Disclaimer: We Discuss These Vtubers/Fleshtubers in a Random type of way and they are in no way or form related to the “HoloStars” brand, in any way shape or form. We, for some weird and coincidental reason, like these particular set of entertainers very much.



Approved List of Random Streamers We Appreciate:

  • Xellar (formerly Itone Lloyd)
  • Professor Lando and Friends
  • Caspurr
  • Randon Neuring
  • Commander Connor and Reeser Rat
  • Ais Riale
  • HIRAGA and PengieVT
  • Lex Parte
  • Kamiya Juu
  • Karlobster
  • SuperKrazyBones
  • Liminal Lark

 JP net culture is different so please be a responsible fan and follow them discreetly! We do not wish to make them uncomfortable and potentially hide, so keep the interactions at Looking Respectfully ™ if you do not have the ability to blend in as a normal JP citizen finding them. Don’t put pressure on these Completely Unrelated Streamers!

  • ちのたろ/Chinotaro | おいちゃん/Oichan
  • にどみ/Nidomi
  • はぐん/Hug+n
  • でる汰/Deruta
  • プテラたかはし/Ptera Takahashi
  • ちゃんふぁぶちゃん/PHAB
  • めゐろ/Meiro
  • ゆう十/Yuuto
  • はなつぐ/Hanatsugu 
  • Hono / Hononos
  • Bakeyuka / バケゆか
  • Mutsuu / むつー
  • Sentankyofusho / 先端恐怖症
  • Matsunart/まつん
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Super excited to see what Lark does with his new VR setup. I know he’s got a lot of work this month, and his birthday on the 27th, but I hope we get to see him in 3D again soon!


Asides from Connor, who else is going to Twitchcon? Lando already confirmed he’s not going. Idk if Lex will go this year. What about Han and Ais/Ren? Or even Lark (Idk if he went to Twitchcon before)?


Seeing Ren’s face has only made my delulu worse. I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him I


Last edited 5 days ago by Anonymous



More posts disappearing for no reason. Smart fridges..



Nah those were straight up homophobic and evil posts those needed to go


I mean obviously I wasn’t talking about those. I do think that some of the comments were getting out of hand so maybe the OP posts were just caught in the crossfire.


idk i feel like there are definitely some comments disappearing for no good reason. i know this site is being raided by trolls or used to name and shame BNFs, but posts that were genuinely discussing the boys clapping back or posts discussing the problematic pasts of some of the talents just vanishing feels weird


i think someone may be flagging posts that use the wrong name or talk about pl stuff on the main pages (e.g. mentioning connor by name on the tempus page) so that could be part of it? i defs had an innocuous post like that disappear and that was the only legit reason i could think of why someone would report it


yea im not talking about stuff like that im talking about stuff that are on the pages theyre allowed to be on but ppl get weird about it anyway


Last edited 5 days ago by Anonymous

The censoring and hugboxification of this place is creeping up on us


This place was always meant to be a fansite, not a replacement to nyfco.


OH NO, aN AnoNymouS SiTE is BeCOMing a huGBOx.

Sir, you have X for that, all the drama’s there.





Just go to twitter then. Why are you even here?


This probably has been mentioned before, but I’m watching the series Yellowjackets and Adam (the actor Peter Gadiot, but only specifically as Adam) reminds me so much of Connor. I can’t believe I’m into moustaches now…


connor permanently altered my brain chemistry i’ve found myself becoming attracted to lanky white guys with tattoos and it’s killing me



connor is not lanky, lanky requires being tall



he’s dummy sticc


lol, I was about to say the same.


Seeing the way you all argue and attack one another constantly (and it happens on Twitter too and most StarsEN fan spaces) really makes me want to never interact with the fandom side again. Christ alive, I feel bad for these guys.



if you look up virtue signalling on wikipedia, this comment will pop up as an example



k bye sis



Then why you are here in the first place? If you don’t want to see fandom drama, curate your timeline and never visit places like this.


(OP) I came from the old site mostly because I liked hornyposting about Shinri. But after reading this page tonight, it really opened my eyes. Trust me, I’m leaving after this post. ✌️ Try to be kinder to yourselves, I guess.


You sound like someone who wanted to dunk on others passive aggressively out of nowhere from a high horse. Not sure if your claims are honest.



wasn’t the old site like, worse lol


It was better, we have community there, it like having a tea time with your neighbours.



. . . what kind of conversations do you have with your neighbours over tea?


One where when the crazy neighbor comes over spamming pictures of literal shit you clap back with filthy smut fanfic so fast that their smart fridge breaks.

That was a fun day.


ah fun to see a fellow survivor of that day, i was one of the ppl spamming smut to counter the shit spam from that psycho that thought we had something to do with their advent page being flagged for hard doxxing the girls.


I caught the tail end of it and I’m so sad that all that smut is now lost to time. Truly a shame. Man, I do miss the Tempus page sometimes, it was the only sane place in that hellhole.

Nonnies who weren’t there, you have no idea how much worse all the other pages were. Advent’s was just the fucking worst (they swore we constantly raided them), IRyS and Gura’s pages were flat out disgusting, and the less said about the Nina page, the better.


that was truly tempus nyfco’s “you had to be there” moment. we did some of our best posting that day and all of it was lost to time


Last edited 5 days ago by Anonymous

Not lost to time, I archived it, I new it was CINEMA and TRUE ART



fucking losing my shit at this



much worse lol


I’m not gonna lie watching back this vod at 2am is making me so emotional, caspurr seems really dedicated to his fanbase and his new ventures and the way he talks about vtubing you can tell he has a lot of love for it. Even understanding why people were so angry and sad for a long time is really empathetic and it takes a lot of grace to wish people the best even through they might still hate you and actively wish for your downfall. I hope everyone who used to oshi him finds peace with this statement and heals.


I think it’s funny that Lando is essentially saying things that multiple people have said for months to try and give him the benefit of the doubt, but you fuckers would always shut those people down. Y’all are embarrassing as hell. I’m glad that people have finally started to use their common sense, but it took you this long? None of you could manage an ounce of empathy until he said “sorry” for a crime he didn’t even commit (leaving your fuckin job is not a crime)


crazy how when someone apologizes for hurting peoples feelings, they’re more inclined to forgive him than if he just stayed silent /s.
yes, anon, we feel better because he apologized and gave us his perspective, because we’re not mindreaders. i wish he didn’t have to pour his heart out so much but frankly the way they left gave everyone a bad feeling so yeah he did kind of have to explain himself (within nda ofc)


It’s a bit different when your job is depended on those people that wanted him to say sorry I guess especially when he wants the same people to support his new endeavors


Last edited 6 days ago by Anonymous

It took him 2 years to feel legally safe to be able to do so. Y’all keep forgetting that he’s bound by NDA contracts.


Last edited 6 days ago by Anonymous

Two years? And an NDA kept him from saying sorry? Hm.


The loss of viewership and income did. He was fine in the first year.


Without a lawyer on your side to really clarify what can and cannot be said, most people will default to not talking about their experiences in fear of breaking NDA.

Doki blasted her ex employer because her lawyer said she could. Lando doesn’t have that reassurance.


I’m the nonnie who talked about NDAs and I’m reiterating this again: an NDA is not a fucking mob contract. There was nothing stopping him from doing what Doki did and getting a lawyer or legal council to answer his questions over a year ago. Literally nothing. And he had a branch member who went to law school who could have also answered questions.

And before “well how would he know he could do that”, current members of Stars have talked about speaking to lawyers about shit involving their jobs for varying reasons.


‘Went to law school’ is not the same as practicing lawyer. A non practicing lawyer cannot and will not give any legal advice. Also cross country law is another problem. Different countries, different laws.

Also Japan defamation law is really stupid, because it’s legal to sue despite the truth as long as there is reputational damage. Genuine bad reviews have been sued before under Japan’s system. Sayu couldn’t clear her name until recently probably because of such fears (which eventually got sorted out)

Technically the black rainbow could sue Doki for defamation for speaking out about her abuse because they’re a Japanese company. However it would cost them tons of money to get humiliated by the country of the defendant’s court (Canada or America?). That’s why they didn’t do it. Would have been a popcorn show if they really did.

I doubt Cover is that level. It seems that they have already dealt with the problem internally and have a better system now.


(cont) forgot to add something before i lost edit perms. Yes, Cover may not be black rainbow, but they still function under Japanese law which gives stronger power to employers. Hence why NDA and other legalities are still something people are really careful about.


He made it abundantly clear last night that both mgmt and he reached a professional mutual agreement to part ways and he was not going to say anything in opposition of that even if it wasn’t 100% the best parting of company.What he wanted to do was say his piece and say goodbye to fans (graduate properly) but that wasn’t allowed to happen (given the nature of their setup and contract negotiations, it’s highly unlikely they’d retain access to everything once they severed ties from the company so that’s probably why they were locked out of accounts and ‘forced to graduate’ ‘seems like they got fired’). The severity of it does not seem to be anywhere near the level of what Doki endured but it caused him immense mental strain and he chose to leave and do his own thing.We don’t need the full details. They parted ways. He wanted to say goodbye but couldn’t. Was angry about it but is getting over it. Kept his friends and is now able to grow his brand his own way. He’s revived himself and honestly, since his caspur debut I was skeptical but he really got his spark back. Happy to see him making content again but happy this time.About him saying sorry though – tensions were high back then and he had his own inner things to deal with while navigating LOTS of hate (way more than randon) so he worked on himself, got happy, got to a better place, and took the time to understand everyone’s feelings including his own to give an apology without throwing anyone under. Don’t know if he owed anyone an apology given the full circumstances, but apologizing for not being able to say goodbye, sure. He’s back now though so enjoy him while you can.


Last edited 6 days ago by Anonymous

I feel like we knew most of this already but knowing that he wanted to say goodbye & couldn’t makes me feel a lot better tbh. so many people said “oh they chose not to have grad streams” because they interpreted the translated version of the announcement that way. I always felt like it was horseshit and I’m glad to be proven right on that


this is the best response/explanation tbh. it really did feel like he took the time to understand our feelings and grievances and i so so so so appreciate that. even though i was never public in my criticisms of him it always lingered in my mind but he acknowledged it perfectly. it just sucks that it took the worst case scenario and the worst possible people giving him so much shit for it to come to this point, but i feel like he’s going to have a good upward trend from here on out.


(same op) Also some fans especially in these anon spaces were super nasty to vesties and magmites and basically ousted them out of the fandom because their oshi’s left. It really left me shocked because I made some good friends here. (I see the shade rotated to different fanbases every now and then and it’s heart breaking) we’re all just here to have fun guys, please don’t take it this seriously. Get off the internet if this is like your whole world crumbling, it’s truly not healthy. And not to be a hugbox but you can criticize something or just move on from what you don’t like without blasting everyone publicly, screenshotting receipts and throwing a tantrum on main/priv/anonymously. Come on, majority of us are working adults it’s embarrassing ngl.


Just to be clear, we shouldn’t rewrite history: there were also just as many Magmites and Vesties who lashed out at the rest of the fandom when they didn’t deserve it.

Agree on the last sentiment though. It’s insane.


Well to be fair her situation is completely different from his. (the reason why she even has a lawyer) It’s not like she wanted to blast her old company, she was put in a position where she had to


So he could say that he was really angry about his last job but not that he was sorry for his fans from that job, got it



It’s over Hans, the Füher is dead, the war is over, Germany has lost.


What the fuck how did you come to that conclusion? He spent a good amount of time apologising to his fans from that previous job this stream. Is that still not enough? It’s all recorded live.
