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is Gale Galleon worth getting into at all or should I head for the hills?


I mostly watch Rosco from the Avallum boys but watch Cass and Lucy every now and then. When they collab with Gale they’re all definitely fun to watch. Though yes I can agree they all pretty much fujobait a lot. I’m not sure if it’s because they know Rosco himself is gay and want to joke around with him like that or if they just do it to get reactions. Apart from that and from what I’ve seen he doesn’t seem like a bad guy, he’s very respectful.


Wait Rosco is gay? Like openly? I don’t watch him sorry.


Last edited 1 month ago by Anonymous

Yes, Rosco was having a karaoke stream and seemed to on a high while having fun singing when he randomly said he liked men lol He also made jokes about it the next stream the following day. I’m not sure about the other boys but I just mostly like and watch Rosco like I mentioned~


Gale is bisexual
Zanny is Bisexual
Cass is ace
Luci is the only straight member of Avallum


Zanny is bisexual, the rest are straight


he’s really entertaining, has a nice voice, and also seems to have a really chill fandom that banters with him but doesn’t cross any lines. I’m newer to avallum but this guy was an easy fave to me, I don’t think you’ll regret it


He’s really fun, good at balancing audience engagement and whatever he’s doing. Prime example of straight guy fujobaiter though, so weigh your tolerance for that into your decision. He did a collab with Hakka a while back if you’re interested in him but prefer having a familiar face present.


the hakka collab was SO good


Yup couldn’t digest Avallum with the amount of Fujobait they do. They are so fun and actually incredibly charismatic when they are not in an environment where they feel forced to it, their collabs with the Stars have proven so. A shame they seem to feel obliged to do so on their reg streams.


it’s sad to see that fujobait is still somewhat seen as something you need to do in order to keep an audience. maybe it’s just me but it feels like the era of fujobait has passed since luxium’s rise to fame. even they have moved away from it (i think? i don’t watch them). these days i think the novelty of it has worn away and it seems to push more people away than anything. i would’ve watched them it it weren’t for the fujobait so it sucks to see them limit themselves with something they don’t necessarily want to do


I’m a bit of a new viewer but I would say yeah. He seems like a pretty neat & entertaining guy 🙂


Kiara PL got attacked by one of her stalkers while she was at comiket… I wish the poor girl didn’t have to deal with the most unstable individuals…



I don’t condone violence of any sort but sometimes people need consequences especially when there is none for people like that creep


Kiara has had to put up with so much bullshit over the last decade+, man. She just successfully got away from another POS that had been stalking her in her home country and had discovered where she lived, too. Poor woman. I hope that asshole gets hit with some massively deserved karma sooner than later.


The worst part is when JP police said they can’t do anything about it because she’s a foreigner. I’m just so mad. There’s so many photographic and video evidence of the crime, the way he’s assaulting her and all, and some people even helped her identified him (name and all) to give the info to the police. It’s fucking insane how useless the authorities are.



Cops are generally useless but Japanese cops are a special kind of useless. I mean if the cases like those of Junko Furuta and Renée Hartevelt says anything they don’t give a flying shit about Foreign or National Women.


Please just report hateful off topic posts next time. Embarrassing day to be a starmin. No need to gatekeep oshi because some nonnies are doing a good job at making the community seem judgemental & stupid



Not me, I’m a proud starmin through and through, I’m not changing my tune in an anon board because the neighbors don’t know when to mind their business and keep their peace of mind. They can go fuck themselves, I’m watching streams and enjoying my boys.


Mom I made it on TV!!




the site soft debuted on niji twitter




What’s the other site? Looks like nyfco lots.





Looks like a shitflinger account that is obviously trying to make stars and the fanbase look bad while bringing up numbers and their distaste for axel and altare because they dared to show some support to those who got kicked out of niji. On twitter btw



them calling altare a double agent is wild tho



Double agent for being friends with someone is a new level of stupidity




hey ma, look!! i made it on niji twitter!!



That’s always the self report with these people. Bringing up axel and altare for being friends with doki and calling them grifters and or fake is always so funny, even though altare still regularly collabs with niji livers and interacts with them on social media it’s not enough for people who dramabait and want to make them seem like the worst people in the world for collabing with a friend? I guess. Don’t really care about what twitter users have to say especially with infighting.


Looking at this account they seem to not like hololive or stars in general. EN or not and that took me about 5 seconds of scrolling to figure out. Trying to take the moral high ground whilst shitting on other people’s oshis is incredibly laughable. I don’t even mind niji and I even used to be membered to some of their livers but purposefully going on an anon board and then being shocked when people have differing opinions is a bit silly.



I could truly care less about what random niji twitter users who don’t even support their oshis let alone watch streams say about people. It’s not embrassing because some people generally don’t like that company or their chubas and trying to ego search to drama bait on here is sad.


It’s embarrassing because people do not know how to carry themselves as fans. Not all the posts were necessary. Don’t get comfortable talking shit about things that do not concern you. Not directed to you, but to the people trashing on creators that holostars CHOSE to collab with.


this goes for your people as well 😇 maybe don’t take to heart what anonymous people have to say on an online forum. we are the minority here not the entire fandom ❤️


a lot of them were quick to brush nyfco nina page posters as “fake fans” when people found out that the selen document came from there ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


???? What is the point of an anon board where people can talk about whatever they want stars related and yes this includes collabs and collab partners if you have to be on your best behavior and not be able to express your opinions on anyone they collab with ever. I don’t agree with some of the points on those posts but it’s insane to expect everyone to be on their best behavior and always be looking out for niji twt, 4chan raids etc on a random site.


Not even asking for best behavior, just less posts calling real queer people fujobaiters. Distasteful yet still gets upvotes


Wow despite multiple sources stating that some of the people involved in fujobaiting felt pressured into it for fanservice despite being personally uncomfortable with it.


also coming from a bisexual lol


this is off topic from the thread but you don’t even have to be straight to fujobait though. it’s considered fujobait if a man flirts with another man with the sole intention of pandering to fujoshi audiences. although it’s arguably worse if the guy is straight, it’s still fujobait if he has the capacity to be attracted to another man. unless he’s actively trying to get with the guy he’s flirting with, which in that case, why are you doing that live in front of an audience? that’s pretty weird either way


alas, it isn’t the first time we’ve gotten put on blast for being biphobic and it probably won’t be the last



lol when was the first time


Anons pls report this channel. They were formerly grimmtykwab (https://www.youtube.com/@grimmitykwab). Thankfully, the channel has since been removed by Youtube but they have now returned with a new channel.

-> https://www.youtube.com/@enwordhardar

As mentioned in the previous post,

“They’re purposefully spreading misinfo, using extremely incorrect JP translations, and clipping membership content. They have a real grudge against holostars too so they’re definitely a unicorn trying to cause trouble.”

Report to both Cover & Youtube

Report to cover here: https://cover-corp.com/en/report


nijispies are lucky that the doxxsite has been nuked lmao


they found us 😪


watching the HoloID cup, does anyone know what they’re using to do voice chat in-game?

(and if Stars have used it before? idr if they’ve ever used it, just figured it could be nice for VC and curious of if they have perms/know about it)


it should be the voice mod from curseforge


you guys seem like you would know. what’s yagoo’s PL?



iirc a normal japanese salary man…



no he is Monkey D. Luffy


Monkey D. Luffy



Out of curiosity, which vtubers have you guys personally paid for menshi for (excluding gifteds)?
For me…
Past: Oga, Aruran (the one that got me ibto vtubers), FWMC
Current: Fauna (kamioshi)
Considering: Gigi


Last edited 1 month ago by Anonymous

Past: All of HQ

Current: Axel (I don’t watch Altare enough to keep the menshi), Hakka, Ruze

Considering: Temma or Uyu


Only one: Vesper


Currently I’m a menshi to the same man and its Randon.


past : Altare, Axel, Hakka, ShinriCurrent : Shinri (T3 for the sake to support him & Kamioshi!!)Considering : my interest keep changing around and now I’m low on budget (The boys squeeze me hard!!) so skip everything till I got leftover budget


Last edited 1 month ago by Anonymous

Bettel, Shinri, and Flayon


Past: Kobo, Ollie, all 8 Tempus (at the time) T1 – my Kamioshis (3 Tempus T2/T3, rotating).

Current: hiatus since I need to save up, so no menshi currently

Considering: ERB, Ollie, Ruze, Risu, Suisei, Doki, Mint


Past: Magni

Current: Shinri, Ruze (both T3)

Considering: ERB, Gigi, Ina (had been gifted by gracious takos)


current: ruze, octavio, axel

considering: shinri (if i dont get gifted)


Past: Sana, Kronii, Chloe Sakamata, Axel, Vesper

Current: Axel, Liz, Dokibird,



past: shinri
current: – (laid off era)
considering: shinri (if i get this job)


Lol wishing you the best nonna


Past : All of Myth (now I’m broke), Vesper

Current : Ina, Mumei, Altare

Considering : Raora, Octavio


Past: Bae, Izuru, Kobo, Shien (not enough money sadge)
Current: Hakka (Kamioshi <3), Jurard, Liz, Calli
Considering: Octavio, Bettel (I like his emotes), Ruze, Towa


Past: Miyabi, Gamma (sad hands, will transfer what I was paying for Ganchan back to Miyabi again I think)

Current: Shien, Altare, Fuma


Past : Magni (does it count?)
Current : Kiara, Bae, Nerissa, Raora, Axel, Bettel
Considering : Shiori, Octavio, Cecilia


Past: Polka, Bae, Magni
Current: Ruze T3 (Kamioshi), Bettel, Hakka, Nerissa
Considering: Shinri/Axel if I don’t get gifted again lmao



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