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Ok posting some happier stuff in off topic


Coffee versus Tea!


Apparently, Team Tea won!


Fauna flawlessly flexing her STEM degree right after CC killed all of the judges with a truck… The duality of green


I must stand w my oshi. Team tea.


Is there a reason why it takes so long to load certain sections of the site with a lot of replies? is it just text bloat because of no limiters?


Yeah. It’s worse on mobile for some reason. Desktop loads no problem.


Just gonna post this into the void but this whole GB situation has made me actively not want to watch ARMIS. Even though I do like them as a group and their dynamics are really good. It’s just too much of a headache and it’s infected my X timeline and literally every other stars fan space I go into.


You can still enjoy Armis or StarsEN or any media without interacting with the fandom. For me, I only follow those who don’t usually post drama and retweeted a lot of fanarts and announcements. When the whole drama about Astel tweeting about getting a wrong order from McDonalds got a lot of the Starmins going super cancel mode and attempting to “educate” him to boycott McDonalds due to the whole Palestinian-Israeli conflict, I unfollowed one starmin who told the others to cancel him financially and not buy the ticket for the Movin’ On concert so “he and Cover can get the message” which is not helping Stars JP at all. Did that made me stop watching the StarsJP? No. I can enjoy watching them without the toxic bad apples in the fandom.


Last edited 1 month ago by Anonymous

i’m an armada but i never see any of these shit on my starsen xitter account’s timeline/recommended. wouldn’t even know about it if i dont come here. huh.


same just block the main ringleaders and poof, clean timeline even on the fyp


I used to but after blocking GB and bubbies liberally I stopped seeing it. Dropping Armis as a whole isn’t necessary


i just watch Ruze tbh. seems to be the only one that doesnt get himself involved in drama of any sort.


I mean, he was the first member of Armis to go viral through drama tubers when he basically said he doesn’t like lolicon/shotacon. Admittedly, it was a very boring and nothingburger drama.


I think Tavi is fine aside from people pooping on his poo jokes lol



Jurard was TMIng about his stool & constipation in a previous stream & everyone sleeps. But Octavio gets hate for saying “shat” coz it’s a funny way of pronouncing chat smdh the double standard


jurard is a crude guy, so i think people expected that kind of humor from him.


Tbh, when compared to his humor to the other boys, Octavio’s kinda lags when it comes to comedy. You have Jurard’s bladder stones and sitting on the toilet, Axel and his dick and balls VOD-destroying humor, Bettel’s picky eater, Shinri’s monster fetish, Altare wanting to eat his slimes, Flayon’s covert pervert, Vesper’s Florida man stories, etc.

Of course, comedy is hard. If you want to see a good joke, watch this:



Personally not a fan of any of the running jokes you listed from the boys, but Octavio’s literal toilet humor is the biggest turn off and feels the least like a joke and something weird. Love the guy but that makes me tab out of his stream as soon as it starts.


I think Octavio is really funny when he’s bouncing off of the right people, like Bettel and Hakka. Solo not so much and within his gen I think only Ruze plays off of him really well.
Also a matter of taste though because I didn’t find your link funny at all.


Last edited 1 month ago by Anonymous

Same. I’m just gonna focus on my non-Stars oshi


sigh why the fuck we bringing petty fandom beef onto this site too? might i remind people of how bad things got on nyfco that someone in the community did actually go missing for brief period, had mutuals publicly trying to get in contact, and turned out to be hospitalized for making an attempt, and only then did their name stop being brought up alongside the others (though i still remember one anon making a shitty self-harm jab that got flagged away)

literally nothing good comes from publicly dragging a regular person on an anonymous board. all the dumb justifications like how this will somehow push them out of the fandom in a healthy way or that they will somehow come out of this gang up a better person is bullshit. it’s all mean girl shit that’s frankly on the deranged behavior level of fans of the hololive girls.

i don’t come to sites like these to have to scroll through pages of an anonymous mob vilifying some nobody because of low tier nonsense that you could have saved yourself from by hitting the block or mute button. do you know how dumb it looks knowing some of you are out there screencapping fan tweets of someone you don’t like?

i come here for shit like gamma’s legacy and what he might be up to next, or anniversary projects from all the boys i struggle to keep up with, or even farther out, if any of the hologirls are worth checking out or what non-holo vtuber shit is going on. why the fuck am i scrolling through posts from people that never grew outta their teenage years



wait the reason for THAT was nyfco? or something personal?

But also agree, I’m an older fan and I can’t with the HS level drama when half these people are like working adults, 20+/30+ like myself like seriously 🤨


Nah, it mostly happened on twitter and the bettelion discord, not nyfco.


>regular person 

No, this is not a regular person. This is an ongoing serious manhera who’s one step away from committing a crime in real life.

That ‘fan’ needs friends who’d tell them to snap out of her parasocial shit, not continue to validate and encourage that behavious.


This “idol” needs friends to tell him to stop making the stupidest decisions the branch has ever seen



Dude literally has people telling him what not to do and they’re called Managers. So I don’t know what are you on about.


He sure doesn’t act like it


Doesn’t matter if he chooses to listen or not. The fact that he has Managers makes a difference. It’s most likely the manager who told him to unfollow and ignore the manhera.

Compare that to the manhera who don’t have anyone not around to prevent them from lighting themselves on fire.


this is more than “petty fandom beef”. she made a pretty big allegation that gb was meeting people irl and she might have been trying to sleep with him overall.

if you dont like this kind of chatter then dont come here because this is what these sites are for. no one is going to talk about this publicly with a username on twitter or obviously discord.
you dont even have to visit the armis page if you dont want to see this. if you’re looking for gamma stuff (because you seem lost???) go to the holostars JP page.

this is what anonymous forums are for. if you’re looking for the hugbox, go to twitter.


This site was not made for dragging fans tho, OP is right it was to talk about the boys and their activities. It sucks the ARMIS page is only active when there’s drama


It wasn’t posted to drag Tako though, it was posted to figure out whether whatever allegations Gibby was getting subtweeted over were legitimate or not.


The stupid clique fighting in the Bettelion that you’re referring to isn’t the same as a serious allegation of misconduct against a talent.


Guys what does BNF mean? I’m seeing people use it and idk what that is.


I think its Big Name Fan.


Big Name Fan. Shorthand for, well, fans who have a large presence in the fandom, often for producing fanworks and/or organizing a lot of events. As any other human, they can be any sort, but the fame of being a recognizable authority in your fandom space is known to be heady for some and they power-trip.



I know i’ll get downvoted for this or ok tako/sushi/ernoul whatever but I don’t care.

I hate seeing the callouts for people in the community because some of these people are genuinely unwell mentally and emotionally and some lurkers have a permanent hate boner towards these people, following everything they say just to ‘expose’ them to the community driving them more menhara. It really is a horrible cycle and one of the reasons I stepped out of the community after it affected both my oshi’s fanbases.

I know the GB situation is different but I see so many people just hurt by the words posted online about them. It’s hard to even read most of it much less go through it personally. (I remember all that hate towards Magni too). Put yourself in their shoes. A lot of people get scarred by these things. Just think before you post things please because when will it end?



Mental illness doesn’t mean it’s okay for you to spread unfounded rumours about people, and if they’re not unfounded, you’re letting a predator run amok while you vaguepost for attention. There’s a difference between antis being hateful vs libel.


she attempted to report it to Cover twice if thats anything to go by? idk something isnt sitting right with me constantly making excuses for a man that shouldve known better yet dogpiling on a mentally ill woman.


look i think GB was stupid as fuck going around dming fans like that especially given his PL history BUT what she’s doing is spreading very heavy allegations that at worst point to one of holostars EN talents acting in a predatory way towards fans. if she’s reported to cover, great! let them investigate and i will say good riddance if they find that these allegations are true! but vagueposting around them, ESPECIALLY using the termination of a different talent, like she and her group are doing just paints them as salty people with an agenda, especially if none of them are willing to publicly come forward with any kind of real proof.


I’m not saying it makes anything she did okay. I’m saying she shouldn’t be taunted because somebody this unwell and disconnected from reality is highly likely to impulsively bring harm to herself or others. I’m worried the dogpiling is going to result in her offing herself or some shit we can’t take back.


NO, someone with that influence going as far in their hate campagn to even use others unrelated grieving and insulting neutral parties asking for respect DESERVES A CALL OUT, you can’t defend someone being downright toxic to everyone !!


‘Dogpiling’ its an anonymous board calling her mentally unwell, which she is. no one is ganging up on her, no one is saying she doesnt deserve to live. what is there to take back idgi, she needs help and that’s all anyone is saying.

based on this persons past behavior all it takes is one negative interaction from shinri to work herself up again and lash out at a new target. if she kept this all private no one should care but she doesnt, if she didnt want attention why does she share all of this stuff where anyone can see it. because guess what she actually wants the attention. okay girl well you have it now.


Whatever, I’m absolved of this now that I’ve said my piece


It was inevitable that this information would come out since she and her friendgroup have posted heavily about on public accounts. But I’m also disappointed to see people mocking somebody who is obviously deeply unwell.


who is mocking her?


me! lol stupid bitch



so mature


ive spent plenty of time on sites like lolcow so i honestly don’t care but do you really believe the site that can’t even handle the r slur is gonna be fine if she kills herself or some shit over this


same opinion. it should’ve been her story to tell, not her friends. i don’t know what they were thinking


vent. there’s this vtuber whose streams i enjoy watching. i’m scared to oshi them because that corpo does their talents dirty all the time.

so i just sit ragefully waiting for them to go indie


The best thing we can do as fans is to simply be there & follow them wherever they go in whatever form they are in


Let me guess, it’s from nijisanji? I saw one EN liver apologizing because he didn’t stand out much after his fans lamented that he doesn’t have much merch except for birthdays.


yeah. different liver but I sympathise


people are mistakenly thinking this is him but this is just a fan account




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