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hope aqua’s not graduating 🙁



6 years… happy, well-loved hamster. otsu aqua


apparently she’s graduating because of disagreements with the direction the company is heading she feels.. 6 years though thats crazy


man Aqua’s been around since 2018 crazy…this is a huge shock


I’m so sorry nonny 🫂🫂


I’m not updated with what’s going on in HoloJP but did something happen to Aqua recently? I saw Calli retweeted her post and now, I saw Liz posting a hug emoji.Edit: I’m watching the announcement and she said she’ll graduate on the 28th.


Last edited 1 month ago by Anonymous

this is unexpected. aqua… 🙁


what happened???


check the official twitter. Minato Aqua is graduating. This is kind of a big deal since she’s one of the biggest hololive talents (inspired holos like Marine and Gura to join) and has been in the company since 2018.


idk where to ask, but some of you seem knowledgeable here, what is FS gales past life (if he has any)?


tokki velveteen iirc


Uh nonnies the world stock market just crashed. Japan is one of the most affected. Is Cover still going to build the studio in USA? Or have they announced a hiatus?


They never stated plans to build a studio in the USA, and the persistent rumour that they were going to has always been an ill-informed one. There are numerous reasons why it just financially never made sense.


I remember an anon going crazy angry about how Altare had to rent his own 3d studio because Cover was supposed to build one. That’s why I thought they were going to do it.


Last edited 1 month ago by Anonymous

I don’t think they ever committed to a studio space. Just an office to help facilitate distribution of merchandise and make it easier to secure brand deals. That…probably won’t be impaired by this. Cover’s stock price dipped lower than this back in May.

That said, CNN is reporting this may be the worst dip Japan’s stock market has experienced since the bubble burst in the late 80s.


for someone who doesn’t understand anything about the stock market, is anyone willing to explain how this might realistically affect the company? what are the consequences of the crash?


I’m not super experienced in economics, but at least a little bit of this is psychology.

Depending on the speed of the market’s recovery, this could result in investors being more hesitant to touch Japanese companies in particular. That would potentially slow the capital being invested into the company. Worst-case scenario, it could stall or reverse the growth of some companies.

I don’t think it will be that severe for Cover. Their stock price only dropped by approximately half the market average that Japan apparently experienced today. Cover stock is worth ~200 less Yen than it was on Friday, if Google is reporting accurately. -$1.38 USD.


What’s your opinion about period jokes made by the boys? Not just about StarsEN, but male vtubers in general? I’ve seen this topic brought now and then, and the opinions seemed to be pretty valid. I’m not talking about the most recent one which got flagged from report wars, there were discussions about it before the whole backpages are nuked. Personally I’m a simple don’t like don’t watch gang, so I just close streams when the jokes become too out of my comfort range, but I get why some Tempuras/Armadas are upset about too many period jokes.


Ermm, I identify as a feminist, so yeah, I’m offended by how constantly they talk about periods. They have NO RIGHT to talk about the topic cause they don’t have pussies, which is ironic because they are a bunch of pyssies themselves.



The thing is, why do they have to make period jokes in the first place, when they can make jokes about their own parts if they want to make sexual jokes or just toilet humor in general.


I’m quite indifferent actually. We have this part of Octavio and Hakka making this joke during the TTT mod collab. They both know the anatomy stuff (Hakka being a former med student and Tavi being a medical practitioner). I think someone here said before that people in the med field tend to make those types of health-related/anatomy jokes which made me understand why Octavio tends to joke like that. And I understand why that type of humor isn’t for everyone.


so it’s more like a vile fascination towards human anatomy rather than making jokes about its social context, sexual to be precise in case of those two? I thought they’re both tumblr/fujo fandom minded enough to be aware of how people would see those like ABO jokes, maybe less for Octavio since his interests seem to be more into “gross humor” but especially for Hakka bc he is a self proclaimed fudanshi/yaoi enjoyer?



Huh? How the fuck did you see anything sexual in the above clip? Anyone who studies medicine or anatomy is vile according to you?


anon, the only seeing those jokes as omegaverse bait is you


My opinion is to put Flayon’s suggestion to heart: make the joker experience the period simulator with maximum settings while moving around. See how they like that lol.


Gentle reminder that women aren’t the only ones that have periods and that not all women have periods, please be mindful of your language!



go back to twitter because no one is gonna censor themselves on this website for your feelings


I’m a trans man and this is cringe, nobody actually gives a fuck about that



This is not the time and place for that kind of virtue signalling, anon.


Ain’t about you, shoo


Totally unrelated but I want to see a woman do a period cramp simulator stream. I’ve always been curious as to how accurate the simulation is since even if the level of pain is similar, there are a lot of types of of pain out there. It’d be interesting to hear about.


This becoming a serious discussion topic tells a lot about how much StarsEN’s vibes or brand of jokes changed after some point, was it Armis debut? Or short after post-1st anniversary mark?


I think Tempus is still more or less the same, it’s pockets of the Armada that have different sensibilities. Numbersposting but StarsEN actually did get a big influx of growth from new fans post Armis debut so it logically follows that they brought some new stuff in with them


I have anemia and a level 8 pain. I have to get blood transfusions sometimes even. I honestly think its fucking hilarious when they do the Pain Simulator.
If anything i think that people who complain about the boys talking about period are actually not people who experience periods but cis men who are disgusted by periods and don’t want to acknowledge it exists, they just pretend to be women or people with periods for their word to have weight.


Real life periods are not like ABO heat season and men talking about it as if they’re one just to flatter women IS offensive. This is coming from an actual woman who also has fucking unbearable cramps and is disgusted by her own periods.


Both of you need to accept that women may have varying but all fair opinions on the subject lol


I dislike it every time I see the sweeping accusation that naysayers are just men who don’t want periods mentioned at all. It’s dismissive.
Just as you have a specific personal relationship to the topic, so do other women, and others may have their various reasons for disliking the jokes. The ones I’ve seen commenting on the subject usually aren’t talking about the period simulator streams, either, they’re talking about the tone of specific comments made by the boys.


The first 2 period simulator streams by Flayon and Shinri wasn’t that bad, it was just like any other pain testing Jackass style stuff, and just a one time thing. The complaints were mostly about the recent increase of casual period jokes post-Armis debut.


I kinda agree to the period simulator part because it has cathartic value that comes from guys bragging about their toughness but can’t handle something that girls always go through.

But for the more crude side of period jokes, I think the divisive opinion is inevitable, some people just don’t want their lives, especially the unpleasant things they go through, get fetishized by mere bystanders. Some people might take it positively as making it more casual and less taboo, but there are people who would get upset by it for downplaying someone’s actual issues.

And you know there are actual guys who make fun of period like “haha girls shit blood from their p*ssies” and make rude jokes about it or actually sexualizes it… I’m not saying the boys are doing it 24/7, but I can understand why some people are worried or uncomfortable


Gibby’s cringe tweet is the only one I had issues with and that was more out of secondhand embarrassment than anything else.


What are these recent ones that got flagged? I’ve never seen anyone complain or say anything about period jokes before…


there was a complain post which said period jokes by the boys are insensitive to female fans for trying to fetishize what women go through, or play nice guy who cares about “girl problem” superficially, which got reported for some reason along with other bait/discourse-y posts


Last edited 1 month ago by Anonymous

Oh ok, I guess I either haven’t heard the specific offending jokes or didn’t find a problem with them when I did hear them cuz I haven’t noticed anything potentially “fetishizing” from any of them, or any “fake caring” either for that matter. If anyone has evidence of those though, I’d be curious to see where those complaints come from


I think the “fake caring” one meant GB’s infamous “chocolate for period care” post. Fetishizing part was probably about making a period simulator streams as an excuse of “moan ASMRs” or joking about periods like breeding kink or something because, well, it has to do with reproductive function of women


The only thing I’ve seen remotely close to this was a complaint that GB’s tweet in particular felt infantilizing to women in comparison to similar statements made by other members, which IMO is a noninflammatory personal opinion someone is justified to have


Can someone link me to this infamous GB tweet?? I have no idea what you guys are talking about


I’m sure it was this one: https://x.com/goldbullet_en/status/1747342822875750522


Yeah, and I have to agree. I’ve seen Shinri speak respectfully about menstrual pain, and Flayon has joked about taking on the pain of Machiroons before, but Goldie’s tone felt like he was talking about some kind of helpless animal. I don’t think it was ill-intentioned but he lacks the tact for those sorts of posts.


Last edited 1 month ago by Anonymous

Yeah I don’t think that’s an inflammatory opinion either. Those posts weren’t like blatant hate posts either, set their points straight about what they felt uncomfortable and meant no harm, and it was valid criticism towards topics some people might care about. I don’t get why they got flammed by other anons


Seriously, I saw people accusing that woman of being a misogynist trying to shut down all period talk which was just… not what she was saying.


Me personally, I don’t mind since I think they’re funny. I know they’re just joking so I don’t feel any strong opinions about it.


Why I check out PL

  1. it’s cool to know where they come from. Makes me appreciate their growth.
  2. Puts a lot of context about their life experiences
  3. They do side stuff that can’t be passed by corpo
  4. I want to follow my favorite artist in the future if their corpo gig didn’t work out

As long nobody talk about PL in front of the talent’s face, all is good.


i definitely found a deeper appreciation for my oshi when I saw his PL. I treat his PL stuff as bonus content coz he can stream what he likes without fear of copyright (i.e. didney) or share some more details that he otherwise can’t on his corpo coz it breaks his kayfabe. I guess it’s like being a fan of the VA who voices your fave characters


Last edited 1 month ago by Anonymous

ia with you.

respect the separation between the talent’s current identity and PL, and as long as you’re not keeping tabs on them for malicious purposes like twisting everything they say to create drama, you shouldn’t really need any justification to follow them on both accounts.

and some people were already following or even fans of their oshi before they made their corpo debut.


(op) yeah that should be the way. The loyalty should be to the artist and not the company.

Multiple corpo fiascos, especially the infamous black rainbow, taught me that I should keep very close tabs on the accounts of my favorite talents because they really can be here today, gone tomorrow.



A very interesting post here regarding PLs and vtubers. And this is why the previous site and this site exist because you can talk about both the vtubers and the PLs at the same time instead of posting it on Twitter, reddit and other places where everyone can see it.



I’m not parasocial enough to care about their pl. There are bunch of much better and more professional content creators out there, vtubers or fleshtubers. I don’t understand what’s so interesting about their pl contents.


I don’t think you have to be parasocial to see the content they’re making elsewhere for those who are active. I enjoy seeing what the same entertainer I already know I like is like without the restrictions of where I found them. It’s pretty funny to see them unleashed and not have to kiss a companies’ ass or make sure they’re not offending a game studio for giving their true opinions on a game. Not everyone watched PL because they’re secretly in love with the streamer, its just more content from someone you already like/support.


Do you even watch the boys? They are free to hate anything, they don’t need pl for that.


Hakkito hands did not type this post, clearly. You haven’t seen him do that overly exaggerated diplomatic “this is not for me” routine he does when he is trying not to shit on something.


Why do we even need to know deeply about their ‘genuine self’. They’re not our fiancee. As long as they don’t have serious crime records they’re fine, yes they stole food/drinks but that’s not their fault.

It’s just my opinion, don’t @ me.


They absolutely hold their tongues. Go watch a Lark stream and tell me he doesn’t hold himself back in quite a few areas.


“They are free to hate anything” no they’re not. Idk about the others, but Shinri constantly stops himself from speaking too negatively on games or companies because it could mean losing perms and brand deals. Pretty sure I’ve seen Bettel warn his brother about this before too.
On the other hand, the purple former lawyer definitely doesn’t have the same “idol filter” and speaks more freely.


personally to me I think people are allowed to talk about whatever tf they want to talk about on their personal blogs and if someone doesn’t like it they can block them and move on with their lives.

It’s only an issue when people start invading streams/comments sections to talk about roommate stuff.


My ex-holo oshi is struggling, I gotta do something like promoting their business. That NDA is not mine, no one is getting trouble because of that. It’s a mutually beneficial for all parties (except for the corpo of course). I don’t care if people don’t feel comfortable with that. I’m desperate.


at best you can clip them or draw fanart, but at the end of the day its up to them to make their actual content engaging enough that they can naturally attract a new audience. believe it or not that can actually happen.

also its ok for your oshi to be a 3view. lots of 3view males like heavenlyfather etc. are able to make a living off of vtubing.


You being desperate doesn’t make you the better person in that scenario. It’s not mutually beneficial for anyone if fans are uncomfortable with it. Find better ways to support your ex-holo oshi instead of being cheeky and making their old fans uncomfortable.


I’m of mixed opinions on this. In a perfect world, talents would be able to openly take credit for their corpo vtuber careers if they want to or keep it anonymous if they don’t want that content to follow them forever and it would be normal and people would treat it just as you would an actor in a movie or a writer for a book or an artist of a drawing.

But the reality is that corpo vtubing is universally NDA’d and outside of occasional exceptions like Dokibird, it’s difficult to gauge the feelings of the talent on whether they want that direct of an inheritance of their previous work. There is also just the general awkwardness of us fans talking about it not being a technical breaking of rules or contracts, but the talents being unable to respond because they *are* under contract, and as seen with Vesper/Magni’s comment section of their vods, the company will shut the chatter down if it gets out of hand and into official spaces.

And then there are instances of it happening in the other way around, like when Mumei’s PL appeared in Doki’s recent projects and people kept labeling her appearances as Mumei instead of her PL name which prompted her PL to tweet that she wanted to be credited as her PL and not any other entity.

Personally, I wish corpo and PL talk were normalized so that we didn’t have to hide harmless discussions of corpo/PL talks on anonymous forums like this (and objectively, corpos asserting control over talents by not allowing them credit for their work is an exploitative business practice), but I get that the current culture of things clearly makes this an issue on top of people not knowing boundaries and just not bothering someone about something they’re contractually not allowed to acknowledge or might not want to associate with forever.


There’s been two separate discussions about this on holostars fan reddit and fan twitter spaces in the last couple days and I fear it shall only get worse. People generally don’t care about western chuba etiquette and especially certain boys fanbases as i’ve observed but blatant posting with oshis name/face and saying their name directly to their new identity is insane. It won’t get the person in trouble of course but it’s so tacky.


I assume this was the discourse someone was talking about in this page earlier. All I’ll say about it is that PL posting on public social media accounts has gotten normalized since the doki situation for all vtuber fans AND the fact that nyfco went down and if people don’t wanna admit to themselves or not so many people browsed that site. There’s been lines blurred and it’s strange to see and I know that’s really hypocritical coming from a former nyfco girlie but it’s weird seeing people reply to the boys with their literal work names and faces in their profile name or as their pfp. I like this site liked and nyfco because they’re contained and I don’t feel weird about posting here because of that.


Hello Elysium nonnies. I’m coming here because I wanna ask a sincere question to Holostars fans and I don’t wanna get flamed immediately for asking, since I don’t ask this with any intention to stir shit. Moreso I wanna just understand what you guys’ perspective on this is since I tend to only spend time around Live fans and I worry my perspective may be skewed.

Sincerely, what is Jurard’s intention behind the happy birthday tweets to the girls? Maybe it’s a stupid question, but after that membership leak a few weeks ago I have an unshakeable feeling that he does it to rile people up. I don’t wanna believe it though, I’d like to think he has enough tact to just be doing out of goodwill to extend a laurel to the girls in the Live branch.

If I’m just thinking too much, lemme know – But the stuff he said during his membership stream just feels so… odd. Talking about hatewatching/hate marketing, I don’t know why he’d bring that up unless he was doing these things to get people mad. Please help me understand. Thank you, and I’m sorry you guys have to deal with so much hate from other people like me.





He’s a fun dude with the absolute worst self-esteem and ability to articulate himself, and for most of his time with us he has barely slept or ate or drank water. He’s completely bugfuck insane sometimes. I won’t profess to understand what he’s thinking, because I don’t really want to spend half a year getting cyberbullied by 4channers while malnourished and exhausted and masking symptoms of the various resulting sicknesses, but I don’t think he’s extraordinarily stupid either. He’s just a nice person with a lot of strange and naïve ideas, and problems that I don’t think he knows how to fix. I don’t know how to fix them either. I can only hope that spending more time with native english speakers gives him a better grasp on the connotations of words over time and that he starts taking care of himself well enough to think things through before doing them.

I can tell you that, as somebody who could not have previously conceived of a unicorn, if people screeched like banshees at me every time I acknowledged a woman but I was experiencing the fastest relative growth in my branch, I would probably make some kind of assumption that those correlate and reach into whatever knowledgebase I have relevant experience with to find a name for that. For him, that was communications.

Idk man. Just know that banchou is kind of a mess but he’s not cruel or vindictive in any way. He’s had plenty of time to display those tendencies and hasn’t. I wouldn’t be surprised at all if he has gone out of his way to wish everybody he’s ever worked with a happy birthday.



You should ask jurard.. what are we, mind readers?


Because when it’s someone’s birthday, you wish them a happy birthday. 🙂


This is THE ANSWER!!! I’m very confident that he also greets people who he knows ‘HAPPY BIRTHDAY’ it’s a sign of respect and acknowledgement, especially here in South Elysium. I for one, can just say happy birthday to strangers if I feel like they needed emotional support you know.



Anon I’ll give you a genuine answer.

Our boys are just dumb idiots. That’s it. They mean no harm at least not up front. He probably just woke up and saw the birthday tweets and replies happy birthday to them normally (same with Tavi) it’s not like ERB that has made a declaration of I am a supporter of all Holopro blah blah blah. Dino is just being his silly dumb self.

This is not his first rodeo in internet fame so he’s probably thinking that cancel culture could boost your appeal or people’s curiosity but that’s not entirely true…also he’s dumb.

He’s also one of the youngest and despite being online isn’t a chronic online bozo so yea he’ll say stupid stuff that’ll get taken out of context and the language barrier doesn’t help since he’s slower in expressing himself in English I find.

Don’t take anything most of them say to heart, they’re just silly little guys.

TL; DR: Dino stupid. He see birthday tweet he say Happy Birthday. It doesn’t mean anything. He’ll keep doing it anyway since it’s not hurting anyone and he doesn’t care about chronically online trolls/antis.



personally, i don’t like this answer because it feels kind of patronizing to jurard. i don’t think the answer is “oh he’s just a stupid silly little meow meow”, he’s an adult and he knows what he’s doing.

yes, he says dumb shit sometimes that he doesn’t fully think through and some things come out wrong thanks to the language barrier but he has control over his behaviour. i only watch jurard occasionally and i haven’t seen the menshi leaks so i’m far from an authority on this matter but from what i’ve gathered my thoughts are this: even if he does believe in hate marketing, there isn’t really an issue with it as long as he isn’t doing something that’s actually harmful to anyone (but himself of course), which he isn’t. if the extent of his hate marketing is saying happy birthday to the girls then who fucking cares, it’s completely harmless.

that being said, personally i believe that his main motivation for wishing them happy birthday is because he’s a fan of them and it’s not that deep, whatever potential rage fuel that comes with it is secondary, if at all intentional.



I think he just does an act of good will, antis take it to another level and he just rides the waves since he sees no downside. I don’t think he’s calculating enough to be like – yes every girl’s birthday post will be my time to shine. I think he’s just being a good kouhai but riding the coat tail of his name trending for a bit whether it’s negative or not. At least that’s what I got from his explanation.His debut was different in that ofc that’s planned I don’t think the birthday stuff is planned


Last edited 1 month ago by Anonymous

I’d agree with you for anybody else but in Jurard’s case on this specific issue, what he’s talked about in menshi confirms what other nonnas are saying. Some people are bound to think it’s an idiotic strategy and they’re entitled to that.


Jurard is so single-minded and frankly dumb that he literally hospitalized himself multiple times. I would not put it past him to try and rationalize his decision after people responded poorly to it, even if he was originally just trying to be nice to a co-worker, as some sort of 4D chess move.



He believes in hate marketing, he has explicitly said so himself in menshi. Could have started out as simple goodwill and networking, could still to some degree be that, but any “riling up” that’s resulted also isn’t considered bad publicity in his eyes. Simple as.
I honestly think it’s dumb but it’s also genuinely harmless either way so I don’t have strong feelings about it lol. The only people “strongly” impacted would be he himself (and it’s his choice) and extreme unicorns, so why care?


Last edited 1 month ago by Anonymous

The thing is, does it really matter? Getting upset or trying to read into something as insignificant and innocuous as a stranger saying happy birthday just makes you look deranged. Regardless of Jurard’s intentions, what he’s doing only riles up crazy people who should be ignored anyway.


to answer bluntly, jurard tweets out happy birthday because they’re his co-workers. it’s not anything malicious as 4chan or any other out of content clips say. they’re for stirring up hate to rile up the fanbase. so, don’t take them seriously.



I feel like you are reading too much from 4ch, don’t act on hate or any “culture war” bullshit and just support your oshi. Ignore what you don’t like and don’t spread hate.



i believe that you’re trying to be sincere so please don’t take this as being harsh for the sake of it and a genuine question but what makes it so difficult for you to give jurard the benefit of the doubt? do you think you would feel differently if it were somebody else? would you be more inclined to believe that a membership leak is malicious and out of context if the leak were from a hololive girl, for that matter?

if you can honestly tell yourself “no, it has nothing to do with jurard as a person but his actions” then that’s fine too. you’re allowed to be put off by anybody for any arbitrary reason, but be honest and say “he’s just not for me!” if that’s the case and move on. spend that energy on supporting your favs. people are gonna downvote you because it’s just kinda weirdo behavior to fixate on how a guy interacts with girls you don’t actually know personally instead of focusing your energy on something positive (like the fact that your oshis get a lot of hbd wishes).


I actually appreciate this perspective. Thank you. Going forward I’ll try not to read into him further, because my mind was too focused on an out-of-context clip. I still feel weird about him talking about “hate marketing”, but I doubt he was saying it out of malice, moreso as an extrapolation of his discussion I suppose.

I think /vt/ unicornism and other people constantly talking about “homobeggar cringe” around me has skewed my perspective. I gotta see if I can find somebody to talk about the boys with more often cuz honestly the main reason I don’t watch them is just because I dedicate more time to my own oshis than them, but they all seem like decent people. Even Jurard is pretty funny when I watch him, it’s just that people skew him towards malice too often.

I hate being psyopped.


You’ve gotta stop spending time around 4ch and any circles that are constantly shouting down hateful sentiments, but I guess you already know that since you mention how it’s skewing your views. I’m also a dude that watches mostly Live and sometimes Stars, but I don’t spend time in places like 4ch and honestly I don’t even like spending time around more surface level Live fan spaces like the Hololive subreddit because the hate and anger has become so normalized.

Being around all of that and constantly reading hateful texts will destroy your mind and will eventually make your irl harder before you even realize how much your thought process has changed by being surrounded by that shit for prolonged periods of time.

Keep watching your oshis and stuff, but find spaces and people that make YOU happy. There are more important things in this world to be stressed over than a boy interacting with a girl.


glad it could help, OP ^^

also, i don’t think you should feel like you need to watch the starsEN boys if you don’t have a strong interest in doing so. i don’t think anybody can fault you for preferring to focus on your favs because we all do lol.

as i mentioned, i think it’s better to focus on being a positive part of whatever fanbase you choose to be a part of, and choosing to act in a way that reflects the kind of community your oshi(s) can be happy/proud to figurehead.


Bait used to be believable and biteable. Please try again next time.



I’m not baiting, I was asking a genuine question… 🙁


Last edited 1 month ago by Anonymous

Lmao this conversation already posted in # in 4chan i know what you are


Ooooohhhh BUSTED!




Looking at stars en fan twitter always gives me such a headache. I try to only go on there to find fanart but holy shit there’s some of the most stupid discourse and discussions in the world on my fyp. Fighting former magmites who always have the shittiest takes in the world though is a new low lmao.


My FYP tests this on me sometimes but if you just block/mute liberally, then abandon your FYP completely for a few days, the algo usually gets a clue and siwtches things up again.


I like and retweet StarsEN content daily at this point, and the algorithm never feeds me this supposedly infuriating discourse. What did y’all do in your past lives?


lucky you anon, i think my fyp’s broken, it’s filled with all sorts of drama and shit takes from everywhere, not just in vtubing. I dunno what happened, I mostly use twitter for updates/ fanarts and tl. it used to be fine few months ago but now, no matter how much I click ‘not interested in this topic/post’ it doesn’t go away _(´ཀ`」 ∠) _


have you tried going into settings and privacy > privacy and safety > content you see > interests and removing anything irrelevant? i’ve had to do this multiple times to purge my TL because they’re auto-selected by the algorithm when you open any posts


i actually never knew you could do this omg thanks


I recommend mute/block everyone shitty and annoying. idgaf if it’s fellow fans I don’t
want to waste the little free time I have seeing drama on social media. I’ve had some BNF magmites and vesties muted even back when magnoir hadn’t left yet


[comment op]

I actually do that like more than 10x daily but new pages with the same shit gets in my fyp ; ;

I’ll try the settings thingy that another anon suggested, hopefully it’ll work


the block/mute really helped me out. my fyp has been, for the most part, better for it.


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