The Dearly Departed We Keep on Our Hearts

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i wish august goes by very slowly. ganchan vods please stay with us ///orz///


What is the name of the piano music that used to play in the background of Vesper’s zatsudan? I miss that tune.


one of the comments of that video pointed out his zatsu piano bgm ( if that’s what op is looking for


Yes! this is the one. Thank you.

I appreciate the other one which was his intro/outro too.


I missed him, I missed this BGM… Vesper have such nice character design, love you a lot gramps.


Don’t mind me, it’s just my daily Missing Ganchan Hours ™.

comment image

I will really miss his design.


Same, I always adore bold mix of vibrant color designs like his. Such a loss 😞


His design was so colourful and vibrant but had the right amount of contrast that made it feel so balanced and pleasing to look at. A lot of Vtuber designs suffer from what I call “layer of grey syndrome” where their colours look very slightly darkened by some sort of translucent layer of black or grey and so don’t pop out as much. I’ll miss my unicorn hair man 😔


Even beyond the grave, Magni still gives an L+ Ratio to Axel.


heyyyyy just wondering if anyone has attempted a tarot reading to vaguely guess why the termination happened? not that it would be accurate or anything but


You know what nonnie? I was curious and went to pick some cards, please do not read into it too seriously.

I asked regarding “career aspects” of all Tempus boys and here were the cards that showed up.

Altare: The Fool (Upright)
Magni: The Tower (Upright)
Axel: Seven of Pentacles (Upright)
Vesper: Four of Swords (Upright)

Bettel: Queen of Wands (Reversed)
Flayon: Six of Wands (Reversed)
Hakka: Five of Swords (Reversed)
Shinri: Page of Cups (Reversed)

Magni’s and Vesper’s cards legit sent shivers down my spine, note how I pick cards are shuffling them in a dark room and picked them based on the “calling” of the cards (sounds shizo af I know)

Vesper’s can be summed up to, he’s super stressed out and it took a toll on his health.
Magni’s more complicated, from what I can read on, the gist I get is there was a change of management or change of something that we don’t know that lead to his “loss”



Last edited 4 months ago by Anonymous

What the fuckadoodledoo anon??? Lando today soft confirmed regarding Magni… this is scarily accurate, please read for other tempus boys too, if you’re still here…


Last edited 4 months ago by Anonymous

Sorry for responding to something that’s a month old but taking this all in stride and knowing it was just for fun. this does make alot of sense. Especially Bettels and Shinris tbh based of the stuff they’ve talked about before. I wonder if that’s why bettel has been taking more outside projects as of late. Insane because it lines up so well with everything haha. Hakkas, Flay and Axels really suprised me though. Did not expect that at all. The common theme for all of them except for altare being having trouble in the workplace is kinda insane though. Sorry for reading into ur readings tarot anon if your still around haha this was fun though and I’d love if you did a full explanation for everyone tbh. all love <3 Thanks.


Last edited 4 months ago by Anonymous

yeah, someone did it before and it was very detailed too


I miss Tarot card reading nonnie. She predicted the boys’ going to japan months before they revealed it


Predicted it? It was logically gonna happen around when it did. I predicted it too, but using my brain



the image for this page makes me laugh everytime


I’m gonna put this here (tw: contains Magni appreciation and Caspurr)
Is it just me or his Roblox stream made me feel like I’m back home? Like I feel like Magni reincarnated to a cat spy. I am able to watch him again because it felt as if the great alchemist of Elysium still lives. His intro was heartwarming, the references were amazing.


I’ve been enjoying the streams a lot too but there’s always this nagging thought at the back of my mind telling me to not get too invested or attached this time because he might leave again : (


i mean i guess a silver lining will be, if he does leave again you’ll 100% know the full details and that it was completely his choice and not some potentially strange behind the scenes influences we’ll never know about


Even his outro made me tear up. It was like back to the Roman Empire and it’s glorious days. I just hope he’ll continue and not have burn outs.


I wish I could’ve gotten vesper’s VPs before they were removed from the shop. I started watching him pretty late on before graduation & now I get serious fomo seeing comments about how cute the valentines voice was :’(


I have a collection of all his VP’s I brought when he was still active, but does anyone know a site where you can upload mp3s and they actually last? I was gonna upload it after all his merch was officially taken off stock and there was no other way he could make money off them, but I was busy the past few months and didnt know if anyone had any interest anymore. orz



gofile is the usual for anons but that’s temporary
you could use mega to make a folder. it works similar to google drive
or just do that


I’ll see what I can do. mega won’t save any personal info right? ;;w;


naw it shouldn’t
you’ll be safe nonnie

Report let me know if this works. this has his summer camp, all the birthday ringtones, April fools, and valentines VP.

unless there were releases I forgot about this is all there was.


not op but do you have the welcome voice?



the welcome voice was the only thing he and Magni didnt record since it was during the “hiatus->graduation” months.


huh really? They didn’t have one? If it makes a difference, I meant the “starting voice” packs.


yeah they didnt have one. I think that was a thing that began around the time Advent debuted which they were gone by then. there were articles and talks about it when they weren’t on there



also his VP’s are more comedic than romantic in nature so just a heads up XD hope you enjoy them


Thank you so much anon I would suck your cock if you have one or let you stab me twice xoxo



TYSM ANON🙇‍♀️ everything works fine. I am so thankful



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