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Just saying yall, this site got cross posted on 4chan /VT/ board again, if yall are wondering why there’s so many random downvotes/trolls. It’s just them.


Yeah, they’re posting bait posts to stir some drama here, trying to pit fandoms against each other.


yeah no shit. It’s been posted in /#/ several times already, anyone who thought this website was somehow a big secret is an even bigger retard than them. They were here for the GB fiasco.

hey /vt/






Oh yeah the big secret that kept being posted in /mans/ right


let them waste their time. what does random downvoting even do? hurt people’s feelings? lmao


being so obsessed with hating you spend time tracking every drop of drama on a really obscure fan site is just another form of love



Do you think the guy who spends his time stalking this website will remember the hours he spent here each day when he’s on his deathbed lolol


Oh no are the incels here already?


Yeah, they’re taking the ERB discussion out of context because male illiteracy rates are at an all time high


Yeah very unfortunately some people don’t see discussion as anything except for going “omg this is proof that everyone hates this person just like me”. Also trying them trying to imply that this place was hidden or something is so funny.


Fuck ’em.


I saw someone use the awesome face (I think that’s its name) emoji in chat. Does anyone know how that’s possible? Is it some type of plugin or something because this is my 2nd time seeing it.



its available on desktop YouTube



(I promise this isn’t bait, I do want to see what other nonnies have to say on the subject)

I like ERB and want to see her succeed, but she really needs to diversify her content beyond karaoke and branch out in the games she plays. At the end of the day I have limited hours and I’m not going to spend them making myself watch somebody with mid content just for the sake of a microcommunity culture war.

She has a lot of vocal talent, and it’d be nice to see her out that to use in maybe unique concept streams or voice acting while playing VNs/story-heavy RPGs.

Sorry for numbersposting, but I genuinely think this is why her performance struggles compared to her gen. The unicorn thing is really unlikely to be the reason no matter how bad they want to pretend it is.


Now what the boys should do for numbers?


A new holomem being a skilled performer but perhaps not much of a streamer or gamer isn’t really anything new. I hope she diversifies her content too but this is isn’t anything to be worried about imo.


You sure love numbers so much, I wonder why do you even here on Holostars site.


No no no.. OP hates criticism! Leave them alone!


Some people enjoy analyzing metrics


some people are just nerds (i like to see it)


Tourist here…. I hope this isn’t a doxblog

Voice acting ability would be wasted on a full on VN read along.

First, it’s extremely unhealthy. And second, it’s not even popular content. Voice acting shines a lot on scripted content, like videos. On stream it’s great for roleplaying but there aren’t many opportunities when streaming solo.

Strengths aside, instead of running away from her weaknesses she should face them head on. If she’s not a “gamer”, then she can make content out of it like Kanata and Baelz did. Subaru grew to top 5 female streamer in the world by making content out of her unfamiliarity with games and anime. It is interesting to see a beginner improve.


This is an offshoot of Nyfco. The biggest reason people go here is to publicly discuss the PLs of stars


This place is nowhere near as bad as nyfco. The comment pages for the hololive girls were fucking disgusting. Here even if there’s criticism the girls are at least treated like they’re human beings.


dunno anon’s intent but this is an off shoot site when ny*co was bugging out but it was only intended for stars talk and then….now we’re here


idk about that… Nyfco was a full blown doxblog and had a terrible anonymous comment section that festered an absurdly toxic and self-righteous communityi don’t see egregious breach of privacy, but backreading some of the comments and there’s normal support and then things that make me go HOLY YIKES


Last edited 1 month ago by Anonymous

on nyfco i saw someone post one of the boys address and that was fucking bonkers. it got flagged so fast though by the time i refreshed, it was gone


Subaru had a beautiful arc, I remember getting fully converted watching her get up again and again to beat Sans in Undertale. It does take a lot of perseverance and a positive attitude, which is a unique trait of the duck– we’ll see if ERB turns out the same. There are a lot of talents in Holo content with not improving in the gaming category.
What I’d like most is for ERB to find a genre she’s passionate about. Her current tastes are really normie and it’s fun to explore and discover things with somebody.


I like erb but I will only tune in for her colabs now because her karaoke is kinda repetitive. If some song of her is very good it’s gonna likely pop up as a clip so no reason to catch it live. Also the unicorn have been more clever with their tactic now that they have a guy larping as a married doctor going to every discussion on reddit to attack people it’s annoying af.


We need to mass report that larping unicorn incel.


Do you genuinely think he’s doing damage LOL it’s just some random redditor, let him keep frolicking with his dick out it’s honestly funny


Wait what? Elaborate on the larp kek


The unicorn’s username is lupro something, saying he’s married, in Japan and a doctor, while acting like a unicorn. He spare no effort to hate on Holostar even going to the Holostar sub to do it. Why he haven’t been banned or sued by Cover for defamation baffle me. I have already sent a report to Cover about him and the other unicorns. Someday they will take measures to purge these fuckers off of the internet.


Ngl funny that somebody has to larp as a “respectable” man to peddle his opinion while being so disconnected from reality that even his larp isn’t believable.


not op, but there’s this chumbud who claims to be a MD PhD who goes around ‘nicely’ (read: calling people ‘incels’ and agreeing with people spreading misinformation about holostars) telling people to stop collab begging. idk if he’s an actual doctor since he claims to have released scientific papers in english but his grammar is terrible.


Last edited 1 month ago by Anonymous

Why are unicorns such a milky source of lolcows LOL


Yeah, incel calling other people (holostar chads!) incels, so ironic.


Hard disagree. She’s got a versatile and growing repertoire of songs. Catching it live supports the talent directly. And fuck the unicorns.


First month SC performance (average by mean):

  • Gigi 327,287 Yen
  • ERB 339,260 Yen
  • Raora 684,791 Yen
  • Ceci 770,794 Yen

Liz’s collab with boys had max CCV of 5,468. 979 more than Gigi’s menshi opening, which started about an hour after the collab started. Average of 5-day Max CCV is the only category Liz is behind the other girls in, averaging slightly under 4k to the slightly over 5k Gigi (3rd place) makes and a whopping 2k-ish behind the leader in this category, Raora, who has over 6k.

Liz has the most subs of Justice so far by about 30k. SocialBlade says she averages an additional 7k subs per week right now, only losing to Raora in terms of sub growth by 5k. If that rate holds, Raora will not surpass her for about a month and a half.

The idea that Liz is struggling compared to her gen mates is only accurate in one category, unless we also accept the premise that Gigi is performing below expectations. I think perception is just skewed because Cecilia and Raora are both doing really well, at least in part by tapping into the EU audience better than their partners.


I actually think Gigi deserves to perform way above the average, I wasn’t a fan of her on debut but she’s shown herself to be smart and la creatividad on subsequent streams. Plus she can game without making me tear my hair out which is a rarity in HoloEN and (to a surprising degree) StarsEN


I’m all for Gigi, agree. I hope my math wasn’t taken to mean I think she’s in any way bad. She just happens to be below Liz on most of the metrics I used.

I’d like it if all of the talents got more love.


Oh no, I didn’t take it that way at all. My point was more that I think ERB’s numerical performance makes more sense than Gigi’s. I think Gigi’s streams are as inventive as Raora’s and Ceci’s, so I’d expect her at least earn somewhere between them and ERB. For example, I thought her monetization stream was a really fun way to spice up a karaoke.


Follow-up thought since I’m just full nerd-ing today to distract from other things: Cecilia and Raora both did BIG numbers on their monetization streams that affected their first-month average. A big factor in that was probably that they were clever enough to heavily reward interaction through what they were doing, stickers in a handcam book and art respectively, for people who SC’d big enough.


TBH ERB going for straightforward karaoke again for her monetization was a little disappointing to me. I wish there had been a spin put on it or something to make it feel like a special occassion.


I’d like to see her flex a bit more outside of her comfort zone as well, but I wouldn’t call how I’m feeling disappointment. Asking Liz not to sing is like asking Raora not to draw. It’s very clearly a major skill they’ve put a lot of love and time into, and may or may not have been the main appeal that helped them get hired.

It’s alright for some of the talents to focus on interacting with their fans and developing their specialized skills more. We aren’t hurting for gamers.


Rather than asking her not to sing, I’d like her to think of ways to make it more interesting. It does feel a little less thoughtful when it’s just basic karaoke again while her genmates are doing inventive streams with creatively employed assets.
She’s a skilled singer for sure, but that’s also something Hololive has plenty of. The majority of the other music-heavy talents have something extra going for them and it’ll be interesting to see what that ends up being for her.
(And please, to other people, stop saying that drawing is her other niche. It’s fun that she draws a bit but it makes us lookg like we’re desperately elevating mediocrity when we claim that’s one of her appeal points.)


yeah.. Suisei’s karaokes are fun but one of the reasons I actually got into her was from her Tetris streams really highlighting her other traits that a simple karaoke would’ve never been able to show. Something about Liz is that it feels like she always has some kind of barrier between her and her fans. Aside from a couple things like liking penguins and having a pet dog, I really dont know anything about her like I do with the other justice girls. She just feels distant from hololive, her fans, etc.


Same on both counts! I got into Suisei through her psychopathic plays in large collab games LOL


(OP) This actually makes me feel a lot better! Thanks for putting things in perspective.


She’s a top 10 singer in the company in terms of skills, and she has already stated pretty plainly she doesn’t think of herself as being much of a gamer compared to the other girls in Justice. So it might be like Hakka. She’s low-key worried about her gaming skill level holding her back from fun streams/interactions with the others, so she leans harder into what she’s good at like the singing and how good she is at just chatting with people.


I have a complete long perfect guide book to every oshi I have but they don’t listen to me. I’m the only one who understands them. They don’t know anything about themselves, not even their moms and their manesans. That’s why they need me. The world is so wrong without my guidance 🥺



How dare you criticize OP


God forbid people have discussions on the discussing things site. Annoying ass.


Life must be hard when you’re so committed to bad faith readings of other people’s opinions.


I love ERB and I think she’s very charming but I really suggest just a once a week superchat reading. I think doing more art streams (I found her art collab with Raora fun) and probably mixing a Q&A in there could be fun content as well. She has a lot of potential and I really hope she branches out. It’s still a month since their debut but I hope mane-sans can give her constructive feedback as well.

At the end of the day, I still respect whatever content she put out. These are just my silly thoughts.


You’re not wrong. I was just coming off listening to a karaoke vod someone reuploaded when I went to her channel so I could keep listening to her lovely voice, but as I scrolled through her stream archive, I just didn’t see a lot that I wanted to click on. A lot of superchat readings (with full respect, I tend to find these types of streams the most dull and unironically cult-like in vtubing), one off collabs (some of the HoloEN girls can be a little too uwu for me), and sparse gaming streams.

I don’t know if focusing on VNs will necessarily boost her popularity even though it would be a good utilization of her vocal talents since VNs and most long story RPGs are on the niche side of the gaming world. Undertale has a big following, so that’s a pretty good game to start with when it comes to stuff to use as a backbone to the channel, but her genmates are doing a lot of streams on much bigger titles like Elden Ring or just more Minecraft streams than ERB does.

As amazing as ERB’s karaoke streams have been, the fact that they have to be unarchived leaves a gaping hole of content and potential engagement in her channel’s archives. Finding something she can consistently do and keep on the channel that can actively bring in new people would be a boon to her growth. As things stand, her current core content pipeline has been unarchived karaokes (evaporates and lives on other people’s reupload channels), superchat readings (newcomer repellent because only people deep in the fandom and the superchatters themselves will watch that), and Undertale.

I do understand though that they’re all still relatively new at a month since debut, so I don’t wanna be harsh on her. I think having regularly scheduled actual zatsudan streams separate from superchat readings could be a nice low effort addition to the channel similar to Vesper. My gut wanted to say an inter-branch podcast with rotating guests would be amazing to see her introduce and get to know different people, but anything meant to be long-running with multiple people always seems doomed to be short-lived.


with full respect, I tend to find these types of streams the most dull and unironically cult-like in vtubing

More like SC reading streams are very challenging to get right, and most talents fail to give them them value


with full respect, I tend to find these types of streams the most dull and unironically cult-like in vtubing

This 100%, my first time seeing somebody put the vibe into words tho haha 😅


IMO she chose Undertale because she can show off her voice acting background. Lots of funny characters to do voices for. The other popular choices wouldn’t give her the same opportunity.


(OP). Yeah, I guess I’m just waiting for her to find her content niche outside of karaoke? I’m primarily a VODwatcher so you are correct in that the lack of archived karaoke leaves a hole in her stream archive compared to her genmates. I feel like she’ll find her place in time, maybe I’m too impatient lol


For absolutely no real reason what so ever, here’s a shorts on making mozzarella at home.





No it’s nobody’s PL.


actually that’s my PL i was the mozzarella



You got cooked, stretched, and then plunged in ice water



God forbid anyone have fun in their own home anymore /j



is kobo the only id with an active roomie account?


No, there’s a lot, but I’d rather not say it



4chan is insufferable. I’ve never seen such bad vibes, especially the Holostars ones.


/mans/ isn’t bad on a good day there’s been a lot of antis/trolls raiding there and posting off topic/niji/doxx s**t which sours the vibe but it’s not bad. /stars/ is a strange place but I read there sometimes too. /orc/ is…passionate but I don’t go there really.


better to have ‘passionate’ board than trolls and antis i guess?


posting on 4chan has been likened to pissing into an ocean of piss for a reason


Are you like… new to the internet?


I mean, were you expecting different? That place has been the dregs of the internet since its foundation and knows it, revels in it. Only go there if you’re mentally guarded with the knowledge that 90% of everything said there is purely just to spout subhuman garbage because no one can stop it.


What’s the user experience like on twitch? I’m thinking about making an account to watch the boys (+some other vtubers) whenever they stream there but I’m still iffy on using it. Mostly because I don’t want to be flashed by 🍑 and 🍈 when I open the site. Am I being too paranoid or is it really not that bad to navigate/be a user on?

Also, I’ve seen reviews saying the mobile app sucks too. Is it really that bad or is it tolerable enough to deal with?


there’s pretty much only two big draws with the mobile app. the first is the lack of browser extensions, which are pretty big in some communities. for example BTTV is used to make custom emotes in the chat, and has some other quality of life toggles. it also means no adblock extensions. this is optional but if your streamer of choice has an emote heavy chat it means you’ll see people saying things like KEKW and PogU instead of the actual pictures. the second one is stream delay. basically, desktop vs mobile have different latency and there’s a significant delay on mobile compared to desktop. its not a broken app by any means, and it works for its purpose.

the sexy streams have also chilled a lot, and if you follow the boys and some game categories it probably wont recommend them to you. for reference, my twitch homepage is mostly sims and valorant content right now since i dont engage with the hot tub category. you can also use BTTV to turn off autoplay if you do end up using the desktop app.


Besides the main featured stream, my Twitch feed is mostly just people I follow and recommended streams based on what I watch. It’s pretty easy to just stick to who I like and never see a hot tub. It’s also highly recommended to have some extensions like BTTV, FFZ, and 7TV to be able to see extra emotes plus some other nice features. The mobile app doesn’t have these but on Android at least you can get modded Twitch apps such as PurpleTV.

The big downside of Twitch as a viewer is how aggressive the ads are. They can even get through adblockers with a dedicated twitch filter sometimes. But Twitch also has some cool stuff like channel points and chat-interactive games.


if you’re interested in vtuber streams only, bookmark these:https://www.twitch.tv/directory/all/tags/vtuber / https://www.twitch.tv/directory/collection/vtuber – also install the unwanted twitch extension on your browser so you can hide people you know you’re never going to watch


Last edited 1 month ago by Anonymous

Learning to navigate will take a moment because it’s set up very differently to YT but honestly once you get used to it, it’s not that bad. I feel like tits and ass on the main page are less likely now that they have a way to mark your stream as 18+, it will blur the thumbnail. I also only see Vtuber related stuff on the homepage because that’s what I’m always searching/watching, so it learns eventually. Most of all though just follow the people you want to watch and when they are live they will show up in the side bar and you can just click to go directly to them.You only have to wade through a sea of booba if you want.Mobile app is a little clunky but imo it’s no worse than the YT mobile app, just a different format.


Last edited 1 month ago by Anonymous

I mean there are some streams recommended when you open the site and that might be what you’re referring too but I usually just stay on the channel i’m watching/my following list and it isn’t too bad. If you follow mostly vtubers they only recommend you for the most part vtubers/popular streamers. There’s also a lot of ways to optimize twitch compared to something like youtube. The mobile app isn’t bad it’s just a bit slow sometimes.


All this silly white knighting of the boys by assuming they don’t like ERB’s presence in chat brings me back to years ago when Coco graduated and Astel cried on stream over not being able to interact with her because he was grateful she featured Holostar memes on her Meme Review show.


He appreciated not even a direct talk, but a simple acknowledgement of their existence. The culture has improved so much since then despite current divides between the branches and the fandoms. It is a bit sad however that I think the EN audience had a lower ratio of Stars antis back then than there are now (it’s wild to think that there was a point in time when the r/hololive subreddit was actually supportive of Stars and made memes of them that got lots of upvotes and now it’s a hub for unicorns).

But looking back at this clip puts things in perspective.


Reddit devolving into yet another hub for unicorns is sadly the expected outcome. Except for a few, all Reddit subs have suffered from the same unicornification in their own way.


a stars anti was botting stars posts on the the hololive sub & they were blaming stars fans for it. idk why they are obsessed with starting beef so much


Chuds go out of their way to make online spaces inhospitable for other people. Do whatever they can to drive people who won’t adhere to their positions out of public spaces and into increasingly niche ones. Like here.


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