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What is it with people tweeting about other people who should’ve been terminated instead of gamma? While I think it’s pretty unnecessary & immature, I worry if there might actually be something going on. They should report any issues to cover but I don’t want to support someone who did something bad. I’m not that into stars twt so idk if this is maybe an overreaction, a misunderstanding or something more serious. I’m so lost.


can you send examples of those kind of tweets because im not seeing them


lol sushi deleted her tweets


got the screenshot


Image-7-19-24-at-10.34 PM



Image-7-19-24-at-10.34 PM-1

got quoted but didn’t delete their reply


Image-7-19-24-at-10.40 PM



Image-7-19-24-at-10.40 PM-1

https://x.com/sushishorts/status/1814181473077137801 this one right here i saw on my tl


Saving this too


Image-7-19-24-at-11.00 PM

they deleted their tweet lmaoooo


I think tako replied with a gif to this but I guess she deleted it


Image-7-19-24-at-11.00 PM

I really can’t fathom why people haven’t just blocked tako, sushi and their gang. After constantly causing drama throughout both HQ and VG era, they’re continuing to shit all over ARMIS, and it’s absolutely typical that tako would cause massive problems and headaches for any talent she latches her mental illness onto. I’ll continue to believe that Gibby did nothing more than contact fan artists/creators directly to set up some stream assets, got told he can’t do that and it has to go through management, and then stopped. There is absolutely no evidence of anything further, and I do not trust the problem fans involving themself at their word.


Is Sushi not a StarsEN fan anymore after the Magnoir grads? I remember she became more of a randonnite/lando fan and rarely pays attention to Holostars news.


idk but she says shes part of the community based on this https://x.com/sushishorts/status/1814209204909232436?s=46


Now I’m curious to what else she’d done prior to this thing with gibby


Idk man not defending tako but if those secondary screenshots were him talking bout playing games together privately and sending friendly/flirty messages that’s wrong and that’s 100% on him – mental illness or delulu or whatever the heck. He was in the wrong on that and I think he was talked to about it because he doesn’t seem to be doing that anymore.


i can agree with this at least. Boundaries need to be made between streamer and viewer and having those blurred lines can invite really creepy behavior no one needs, especially in holostars given male vtubers already have a bad stigma.


What “gang”? I know tako but who’s sushi and the “others”?


why is it always vesties


As a Vestie we don’t claim them


I keep seeing this but no one gives any details or saw the supposed tweets. Who’s getting proposed as a better alternative to get the ax?EDIT: Nevermind, I saw Armis page and it’s tako shit again.


Last edited 1 month ago by Anonymous

op // Just looked on the armis page too. So…is this just a huge nothing burger or what? Not like GB is completely innocent but I’m guessing this is a case of strong emotions getting in the way & one side of the “drama” being spread around to other fans as fact or a warning to other starmin ig?? At least with what little info is known now


Last edited 1 month ago by Anonymous

It’s attention-seeking behavior, nothing less. They have nothing to get GB in real trouble with Cover or they would’ve done it already.


at this point, someone needs to make a twitlonger or smth cuz im tired of these 20-30 somethings acting like high schoolers

either let people know what the issue is or say nothing at all

if its that serious they need to email cover or show us with proof instead of subtweeting


there’s screenshots on the armis page where tako says they’ve reported to cover twice but didn’t receive a reply. theoretically if she reported something she would have proof but seeing as everything so far is restricted to discord chats and subtweets it really makes it seem like it’s just a scorned ex-yume going scorched earth menhera


i keep seeing vague tweets on my tl about ppl snarking on cover? im confused…


Companies are never your friends, and they aren’t the talents friend either. The more normalized talent PL is, the better (assuming they have a platform out there, I don’t mean hunting down their personal socials)


Ignore it, it’s mostly venting. Terminations (and graduations too to a lesser degree) are basically virtual deaths, but until people have evidence of a solid reincarnation, they’re left with the same feelings of helplessness because no matter what we do, he won’t be coming back – except at the whims of Cover itself. No graduation either so no chance to hold a proper ‘funeral’ and people have no closure, and one of the default grief expressions is to default to anger and blame. Cover is the biggest, shiniest target, so it’s in the targets right now – even here on this site, there’s people venting about it because there’s nowhere else for the feelings to go.


They haven’t handled the grads/terminations of Stars well. Which in all honestly i don’t think it’s Cover as a whole but keeps strengthening my theory that there is someone in Upper Management (probably a Unicorn) that keeps fucking up Stars over. I pretty much believe it’s someone higher up than Gorimane and she has had to guard most of the shit coming from this guy but there is just so much she can do.

Idk why the boys literally don’t even try to interact with the girls. People like that or Ernoul are just closeted atp bc there is no reason to act like that. If they were desperate to interact with the girls they would be all iver ERB but most of them smile awkwardly and walk away lmao


“Idk why the boys literally don’t even try to interact with the girls.”

altare hasn’t ever interacted directly with ame but still got unicorns tweeting gore in his tags and publicly seething in her comments because they got jealous over her doing a duet karaoke with a clip of him singing fly me over the moon once.


it’s so fucking stupid that he got hate for that. god, i hate those weirdos.


any ganchan PL sightings yet?


no but i keep hoping he pops up i want to follow and support him T^T if he does, it would be great if someone lets us know whenever he does pop up at least i hope so T^T


I’m ugly crying just like the girls in the picture above lmao





I don’t know what to say…
I just wish Gamma graduated so we can have all his vods and a graduation stream
I don’t think we have ANY graduations streams in holostars actually… All of the graduations even from jp didn’t have graduation streams and that fucking sucks, i just wish if we have a graduation of one of the boys (luckily in 10 years let’s all cope) we can have a proper closure
I wish Gamma the best T n T <3
Sorry for my bad english


Vtubers are truly just like hamster…



Shinri said not long ago that vtubers have the lifespan of a possum, which is roughly 4-5 years. 😭😭😭


✅ 1-5 year lifespans
✅ Always and exclusivity a traumatizing death for all parties involved


Last edited 2 months ago by Anonymous

Having owned 3-4 hamsters, can confirm.


Maybe the graduation allowed us the chance to keep the VODs (despite losing comments). Still hurts…





This month is always cursed for vtubers. Coco’s graduation, Sana’s graduation, Mysta’s graduation announcement and Magni and Vesper remaining AWOL until graduation the next month, and now this with Gamma.


Mysta’s grad was a goodthing aside from his monthlong grift of his fans


It’s because July is contract season… So that’s when the year is evaluated and decisions made.


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