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Izurus song one arms reach from laika is amazing! Both his version and Rin’s, a duet version would sound super cute. I wish I found out about the song earlier before the Rin version dropped!
I was wondering, what are covers perms like with vocaloid usage and original songs? I don’t think I’ve seen any talents do this before? Did Izuru mix Rin’s version himself? This seems like an interesting new way to expand interest in holostars if vocaloid versions of their original songs becomes more regular in the future



pretty sure this was the person who mixed it and what not, that’s what the tweet says anyways though im sure he prob looked it over and all that

don’t know about the perm things though and im not sure if any others have either?

but this was really an amazing cover izuru is awesome~


i had been looking for the old site for a while bc i had thought it had only crashed for a bit, but i realized later that it was just gone. i was also gonna post this on the holoplus app but i procrastinated too long/didn’t know where to post this. but which jp stars would you recommend for learning/studying jp?

im working on studying individually through apps/gonna be going to college next year to study more properly but i like listening to talents/catch words in everyday speech. and i’m not really a podcast boyo either. i used to listen to gamma a lot in the background and i would catch a lot of the words that he was saying and make out some context itself if i wasn’t looking at the stream.

i occasionally listen to UPROAR! bc i like all of them, but i was wondering if there’s any other boys that would b good to listen to!


Miyabi 100%. Clean and low voice and he doesn’t talk too fast or use a ton of slang/dialect. Uyu is also very good, with smooth tones and not too fast most of the time, just a bit more unusual dialect than Miyabi sometimes.

Shien, Oga, and Astel are also clean speakers, but can use a lot more slang/make weird noises so slightly increased difficulty. Aruran is also very clean, but is a fast speaker with a higher voice, so similar difficulty in a different direction. Rikka, Temma, Izuru, Rio I would put in mid-range – not too hard, but often slur or are not the cleanest speakers.

Hardest by far are Fuma and Roberu. Roberu obviously for his jank Kansai accent, rapid speech, and high tone, and Fuma is unintellgible raccoon noises like 50% of the time (/affectionate).


thank you!!! i never really listen to miyabi often, so i guess it’s time to listen to da bean more.

but thank you so much for putting them in ranges, this helps a whole lot!!! i like listening to da boys while i’m working on things so this helps a whole bunch.

(also the funniest thing is the one who got me to start listening to them while they were just talking away was roberu wwww. he talks so fast sometimes but i just liked hearing him prattle on with zero context.)


I want to buy all the puppets but I simply don’t have the money….. 🙁


yeah hopefully the pre-order is a while cuz don’t have the extra money at the moment I’m hopeing my next pay is alot then I can get some, i still want to get riots birthday merch too, unless I’m lucky and win lotto by then, then buy everything lol


its inventory sales so it will stay for long (unless it goes out of stock) (but it will be re-released)



UPROAR overcookd 2 collab!


they are super cute i really want them all
and I’m kinda sad no gamma T^T maybe i try make my own.


Look at these fat fucks I want twenty.


myb plap plap plap


Quick question: Who among the StarsJP knows how to cook well? Not the typical disastrous/”I did try” type of cooking but something decent that you can follow the recipe. I only know Shien does cook but idk the rest.


Temma can cook, he sometimes cooks for his family back when he still lives with them, now he cook for himself ever since he moved out. He likes to cook simple meals and try new recipe, one time he ask for cooking recommendation on stream and he listed some that catch his eye so he can try it


Shien as you said, Astel, and Izuru are the best cooks in Stars. Shien’s probably the most reliable and consistent with actually cooking for himself. Astel is pretty gourmet with it when he tries and shamed the fuck out of Fuma and Gamma that one special cooking episode lmao. Izuru is very good but doesn’t especially make a big deal of it.

Miyabi can cook, as he grew up in a cafe, so he actually has good cooking sense despite his outer appearances. He’s been making more of an effort at it since he moved out on his own. Roberu can cook, but is notoriously lazy about it and just eats premade shit instead so he’s hopeless.

The rest have either not mentioned enough info to really know, or are in that ‘disastrously bad’ section (fucking Fuma will never live down both the dorayaki Christmas cake incident and cutting the whole fucking avocado in half, pit and all). Aruran also had some…interesting cooking streams that involved pizza and trashcans, we don’t talk about those.


Fuma left rice in his rice cooker unplugged (as he allegedly heard people make rice in big batch, so they only have to cook rice once for several meals) and it got so bad that he had to throw away the entire rice cooker….


The polls are still out on if Fuma even lives on the same planet as the rest of humanity, he is just so disastrously out there sometimes.


Miyabi said he likes cooking, but isn’t necessarily great at it. He has a bunch of cooking streams with camera where he seriously tries to make something tasty


I think Izuru and Astel know how to cook. there’s a story when Izuru cooked for one of the Stars, I think it was Miyabi?. And here’s a clip for Astel : https://youtu.be/n5dgoikvOok?si=6-FAY4cWVRLC2tD_


lets go 150k rio almost there~





🎊🎊🎉👏👏🎊 Yay Rio!!!! Now let’s go 200K!!! Yatta \O/


wooo Great rio you are awesome~


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