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deadbeat musings: calli’s live yesterday was good, but it felt more like a music video than a live. idk about you guys, but perfectly pitch-corrected vocals and smooth fade transitions are never what i’ve wanted from holo’s live shows. where’s the personality!


nonnies, what are some other vtubers you want to mention, recommend, or promote?
What’s something you really like about them & their content? What’s a video/stream you would recommend for new viewers? They can be from other corps or indies 🤗


I got into dokibird and maidmint after tsb and wrestletuber. I think they are talented, charming streamers and their chemistry is cute, and it was kinda funny to start oshiing a holostars oshi’s….oshi (iykyk)

I’m usually not really into nijien just out of personal taste, but I had a random encounter with ren zotto’s collabs with debidebi debiru and I really enjoyed them. I think people who like wholesome, unique vtuber collab dynamics like kobalt would enjoy them, a cool alien guy fawning over his cute little demon oshi was very fun


doppio big love!! i used to watch him a lot more last year but i really haven’t kept up with him much since the selen situation. (not for any specific reason, i just didn’t like the constant air of negativity around niji at the time. it really bummed me out so i distanced myself from that community.)

since i haven’t kept up with him, I’m not sure if there’s been any controversy surrounding him or his community recently but from what it seems to me, he’s always just over there vibing and being his silly lil self and i love that.

i feel like at this point i’ve missed too many streams that i’d be too behind on doppi lore and inside jokes and such so idk if i can ever fully get back into him but i’ve always found his personality and way of speaking super endearing and i hope he continues to be happy and successful!

i don’t have any particular stream recommendations but his collab with flayon was really fun and could be a nice introduction to him for stars fans.

this may have been a bit rambly but i needed this self indulgent doppi-dump bc i love him and i miss him!!!


im still so sad for keekihime 🙁 her fanbase has been one of the nicest to me as a girl and she is so sweet, i hope she can be okay 🙁


huh? i always got the impression that kiaras fanbase was one of the more unicorn infested in hololive so im surprised to hear that… i do feel bad for what happened to her tho



Kiara was actually one of the first EN girls I stuck with for a bit because her fans were so passionate and her story was like FWMC (struggling but passionate idol, turned vtuber) so yea, her fans are very cool and they love her a lot


The fanbases are only “unicorn-infested” if you believe what Reddit and Twitter tell you and take schizos on 4chan as a proper representation of the fanbase at large. They are watched by thousands of people, most of which are normal people.


can’t judge an entire fanbase as a whole, some of the most welcoming and friendly fans especially at cons are KFP


agreed. there were so many cool kfp bros at offkai and a lot attended altare and bettels panel this year.


Luckily, she has a lot of people around her to support her right now (especially Ina and Calli) and work to keep her head in.


who’s the most holostars en, non-holostars vtuber? i’m looking for more vtubers to watch



Randon Neuring, the most holostars en, non-holostars vtuber.



i hope they scout him 🤣


There’s already a lot of variety between the boys so it’s hard to pin down what makes someone holostars en-like. The people they collab with is a good place to start, but tbh I haven’t watched a lot of them. Jowol and Kuro are pretty cool. Maybe Alban, Ike, Shu, or Doppio if you don’t mind watching that company. Unironically some girls are pretty similar to them too. Ina’s behavior and humor is very similar to Altare, and of course Michi and Hakka are the same person.


update: ina cute thank you anon


A lot of bait lately huh


I think it hit harder this years. with migration of fanbase from rival and usual attack from unicorn/gachi, plus the drama lover accounts. I said the fanbase are getting paranoia all around



Report them and do not engage. We don’t need misogynists on this site.



who got the old nyfco fish with bait memes? i wiped my PC


i only have this
comment image


I just saved this one ;>;

comment image


Keekihime was recently assaulted by her stalker of many years at an event called Comiket. The stalker has been identified as Rick (Phoenix_Rick_ on twitter that is now private & then deactivated) by bystanders/fans.

Keeki’s tweets about the situation:





She did a twitter space to vent/discuss what happened to her. Here’s a fan’s summary of what was said. -> https://x.com/DreamingNousagi/status/1823000001909604797

Here are some tweet’s with images of the stalker, his face, a little bit of info and his account before deactivation. They have known of/stalked keekihime when she was 16-17 years old while she streamed on nico nico douga:











I was stalked for a period of about a year and I still suffer from the hypervigilance it induced. I can’t imagine dealing with this for as long as she has, this is absolutely sickening and she’s incredible for continuing to make it through this.


The stalker has apparently changed his @ to Rick_Phoenix_ but still has his account on private



Absolutely sick and horrifying. I hope that guy rots in hell. It’s so upsetting that Jp police aren’t doing anything to help her. She deserves justice.


There’s a correction somewhere that they couldn’t do anything because the Comiket staff somehow lost the guy by the time the police arrived, but it’s still ridiculous how her fans are the only ones helping her at all.


Insane how they even lost the guy but they also didn’t do anything because she’s a foreigner and doesn’t live there


Seriously… Shouldn’t it still matter to the police if a Japanese citizen is committing a crime? Are they basically saying Japanese citizens are free to do whatever they want to foreigners in Japan? When do they decide to step in, at murder or maiming? This makes me so angry to read about…


It is a slippery slope they use, the police SHOULD get involved, but they did the same on the case of Renée Hartevelt*. If they let the Embassy and Foreign police “get in charge” they can clean their hands of it. Esp, because she is European. If a JP Citizen commits a crime, they have to extradite him to i.e Germany in this case, but the likelihood of Germany being able to convict him is next to null, so then JP doesn’t have to deal with “PR stuff” (they do, they are just lazy and dumb)

*The French Victim of Issei Sagawa aka The Kobe Cannibal


wow reading about the names you brought up… so even in cases worse than murder the police will do nothing


did the holoplus cbt end already? I still have the app & I thought it would kinda “disappear” after the testing


yeah its closed! iirc there was a notification a couple of days from the app that said feel free to remove it from your phone and wait for the official launch but i just forgor to take it off my phone


shortening closed beta test to cbt sure is a choice



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