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what are your thoughts on the wukong discourse


the dev is def an incel. but so are issues at a lot of companies. the game itself isnt particularly egregious content afaik so it feels hypocritical to say anything about it while activision blizzard is still on its reign of terror.


The dev sounds like a misogynist that got rejected by a girl gamerhttps://x.com/electroslaggg/status/1823106145436811370?t=9s8bzXXDkvRfp2reuga-wg



Last edited 23 days ago by Anonymous



It’s a game that’s mid at best, if it had not the ball stroking politics for incels nobody would have given a shit abt the game. The discourse i have seen is about how dumbasses are creaming out bc of the streaming rules and the weird ass shit the ceo of the company has said but no one really has spoken about anything about the play. Like all right wing media it’s just about politics not actual content.

Plus as someone who has watched a bunch of adaptations of Journey to the West this is so dumb!! Like if anything JtTW has always been a progressive story. From Wukong defying the rules and authority to the gender non conforming characters etc. literally most of the folk who have played Tripitaka in most adaptations have always been women like that character has been the queer awakening of many folk lmao


>defying the rules

Anon did you forget the whole point of Wukong’s entire dang journey is to learn how to follow the rules?


wha i thought right wing gamers hated it every time i see wukong get brought up around right wingers has been some conspiracy about the game being backed by chinese government psyops because they cant believe that a game made in the most populated country on the planet is as popular as it is (which is hilarious to me)


I got to get this off my chest because I can’t stop thinking about last night when Flay read my Machibo confession AGAIN (T▽T) And I know he was joking about us being freaky and lewd but he makes sure he tells us that he’s not shaming us and it’s ok to express how we feel because he accepts us as we are and I just *AHHHH EXPLODE*


anons i’m too scared to buy the nui because my former oshi graduated before her nui even arrived


But what’s worse, anon – buying the nui and your oshi graduates, or NOT buying the nui and your oshi graduates anyways but now you don’t have a nui


you’re right. i’m buying thx


This is why new starmins are being turned away from supporting the boys. No normalcy about mixed gender collabing is just weird.




As a casual fan I’ve seen a few JP boys and girls in holo do collabs and it seems normal to me (I don’t speak JP so I don’t know the culture/rules). The EN side seems way more sensitive and vocal to it but yea, seems like a nothingburger honestly.


Haven’t checked out the thread, but the simple answer is that hololive is a idol company and it’s typical to have girl idol groups and boy idol groups.
Why there’s this awkwardness about mixed collabs is another can of worms but I agree that it’s weird. tbf, “The talents just don’t want to collab” is a valid answer to why they don’t collab, but doesn’t explain why they don’t acknowledge the other side at all even when it’s appropriate to bring them up. But some of them do, which understandably makes things even more confusing for newcomers.


Go whine about it on Reddit. Don’t bring that shit here.



Reading the comments as expected the usual bullies are at it again. They are trying to gaslight us into thinking we are the actual problem.



me doing better on JLPT than a lot of starmin and clippers :3c



Is it just me but I hate some of the “fan” on reddit so much. It is always about “me me me” as they make it about themself and how they are saint for supporting the talents all the time. They are just poser trying to fit in.


What do you mean by that~


I think I heard a while ago that watching streams on holodex doesn’t count you in the view number on the stream. Is that true?


It won’t count you in the live tally, but as soon as the stream ends and it processes into a vod, you will instantly be added as a vod view.


id i buy breaking dimensions streaming pass can i watch the “vod” or whatever if i cant catch it live?


if its from spwn you have I think a month to watch it i think


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