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Thoughts on Hex Haywire’s graduation?


hes problematic, but hes right to leave. theres something wrong with their whole gen though. i feel like the only successful person out of all of them is doppio. hex has had too many controversies, zaion was kicked out at the beginning, meloco is a basically a jp member, kotoka has been gone for almost half a year and i forget ver even exists. idk if this gen or iluna is worse. im hoping everyone who is not getting what they want out of being there, leaves that company at some point.


Last edited 1 month ago by Anonymous

what’s up with iluna??


Guy has serious issues as a content creator re: how he builds his communities and I hope he seriously reevaluates that, whatever he does next.


i highly doubt he will, parasocialism is his bread and butter and he seems to be so deep in his own sauce that i can’t imagine him doing anything else. dude makes me super uncomfortable and i hope that whatever he does next, he does it far away from my line of sight. i pray his delusional fans get some help too


one thing I’ll say is that it’s interesting that I think he said he wanted to graduate in February, the month the black stream happened
could be a coincidence but it makes you think


We are definitely going to see a wave of graduations. Sounds like they put graduations on pause because of that shitshow and the pause may have been lifted after 6 months.


Saw the clip. He mentioned the idea first came to him in December, and then he started really thinking about it in February. Would not be surprised if the backlash to that stream that a lot of them experienced made it come out from the back of his head.


Haven’t watched him outside of occasional clips. Hope he’s happy doing whatever he goes to do next. Every employee that can get away from NijisanjiEN is a win, because I don’t trust that they’re putting a serious effort into improving the toxic elements of working there.


thank god he’s gone, surprised he left on his own accord and wasn’t fired. i’ll miss the drama of it all though


are you female? (upvote) or male? (downvote)


huh interesting to see that it’s pretty even split


i wonder if different pages on this site would get different ratios


upvote here if you’re starmin


YAAAY rin penrose is graduating!! (by choice) (also keeping her ip)



why yay?


the new company that bought her old one is quite shady. it’s better for her to become indie.


She got more freedom and out from the company drama and problem but still being Rin Penrose only


Man, so many vtuber graduations were announced this month.


Give me the list


hololive: Minato Aqua. idol Corp: Rin Penrose, Fuyo Cloverfield, Juna Unagi, Kattarina Qutie, and Meica05. Nijisanji: Hex Haywire.


Last edited 1 month ago by Anonymous

Aqua graduating is still so shocking. Would’ve thought Shion was the one to leave given she’s been on hiatus for 7 months now..


good for the girls! wishing them the best



how do you guys feel about [talent] doing [thing]? i feel like it might upset [group], can we discourse about it for a bit?



how do you guys feel about [talent] doing [me]? i feel like it might upset [the menheras], can we discourse about it for a bit?



So should people start saving gibby’s vod or???? I heard something crazy happened


I made a clip of his face reveal (didn’t upload it anywhere yet)


Last edited 1 month ago by Anonymous

idk if adminchama will see this but could you change the ui format for replies on mobile 😅 the replies of a reply look like its replying to the same comment idk how to word it but it doesnt look the same as on pc


I second this. There needs to be a better mobile view



Hello, just need a void to vent and scream into, pls ignore me in my corner:

void, it’s me again, ya boy
I’m coming to the point of my life where I wish I could meet friends who are around my age that are as obsessed with similar interests I have. It sucks because I try making a friend and they end up being either way older or way younger and now I want nothing to do with them because I know their view of life is either gonna be super immature or way too nostalgic. I wish I could meet a friend around my same age that likes animanga, gaming, things of the like and we can actually talk about the things we like, I can finally get into what I like about certain anime and games. I made one friend but they’re about 30 and while I think they’re fun, it’s like I’m talking to an old sage who has moved on from their prime of just enjoying the silly things of their youth. Like cool for you……I’M STILL IN IT. And I find a friend my own age, but it’s like I’m meeting baby’s first introduction to animanga/other genres gaming and I have to re-teach someone all the things again because they’re just that normie. For how much animanga feels so normalized, it’s like I’m praying to god to find a friend that is as interested in similar things as I am. I’m sure I’ll find one soon. For now, I just have my long distance best friend and my one 30 year old friend that I only talk to once uni semester starts so I am not constantly just alone. I know I should be grateful for just having people to talk to in general….but it feels like I’m running out of people to just…have a meaningful convo with over things I enjoy. I don’t have anyone to just spill how much I liked a story or playfully debate why I think an anime should go a different direction or why I think one kpop group is better than most western artists without being touted as some horrible person because I happen to just mention that Taylor Swift’s music might be worth criticism (This almost happened with my 30 year old friend). Idk. I guess I am asking for too much. Or maybe I need to find better friends elsewhere. I can’t tell anymore.


i am 30 (lmfao) and now i’m going to sound like an old sage too, but i think it’s more about finding people in a similar stage of life/maturity as you. the number of years that one has been alive doesn’t ]correlate]with how mature one is or what interests you have. (as you can see, i still love vtubers and video games and i mostly talk to my friends about our weeb brainworms… shinri is also quite well-known for being in his 30s with a professional degree.) quite frankly, it isn’t mature for somebody to not be able to take criticism of a celebrity they like — so it sounds that you may actually be more mature than your friend who is older than you.

i am also a professor (so now especially fearful of sounding like an old sage…) and something i’ve noticed is covid seems to have affected the ability for the youths to make friends with classmates, they seem to get stuck in the “casual acquaintances” phase. if i had to guess: many people around you likely have similar concerns, but people don’t like to struggle publicly.

my advice is kind of contradictory in some way, but i suggest: (1) initiating conversations and plans to do things more (other people are, most likely, also looking for meaningful connections to others just like you and will respond — maybe ask others if you want to go over homework/study together?) but also (2) being picky about how others treat you. if they don’t pass the vibe check or let you be comfortable being yourself, don’t hang onto them nor push against them — just let them pass by.

best wishes from this oldge tempura. i hope it gets easier for you.


they’re about 30 and while I think they’re fun, it’s like I’m talking to an old sage

i was with you until you hit me in my age range and now i’m turning to dust

wishing you all the best, quarter-life-crisis-nonnie



Idk how the convention scene is like in your area, but have you tried attending those or going to local areas like bookstores/comic book shops etc. to meet new people around your age with similar interests? You might find some luck.

Unfortunately with adulthood comes the loss of friendship opportunities so learning how to be comfortable with yourself is an important process of growing up. Just make sure to take care of the relationships that you have currently. You’re very lucky to at least have one person in your life.

I wish you a lot of luck.


Frankly, I’m right there with ya anon. I’m going through something very similar and shit’s tough ): I wish this wasn’t a shady anon board so we could be friends but alas… Wishing you the best of luck though <3



Anon, how about a simple advice from this old wizard? Love yourself more, stop finding and seeking that “friend”. You are your best company no? You don’t need to spill or fangirl with someone to have fun, just express your interest in your own way. Love K-pop but no one else understands? Make an art board of your favorites. Love vtubers a lot? Make clips or artwork of them. Point is, life is too short to wait for others, if you need someone to enjoy something then you will never be satisfied. You are your best interest, cherish yourself wisely.


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