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Did anyone here by chance archive today’s bendy stream from zander netherbrand?


I’m sick and tired of people forcing public shipping upon the boys, even StarsJP boys, and shameless about it. We don’t care if you obviously came from other corpo male fandom, most of them overlaps anyway since VG/Armis, but at least try to learn about different fandom cultures and know what can make talents and fandom uncomfortable.



thank god we seem to have gotten through the worst of the ruze/jurard shipping (at least i think we did, it doesn’t jumpscare me on my feed anymore and i haven’t seen it mentioned here in a while) that shit gave me begni flashbacks. and while i’m not trynna shame anyone who does that stuff in private, it always made me extra uncomfortable when i see aggressive shipping including a member who has made it abundantly clear they’re uncomfortable with it (i.e. ruze or bettel)


In some cases, looks like the shipping goes more aggressive because ironically they’re uncomfortable about shipping. For those fujos their reluctance comes off as chaste/tsundere/shy/”forbidden fruit” therefore it’s more appealing to force them into delusions than someone blatantly asking for it


Ngl but I facepalm when people say Hanakishi is officially an allowed ship. Tell me you don’t watch either Miyabi or Temma without telling you don’t watching them. They once showed discomfort about them openly getting shipped more than as a joke, on a stream about their duo song, for extra clarification. StarsJP fandom is even stricter about no public shipping rules no matter how “fanservicey” can they be sometimes


Last edited 1 month ago by Anonymous

Girly, gotta tell you, that’s the FYP outing yo ass (we know its you Ernie, you search for gay porn and it obviously shows it to you lmao)



You know FYP isn’t the only one that feeds shipping contents, it could be any retweet from accounts you follow or some BNF tweets that went viral. Just following some fanartists or fan accounts can give you a retweet or two because they follow shipper accounts. Don’t get me started on the public shipping either, we already got past Almond, Begni and Sunhat shippers in chat. (seriously that “divorce arc” spam was so cringe) Ruze and Octavio even made a no shipping rule in the chat after the public shipping getting too wild in their respective chat.I understand nonnies getting wary about baits and anti psyops since this page is posted on 4chan multiple times, but accusing any post that is critical, or doesn’t approve certain (possibly toxic) fandom behaviors, as baits and spamming “ok Ernoul” isn’t exactly the best response either. It’s getting tasteless.



Last edited 1 month ago by Anonymous

remember how many ex-magmites refer to Magni as mom and Altare as dad and get retweets for that


Thank God my fyp didn’t show more than the normal amount, which was very little and most of them keep it behind spoiler, no tag and some even make the account of 18+ that block the boys.


ppl in their 20s being called and/or calling themselves “hag” is my current pet peeve


It’s pretty clear teens and 20somethings literally cannot comprehend having hobbies and being on the internet past 30. Idk if it’s media, people in their lives, but something has convinced them that your life essentially ends at 30, so to them the closer you get to that threshold the more you’re considered “old.”


eh to me its a nice filter to see people I dont need in my life. its like gen z is nothing but porn addict jokes



Wait, is hag a porn thing? I’m out of touch with common phrases nowadays


hag is just gen z’s version of milf


I don’t think “hag” is quite at “milf” territory… It’s just an insult that was used by incels who despise older women (and somehow women in their 20s and 30s are considered “old” to them) that has been contorted into a term of affection by almost equally strange young adults that think calling people this insult can be turned into a term of endearment. Just bizarre perceptions of age by terminally online individuals all around.

I don’t want to see the day a pornhub video has “hag” in the title the same way we currently use “milf” lol


Even in their 30’s for me tbh. I know there was some discourse about this on twitter a little while back but personally idc if “hag” has been reclaimed os a term of endearment or whatever, it still pisses me off that men in the anime sphere are so conditioned to seeing almost exclusively teenage girls in all their media that a 30 year old woman can now be called a hag. Even as a joke it’s absurd.



Yeah, and on the other side of things, as a millennial dude sometimes I watch chat cement the hag label onto a streamer that’s younger than me and they start running with it, going “Yeah I’m a hag, I’m hag-maxxing” and I’m just sitting there thinking “Girl… you’re in your mid-twenties.”



The channel that has been
-clipping membership
-mistranslating JP (ex:Rio speaking on Gamma leaving)
-attempting to cause trouble for holostars
has now been removed by YouTube



Good, but it looks like he immediately started a new channel: https://www.youtube.com/@enwordhardar


aw crap
We gotta let people know of this


well everyone start reporting that one too, just reported him now so hope others do as well


Last edited 1 month ago by Anonymous

Remember guys☝️YouTube & Cover


That’s great news and hope they don’t pop up again, but if they do hope everyone reports them again or any other channels doing such things again


✨✨ This is good news!!!!


Man this is just the ranting of a frustrated artist but I wish vtuber designs would go back to being more simple and readable instead leaning so much into gacha inspired overly detailed. Even though I love my oshi’s designs they make me cry they’re such a pain to draw



Definitely, although I’d personally say Justice is the first time I’ve been so overall visually disappointed by a Holo gen. I think Niji started dismaying me earlier with it’s designs, as I believe around the time of XSoleil (I love doppio, but yes, even him) Niji’s designs across branches became less distinctive and more trend-chasingly sterile, with few exceptions (hoshirube’s hero outfit, lunlun, off the top of my head).
This is also why I really enjoyed ReGloss’ designs when they debuted. The designs are very simple by current anime standards in general, but effective and refreshing in their simplicity. It’s interesting how the branch’s vibe is set apart through paring down design rather than adding elements.


I think the only “overdesigned” design I’ve liked is Magni’s, because hasendow clearly put a lot of thought into every element instead of superloading the design with various trendy pieces. Although he ended up making good use of it, the way it was disrespected by him at one point bothers me to this day.


As a fellow artist and character designer, I couldn’t agree more. I’ve said this so many times but I think Myth is peak vtuber design (and to some extent Council too). They have strong, recognizable silhouettes and consistent motifs that make for an iconic design. You can tell what they’re all about just by a glance, they’re easy to simplify and by extension easier to draw as well. Compared to Justice where, apart from Gigi to some extent, instead of every aspect of their design serving to tell you what this character is all about, the designs are filled with “pointless” intricacies with like 1 or 2 little design elements to hint at what they are (i.e. Cecelia’s wind up key, ERB’s flame, Raora’s… goggles? I guess?) I can tell Gura is a shark or Amelia is a detective instantly but I couldn’t tell you what Nerissa or Raora is supposed to be unless I look it up. It truly is the gatcha-fication of vtuber designs and it makes me sad that that’s the direction hololive seems to be going in when they had such a strong start with Myth


It’s honestly crazy how simple Gura’s design is compared to even the others in her gen, and yet she was the one to blow up in popularity first. Obviously the talent behind the model is a big part of that but it really shows how effective that kind of design can be.


i mean you gotta be honest a cat/shark girl is a cute design concept. Def think her just being an amazing entertainer/businesswoman helped her a lot with her popularity.


Yeah, Gura’s poor rigging/derp face in 2D leave a lot to be desired, but the design shines in 3D. Gura herself is the reason she is popular, though, not her design.


Myth was peak


i originally got into vtubers because of the beautiful fanart i’d see of them but all the artists i know who aren’t into vtubers HATE their designs because of how overly complicated design standards became lmao


so I guess this is ver’s pl?



yeah it was confirmed back on nyfco as well


Last edited 1 month ago by Anonymous

Little Altare cameo in Lily’s new MV


Cute boy dancing!


Do you guys know the PL of the first stage production boys?
I know Lucien because he and Altare were friends since their pl
I’m curious specially about Rosco’s, he is really funny


Not the OP
Thank you guys for the direct answer. I also wanted to know more about them after the Jurard-Rosco Collab.


Gale Galleon: Tokki Velveteen

Cassian Floros: Akatora Chimon

Lucien Lunaris: Rimmu

Zander Ntherbrand: Hollow_VA

Rosco Graves: EngramTRJN


I always thought Luci sounded familiar! I remember watching a clip on his youtube channel of him and han playing valo but I was more focused on han than him at the time. I hope they can do a one on one collab together in the future.


Yikes 😬 I didn’t know Cassian was him. I’ve been watching him since his debut, and it sucks that I’ll have to stop.


did he do something??


I forgot, but I remember him being in a controversy before joining. I believe it was that he used to be the supposedly 4th member of Krisis but he was let go because he leaked some stuffs.


??? That controversy was tied to Aruvn, wasn’t it? Everyone was convinced he was the missing 4th member, not Chimon.


That’s what I remember too. Chimon gets brought up as a potential Niji EN hire all the time because he has friends there, but Aruvn was the suspected 4th member of Krisis.


chimon?? the dude everyone kept wanting in niji en back at nyfco? oh woww


a quick search shows he was in hanamori. like clique-work


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