. i miss that group of 4 so much it makes my heart hurt sometimes but i’m an adult and things have always changed and it hurts more often than not but that doesn’t mean i should be spiteful and bitter forever. i wish all of the still-angry magmites a very peaceful healing.



Jeses Christ, Lark! You’re looking damn fine with those shades like it’s straight out of a fashion magazine. Can’t imagine his voice coming out from that elfish-looking fellow.




Do we know who among the boys are attending Twitchcon this year? I know Connor is going for sure, Lando no, knock on wood Lex will get to go this year but I don’t remember if he’s confirmed anything…anyone else?


All of my frustration from back then basically bled away hearing him apologize and say he wanted to say goodbye. That took away the last little bit of bitterness I silently held onto (as much as I tried to bury it and ignore it). I’m glad I can finally let it go and that he acknowledged it. I can truthfully say I’m glad he’s back.



idk you’re telling me cover didn’t even offer them a goodbye statement like they did for mel and gamma, who were terminated? neither of them were offered to leave a message with management to relay to us? either that’s a big slipup on starsen management or the two just didn’t think to ask if they could.


Despite how bootlicking this sounds, Cover isn’t stupid. “Half of the founding members of the English Stars branch chose graduation? Yeah, boot them immediately after a month long hiatus.” That’s Niji level tactics that I’d be stunned if Cover ever dropped to. There are far more believable things that could have been the cause and half of them are probably related to legality.


the hiatus was definitely some kind of negotiation period, back and forth ideas on how to come to a mutual agreement that would benefit both parties. i’m not mad that they chose graduation, they did so for a reason and shouldn’t feel the need to stick with a job that doesn’t benefit them. i’m not even mad that we didn’t get a final stream from them, as it’s not unheard of (even if it was very disheartening). but to not even get a tweet from management like we did for mel and gamma? and with the way cas was talking, it sounds like he wasn’t offered that, or once again, he didn’t think to ask maybe. i’m leaning more towards the former. for some reason or another, i think vesper and magni were not offered the option to leave a goodbye message with management. not saying there’s some conspiracy against them or anything, but it’s an incredibly strange decision, both in the moment and with hindsight.


maybe the negative feedback from tempuras on the way they both graduated was what allowed mel and ganchan’s goodbye message. management got the impression that the fans didn’t care about how the talent left but cared about getting a final farewell


I think it’s more like they (both the StarsEN management and Magnoir) didn’t think this through carefully.


Stars have been very upfront about their grievances with management over the years (hell, all of hololive has). If anything, StarsEN are actually pretty quiet about it and don’t bring it up on stream often. It’s possible that due to the circumstances of the graduations (the bad timing, new models that cover paid for that they never got to really use and pay back, and the month+ of hiatus and probably headache-inducing negotiations), they weren’t offered a goodbye as a sort of “punishment”? I mean, it did damage Lando/Caspurr’s reputation (and, thus, his viewership) quite a bit. That’s definitely bordering on conspiracy territory though. It just doesn’t make sense how Mel, who broke NDA, and Gamma, who did something that cover couldn’t justify keeping him for, weren’t also “punished” in this way. I just can’t understand how a decision over a month in the making wasn’t thought through carefully enough.


They can be “punished” by being denied a graduation simply because their branch manager decided so.

Mel is JP and the girls side
Gamma is stars is also JP

But Tempus is stars EN. All they need is the EN manager being harsh and that’s it.


Way to throw Gorimane under the bus, lol.


Fun for you to assume it was Gorimane who worked with Axel’s shenanigans for 5 years. Absolutely the kind of person who’d cause this mess /s

There are more managers above Gorimane who’re calling the shots.


That happened a couple of months before Gorimane was made gen manager. She became manager around August/September. This is also when Yagoo looked extremely sick and feeble and might have taken a backseat (may-august)


Last edited 6 days ago by Anonymous

If anything, given the timing, it’s plausible Gorimane was promoted to replace whoever bungled the graduation situation. Not our business to know who that was, and anyone wishing to find out should cease.


If Gorimane is now the new lead, that explains why the boys have much more room to breathe. Also why the pole dancing managed to pass. I cannot imagine for the life of me that they would allow pole dancing from the year 1 lead manager. Tempus couldn’t even get a book club passed back then. But now Ruze has a book club.


Last edited 6 days ago by Anonymous

Well, as Lando said before, we’ll never know unless you’re like that anon below who believes the management are the villains of this.


sometimes he tweets things that proves why he’s the top notch aspie graduate (as a compliment) https://twitter.com/josuijishinri/status/1834358371199357092?s=19


How tf can I stay hydrated when I’m always thirsty for him nonnie???


shinri is both the problem and solution nonnie


Hearing that he wanted to say goodbye but just couldn’t I always knew it. There was a lot of anger then I’m glad you’re happier now <3




He suffered so much it’s so sad…. Move love for him!


I’m very angry cause Cover’s NDA is what’s stopping them from speaking up what literally happened, yet these bozo fans blame it on him, like, are you guys forgetting Randon also graduated? Why only target Lando? I’m starting to side with the incels a little bit cause we also got a minority of femcels/parasocials.



I don’t think Lando/Magni had a more particularly parasocial fanbase than Ves did. I think a lot of the backlash Lando received came from a number of things, including but not limited to:

-the diner tweet which rubbed everyone the wrong way esp when he got a new model and then quit a month later which a lot of people saw as double disrespect to his artist

-Lando’s history with picking things up for a short time and then dropping them which left people wondering if he could actually commit to being a vtuber long-term or if he’d do the same thing again as his future identity/ties, dropping them without a word. this is a big one, in essence it’s the fact that he established a lack of trust among his fanbase. ofc this may or may not even be his fault in the case of him leaving stars but I understand the apprehension towards his future endeavors. I’m trying not to let myself get too attached to Cas or any vtuber again because of this, even if I still support my oshis in hololive and stars.

-his professor persona was just very different from Magni and while a lot of magnation found it entertaining enough it wasn’t exactly what they were looking for. Now we have Caspurr who is pretty much just Magni but slightly less filtered, but it took a year for that to come out and in that time a lot of magnation moved on. in contrast, Randon is basically orc Vesper, same guy as always, and his activities started pretty soon after the graduation. and going back to the previous point, Randon was his only previous public identity so he didn’t have the same reputation of picking up and dropping personas

-Landon streamed during the hiatus which magnation liked initially but left a bad taste in peoples mouths once the grad announcement came. in hindsight it’s dumb but I can understand the grifter allegations from the time esp cus he continued to use those holo connections to profit as Lando (ohmonah in particular).

-Magni had higher expectations among fans than Vesper because of Vesper’s Japan arc that mostly isolated his fanbase from the rest of HQpuras. let’s be real, most rational Vesties expected him to be the first to graduate. Back then, Magni was seen as the glue that held HQ together

-this is a point against both of them but of course the timing was awful, right near 1st anni, same day as unplan announcement, very little heads up to the rest of the branch, really rocked the boat for the rest of the group. but that can’t really be held against them since ultimately it was cover’s decision to put out the announcement when they did and not listen to unplan’s pleas to move one of the announcements to another date.

now not all of these things are entirely rational or hold up after Caspurr’s stream today but it more or less explains why Lando in particular got so much flak, meanwhile Randon came out better off than he was before stars.



Lando is not Sayu, jeez. If anything from Caspurr’s stream, it’s a sign that he’s no longer angry and wants to move on from the past. Be angry at Cover all you want but don’t spread your hatred here unless you want the schizo/antis to screenshot your rant and spread it all over the web given what happened the last few days.


That is not how a fucking NDA works. It’s not a damn mob contract.

NDA’s generally cover business things (ex. if you were a tech company and had industry leading tech designs you didn’t want leaked), or to keep projects/participants on the downlow. Cover’s most likey covers the following: doxxing talents/staff/collab partners, anything software/tech that’s proprietary to Cover, business specifics (your merch prices and what have you), and not talking about upcoming outfits/events/big brand collabs.

If you are let go, you are still under NDA. You cannot talk about the above topics without breaking NDA. It does not stop you from talking about your experiences with the company.

You can look at Doki as the prime example. After her termination and all the shit she went through, she’s been able to explain her old job without specifics (to people or anything identifying), give advice based on her time there, and, most importantly,
criticize her old employer
without breaking her NDA. And she did all that within days of getting fired. Kson has talked about her time in Holo as well. And if fucking Rushia can lie about shit, then Lando was and has been free to broad strokes about his time in Holo whenever he wanted.


Doki does have a lawyer and a manager on her side who have probably looked over her NDA extensively and advise her on everything she can and cannot say down to the letter. Cas doesn’t have all that and I can imagine he’d want to tread lightly and be more cautious. Even if there are more things he probably legally can say, to a common dude the NDA is a lot of legal jargon he doesn’t fully understand. If I were in his position, I’d probably also say as little as possible just to be safe.


It’s been stated that Cover goes over NDA specifics with talents so they know what they can and can’t say and what it entails. In fact, in the aftermath of Mel’s termination, Cover said they’d go over NDA specifics again with talents so they understood and were updated.

From that, quite bluntly I don’t think Lando understands how part of his NDA works. I’ve heard other talents complain about management in roundabout ways to not give out specifics, so they understand what they can and can’t say.

(To be clear, I’m not arguing with you even if it seems that way. I see these discussions that do not get NDAs all the time and it’s frustrating.)


Plus his homies are inside stars too and he wouldn’t want to compromise them. I’m glad there is some sort of closure from this stream.


Yep, I think he is actually not saying anything because of the boys, since he actually said he technically could say it, but he didn’t want to make Cover get on the defensive and probably not ruin it for his friends either.

However there was a closure, i think most of us found it in that he did care, he wanted to say goodbye, and his affection was not a lie. I think that cleared the air at least for me, I just wanted to know he cared.


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