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It’s been a day and all of this still feels so surreal. I thought I wasn’t parasocial. I’ve just been casually following holostars and my first kamioshi was Vesper. Even when he combusted and eventually graduated, I was sad but I didn’t feel such a deep grief. This is not even the first time I lost an oshi (my first ever kamioshi unalived himself) and even then, I was sad but not as sad. I’ve had family members passed and while it hurts, I was able to process the grief with a cool head.

I followed both Uproar and Tempus since debut, so they’re probably the two groups I followed the most (although I am more of an Astella or Omaesan myself), and I don’t really watch Ganchan that much (since I am not fluent JP), but since yesterday I have been continuously tearing up and crying. This never happened before. I feel like a part of me is empty now and there’s just deep sadness that I don’t understand. I guess I’m more attached to Uproar than I thought.

I mean, Uproar always feels like my happy place. To me, their bond is as real as it can be. If you’ve followed Uproar, you know that they almost do everything together. There’s not a day that go by without them mentioning each other. It feels so wholesome, and the way they were, I thought they would be here forever. They just have so much love for each other, and despite numbers, it feels like they’re grounded and will go as long as holostars exist. There were never indications that they would graduate anytime soon.

So I guess that’s why I’m unintentionally attached to them. But then again, some people are so easy to love no matter what, and Uproar, especially Ganchan, are so easy to love. Just like Axel said, he is like a sunshine. I still can’t fathom the thought that he is no longer here. My friends said that my grief and attachment are unhealthy and I don’t even know him personally to have these strong feelings of loss. But how can’t I? He is pretty much a part of my life for 2,5 years. While I don’t watch him often, I still like him a lot and his existence has been a constant in my life that I didn’t know would just get ripped apart and be gone without any peep. I just don’t know what to do with myself and how to process all of these



i know how you feel, been a few days now and still such a deep feeling of grief over him being gone, have been crying so much the past few days my heart is broken and i just feel so empty and hollow now like a sinking heavy feeling and just such a sense of loss, gamma will really be missed so much he was a ray of sunshine that always brightened my day and others with his streams his laughter was always great to hear i will miss his good morning tweets and streams a lot been a part of my life for just over 2 years now, i don’t know how long it will take to calm down? i will definitely never really get over it and i hope people still talk about him and and still draw fan art and everything i really wish they would never delete his archives, i have been trying to save some my self but while doing so i end up watching some and just cry all over again that he is gone it defiantly hurts, i really hope he shows up soon i would still really love to support him wherever he is so if people do find him i hope they let us know, Gamma we Love you and i wish you good health happiness and the best luck in whatever it is you do next


Anon 🫂 I feel you so much on this. I was actually surprised at how much I cried and how hard this is affecting me. While I consider myself a Stars hako oshi, my no.1 in JP right now is Aruran. I also don’t speak JP so I just lurk, I don’t even lurk on Gamma’s that much compared to the others but this is just tearing me apart… actually I just started crying again writing this

He is like sunshine, in my head Gamma = happy, funny, hyper but that’s no more, and my head and my heart can’t process it. I know other fans say that we should step away, take a break, etc. But if I step away now, when I comeback, some people would have already moved on, I’d probably barely see anyone talking about Gamma. I’d rather be here, take it all in, cry it all out, grieve with others and cope painfully this way.

I know he isn’t actually gone, and we don’t know him personally, but I know Hizaki Gamma and Hizaki Gamma is gone. Along with all the connections he made and the dynamic he brought. If he reincarnates and we find him again, I’ll definitely still watch him, but it’s just not the same



Yeah, I know that the person behind Ganchan is not dead. But we love Hizaki Gamma that is a part of Uproar and Holostars. We love how he is in that environment and the little quirks that comes with it. I’m not saying that the person behind Ganchan is not real, I’m sure there’s an amount of himself that is imbued into Hizaki Gamma. But it will never be the Hizaki Gamma who is a part of Uproar and Holostars. It will never feel the same, the way Vesper’s and Magni’s reincarnation is not them.


I hope Gamma makes a new channel and twitter account soon, he’s so loved by many so he shouldn’t fade away like this.

Obviously I don’t know what happened behind the scenes but it’s still such a punch in the gut, specially because Gamma clearly wasn’t a bad nor malicious person (otherwise Yagoo wouldn’t have tweeted what he did).

It makes me wonder if going nuclear with termination was really necessary after all.



GAH this man is too cute!! I love Temma’s PL!! Clip of his face reveal!



ASHGDKAHGJDS too cute!!! how can he be this cute?!?! i always thought that temma was cute but this makes him even cuter!! my kishimen heart cant take it ><



Can anyone confirm if this is him?


The heck? Is this real? He was a redhead before joining?


The actual channel is not him, they simply have reuploaded clips of his PL and are currently the only source for it.

If you check the vid descriptions they have a link to his old channel, which has been unfortunately deleted, so it is mainly just a dead end atm. Their profile pic does look like his artwork, so they might be a friend. Still, best to just not interact with this channel for now, as it will put pressure on them both, especially if Gamma told them to say nothing.


Ok, I’ll respect the limit, and will go no further.


oof… ok, i’m an archivist, but gamma’s channel is MASSIVE. i barely squeak by doing realtime uploads of karaoke. i don’t have the capability to download and reupload it on my own. i highly recommend that people start using youtube downloader tools to save their favorite VODs and put them on archive.org. its free and very simple. if y’all have any questions about the process im happy to clarify


ragtag has 919 videos saved, out of the 955 his youtube channel description lists. I guess the remaining 36 vids are membership stuff https://archive.ragtag.moe/channel/UCkT1u65YS49ca_LsFwcTakw


omg thank you ive been trying to save them on my own with no knowledge on how to really i mean his whole channel, so this is awesome im sure if the the ones missing are membership i can just download the membership vids for my self and they even have the comments too? and channel description that’s awesome this makes my day a little better, i still cant believe he is gone now my heart is just really hurting


Last edited 1 month ago by Anonymous

but the ones i found to try downloading his memberships that im part of i cant get working cuz i don’t know what im doing cuz they are like code which i don’t understand At All or the downloads all keep saying error when i try others, i almost hope someone uploads/saves his membership videos not working for me im just lost lol


Last edited 1 month ago by Anonymous

are you using yt-dlp to archive streams? if so, follow this

yt-dlp -f --cookies-from-browser (name of browser that's logged in to account with active channel membership) "VIDEO URL"

if you’re on chrome, you might need to close the browser beforehand. I suggest copying all the URLs of everything wanna archive into notepad and just download one by one


i just now after Hours of looking how to do it finally found some video’s to help me, i need visual learning/help not text for me had to figure out how to fix it to have better resolution and whatnot i am Not code or really computer literate at all my mind just cant get the stuff lol, but thank you so much helped a lot, now for a big long time job of downloading membership video’s for my self

Gamma i wouldn’t have to do this if you stayed T^T


only thing i wish i could do is save the descriptions and chat


found someone on reddit that wrote a way to do it but some reason i just couldn’t get it work, i’ll try againand i didn’t even think of that note pad thing either i hope it works


Last edited 1 month ago by Anonymous

whoa! that’s fast! thank you so much to this person!!! 😭 and thank you for sharing!


I have no experience archiving, but I wanna try to keep as much as I can get. Can you give me a quick how-to? Thank u so much!


yes, its very simple! so in the upper right is the upload file button, and from there you just select the file you want to archive. you can sign in with your google account if you dont have an account already. you’ll have to write a title, short description, and tags. for tags i’d put holostars and hizaki gamma at the very least. if you’re uploading multiple files it may ask you to pick a “collection” which is basically whether its an image, video, audio etc. it’ll usually generate a title and URL but you can change this if its gibberish.


Yeah, 900+ videos,


I’m so fucking pissed that people are using this situation as a “See? Cover isn’t perfect either! Gotcha!” moment. Like… read the room asshat. Criticize Cover 100% because how they handled this situation was def ass yes, but don’t turn this into a tool of comparison to give you your fix of “they vs us”. Real people are grieving over this. The boys are grieving. Fuck off until the wounds aren’t as fresh at least. Ugh.



Last edited 1 month ago by Anonymous

Yeah, apparently some of NDF/Nijisisters are using the termination to make comparisons and make drama. It’s understandable that Stars fans such as some of the anons here are lashing their anger at Cover for the timing of the news which is the main issue. At least, it’s not as disastrous as how Selen’s termination turned out. The star boys were allowed to grieve and thank Gamma for everything and wish him good luck unlike what had happened with Selen.


yeah NDF accounts were even mocking yagoo’s message to Gamma as just “PR fluff” instead of a CEO caring & respecting the talent enough to send a farewell message. They think slandering a former employee is a good way to terminate someone coz it’s “calling it as it is”


Ignore them. Those are nijisisters coping


Look at this clip of Gamma’s stream they day before he got terminated. I think he knew what was coming.

Chat: I’m thinking about joining menshi

Gamma: You should join now! Only now, while you can still join menshi. Maybe I’ll get into a traffic accident tomorrow and I might die.

Chat: Don’t say unlucky things please…

Gamma: It’s okay. I don’t die easily. I won’t just die. This might turn out to be a flag, maybe…




[inhales copium]

He said “I won’t just die” so that means he’ll get reincarnated right? Also he jokingly said “Maybe I’ll get into a traffic accident”, just like in isekai, so we’ll see him again right? Please…

btw, what does “ This might turn out to be a flag” mean?

and if anyone can suggest where I can possibly get a nui? I don’t have any merch of him and I really want to at least have the nui


flag in this context means a death flag. foreshadowing, if you will. like when a character in a book, anime or game starts happily rambling about all the things they are planning to do once the war is over (and then they get killed immediately after)


i hope he starts up again somewhere i know alot of people would love to follow and support him there i know i would, only places ive seen his nui’s where at mercari though some people or a lot will over charge for things but can find cheaper ones sometimes as for official ones i don’t know pretty sure they stopped selling all holostars nui’s i still need all of uproars i do have all of the nui’s other them though i still need to get lots of gamma’s merch too


[comment op]

yeah, i did check mercari and damn… lmao. i thought nuis are readily available in some stores in Japan since Hakka managed to get an Oga nui when he went there ;;


they might have at some stores there and lucky if find them, if only i could go there my self and buy them all, though if i went i would have to save up a Ton of money or win the lotto cuz i would want to buy all of the holostars jp merch


I hope clippers will not take down their clips of Ganchan.. 🥹 I know JP fans thoroughly follow the rule about not having clips from unarchived streams. I even see some clippers review their clips occasionally just to check if the source stream is still up and take it down if the stream got deleted/unarchived… but I don’t Ganchan to be wiped. He has so many good moments…


wait, his channel is getting wiped? it wont be like kira’s?


Terminated talents get their channels wiped out just like what happened to Rushia and Mel. Kira’s a graduate and alum. His channel and vods are still there just like the rest of the Holo graduates (Coco, Sana, Magni and Vesper).


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