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Liz is opening her menshi for the first time at the top of the hour, for anyone wanting to show support for someone who’s been really supportive of our boys. ❤️‍🔥


Follow-up: Not only is menshi open, but she’s guaranteeing menshi-only streams to even the T1 ($3). No difference in perks listed so far, it’s just a pay as much as you want.

Absolute Queen behavior.


I love how [certain unicorn] found and then retweeted Gamma’s reactivated PL within a day. I can feel the love in the air. He’s such a fan 🤭🤭



Last edited 1 month ago by Anonymous

Is it not enough for this slut to be passed around the EN boys… does he want to he in yaois with the JP boys too…


this literally proves my point on how wet this dude makes you people. you cant help yourself but talk about him. all he did was rt matsun, no quote or anything. posting his every move on here is not proving any points, if that is what you’re trying to do. also do you not realize your obsession with him is just as bad as his with holostars? why cant you block him like any other anti? embarrassing.



Guys pls report this channel


They’re purposefully spreading misinfo, using extremely incorrect JP translations, and clipping membership content. They have a real grudge against holostars too so they’re definitely a unicorn trying to cause trouble.

Report to both Cover & Youtube

Report to cover here: https://cover-corp.com/en/report

Here’s the tweet that caught my attention of them: https://x.com/JazMoquet/status/1819618036522844356


Dude is definitely an anti. But calling everybody and their mother unicorn would rather earn you hate from the main fanbase don’t you think. Just enjoy and protect you boys like a normal fan. – a tourist.



Shut up and get out unicorn you are not welcomed


Stop trolling


Thanks for the head’s up! I reported them.

BTW as someone who is unknowledgeable on how YT Studio works, does picrel mean they used to clip Enna and was copystriked by Anycolor? Found it in their community tab.



yes,because it is actually more effective reporting them for copyright you don’t even need to be the company to report it.

I went ahead and submitted a copyright report just now because that was membership content, in all honesty it’s the fastest and better way because motherfucker can’t prove that’s his content since it is membership content, not only is his channel gonna get demonetized, he wont be able to upload more videos lmfao


Would you mind sharing the steps how? I tried to google but the results are for copyright owner, did not find anything on behalf.


Nooo I accidentally flagged a perfectly innocent post again thinking it’s the reply button. Help T_T



yeah feels weird the report button is down. I’m used to it being up


dont forget to write to good smile company that youre interested in nendoroids of the boys! 😀 show them that youre serious in what you want!


we want cute boys in cute doll form!!


For all the discussion she gets, I love ERB just for how supportive she is of Holostars



I’m really glad ERB stuck to her guns and made her community one for fans of both Live and Stars.

No shade towards Shiori because girl took a ridiculous amount of flak, but I’m still sorta disappointed after she made that statement at the end of her debut about how she’ll collab with whoever she wants, followed some of the boys after debut which was a departure from the rest of her genmates, tweeted at Flay and got a bunch of incel trolls in her replies, and then just ceased all interaction ever since.

I hope ERB can push the tide back towards normalcy. Because basic interaction between men and women really should be normal.



Shiori never really set up the expectation that she’d be doing crossgender collabs, though. She just said that she wanted her fans to respect her choices re:collabing because she’s very introverted and at the time wasn’t sure if she’d be collabing much in general. She was sort of unfairly hated out the gate by a lot of people, though (coomers upset that the model was “wasted” on somebody who wasn’t going to pander to them constantly), so that was taken out of context and blown up to mean she’d collab with the Stars as a neg against her.



Shiori just doesn’t seem to collab much in the first place. At least if she ever does get shit for any future collab she can always just tap the sign aka point to her debut



Does anyone here know how ragtag archive works? I think a vtuber I’m interested in is planning on removing old content from their channel. Is there a guide to how I can save them to ragtag? I would download them first but it’s hard to find a good YT to MP4 site. At least one that’ll let me save videos longer than a few minutes.


ragtag is run by someone idk if they take requests but you can try suggesting on their discord. if you have the space def use yt-dlp to download things yourself


Last edited 1 month ago by Anonymous

i don’t know how to use ragtag, and there is this i found yt dlp i use it but honestly still learning it but works for me and can save video’s that lasts hours too, i wouldn’t ask me im still learning it lol the video deff helps though https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5aYwU4nj5QA&list=PL2wnECII0KQb8yQoQ0AomFZmuzAGgYtPo&index=10&t=182s


Last edited 1 month ago by Anonymous

just use yt-dlp instead of a website


bleh gotta vent a lil about something very off topic and i don’t have anywhere else to put this. i joined a very small streamer’s community earlier this year and they had comfy fun vibes but over time they went from joking about GFE/BFE to actually doing it which changed the tone of the community for the worse. then it turned out there were minors in the community and when the streamer tried to approach it gently by telling people not to be inappropriate, the adults in the community just ignored them and kept discussing drinking/drugs/sexual topics with them, using the excuse that “teenagers hear worse these days”

it’s just depressing to see a small streamer that had good vibes want to grow their community so badly that they won’t even timeout or ban people that try to skirt the rules. i ended up leaving since it seemed like a disaster waiting to happen, but this surprisingly isn’t even the first community i tried to join that had mods afraid of cracking down on unruly kids or inappropriate adults…



unfortunately i’ve seen many a small streamer have their career demolished by putting their foot down too hard


I’ve seen this happen too with indies, and honestly its up to them to decide if their content is suitable for kids or not and switch to an 18+ community. That doesn’t mean they have to do anything more spicy than they already were, just recognize the little bit of spice you have isn’t for kids. I’m so glad the boys don’t lean too hard into that market since they don’t have the freedom to have an 18+ platform like an indie can.


yeah it was just weird as fuck when a conversation about alcohol was taking place and one of the teenagers tried chiming in with their favorite drink, and instead of telling the kid how weird and not ok it is for them to be drinking or wanting to join this conversation, the adults just kept going with even more inappropriate topics and the streamer in charge just didnt put their foot down hard enough.


wait. are we talking about an actual kid or just someone under 21? because they could be from a country where you are legally allowed to drink at 18


under 18 and american. im not trying to be some uptight puritan, i just think it’s weird for adults to be cool with teens drinking and smoking when they’re not ready for it. and that’s not going into the weird sexual topics the adults brought up immediately after knowing a kid was chatting with them. i feel like i’m taking crazy pills for being the weird one to have this stance but i guess it’s been normalized for kids to be exposed to that stuff these days. i just really hate seeing adults not even bother to put up some boundaries and extra care when they find out they’re talking to a kid online.


Last edited 1 month ago by Anonymous

if it gives you a weird feeling, thats your instincts telling you something is wrong with the situation.


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