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Making an itabag of an anime character is normal, making an itabag of an actual real life idol is cool too, but making an itabag of some dude?? I’m sure the person who created the bag did it as a fun and silly project, and I also see other people praising the bag, but am I the only one who finds it weird? No even a funny type of cringe. Idk, normally I’m super okay with people displaying their fixations no matter how extravagant it is, but making itabags and photocards of actual people gives me the ick.


I agree with you. It makes me really uncomfortable and that’s okay. You’re allowed to feel that way. Connor seems comfortable with it, so I just take my ick and move on tbh.


As long as the talent is comfortable with it, it is okay, they are not street randoms. If my neighbor made an Ita-bag of me yes, that would be creepy, but Connor has always been very open on how it actually makes him happy when people make objects of fan expression of him (also Reese, Hiraaga, that I’m aware of)

I mean do use your common sense and dont make a sex doll that sings “I Feel Fantastic” but ita bags, photocards, albums, fanart seems safe enough. Think about it this way; you can do the same idolatry objects as the catholics.

Before enacting something, ask yourself if the Pope would Commission it of Jesus:

  • Figurines and Sculptures? Yes
  • Stickers? Yes
  • Photocards? Yes
  • Murals? Yes
  • Paintings? Yes
  • Ita-items? Yes
  • AMV? Yes
  • Rock Song? Yes

  • Sex Dolls? NO
  • Fanfic? NO
  • Y/N and [Idol] picture? NO
  • Naked Picture of [Idol]? It depends on the context and subject(s) is it propaganda? then yes. is it pornography? then don’t show it to the pope! that’s between Michelangelo and yourself!!


tbh as someone looking in from the outside of idol culture (and most fandoms involving irl ppl) i find it all a bit strange (particularly when fans ship irl ppl together)- but drawing an arbitrary line between irl idol and irl streamer seems… well, arbitrary


Itabags as well as photocards have evolved. You said idols are fine, but those aren’t real people to you? What makes them any different from a content creator? You can dislike the idea, but that fan wouldn’t be the type to do something if the subject was uncomfortable. What about fan merch, or fanedits, do you dislike those as well? Or is it just the itabag aspect


Last edited 18 days ago by Anonymous

I kinda agree but the person in question i think your referring to is okay with it. I see this happen with other irl streamers like Jerma or Northernlion as of late and most of them think it’s funny and admire the dedication atleast. If they’re a more private figure and or uncomfortable though I agree it’s weird and should be avoided.


just because connor dearly loves that fan and praises them frequently? the smell of seething jealousy isn’t nice


Hey adminchama, any way you can do something about the chat? If individual chat messages can’t be removed it might be better to get rid of it altogether.


Seems that the troll’s objective is to cause some harm, and have some sort of influence. so an issue to have some sense of control. They want the chat to close and feel a sense of accomplishment.Unfortunately, the chat is very basic, and doesn’t have a report option, but I have erased the messages and taken some steps to make it harder for them, until they try and try and try and cry and cry like the baby they are and finally get tired and take their nappy-time. But yes, I’ll be checking the chat more often, while I search for other more moderable options.


Last edited 17 days ago by Anonymous

Thanks for the update, adminchama


the messages got removed but the schizo is back again stinking up the place. the chat needs a report option if possible or it’ll probably just keep happening


Wait, so that big new Hololive EN project that they hyped up with amazing artwork and preview videos is all for… a Minecraft mod? I thought it was an original game lol


Idk, the more I think about it, the happier I am that it is just modded minecraft. A full-ass game sounds like a waste of money, considering HoloEarth. If it brings the girls together, something that doesn’t happen often enough with Myth and Promise anymore, that is enough for me.


Reminds me of the “Hololive Alternative” project from a couple years back that was teased with an outrageously well animated preview trailer of all the girls in a fantasy world and people started wondering what it would be and if it would be an actual original anime (even some of the girls in the company not sure what it was, but were super hyped to be part of it) and then it ended up just being a couple very short one-shot manga chapters (I’m talking a couple pages maximum) and like, 1 song.

These “multimedia projects” always end up overhyped and underdelivered… Which seems crazy to me given how many talented people in various industries are fans of Hololive, you’d think the company could actually put together a team for a real project as big as these vague allusions would suggest.


iirc one of the artists originally planned for holoalt was that marine fan that had a meltdown over cover telling him he had to remove his r18 holo fanwork from his public account if he wanted to work with them on an official project. jp twitter dogpiled him for having no idea on how to be a professional and said he would never make it big compared to other doujin artists that came from eromanga background


Yeah, I remember that, I recall JP Twitter shitting on him for lack of professionalism and EN Twitter circulating a translation of an excerpt from one of his doujins that had weird views of WW2, although I never looked into it deep enough to tell whether that translation was accurate or not.

Even still though, a short web manga with only a couple chapters here and there feels like a far cry from what a trailer like this hyped people up for (link for those that haven’t seen it before): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3RxlzJWWzdY

I did just remember that Cover is also still working on their big MMO/live-service game “HoloEarth” and I guess that swings into the opposite direction of what I talked about, starting a project *way* too big to be their first foray into making a game. Of all the game genres to try making first, an MMO/live-service game is the hardest, most time and resource consuming, and most likely to fail without sufficient content at launch and a steady stream of content post-launch. Even companies like Amazon, far bigger than Cover, sink tons of resources into trying to make an MMO and end up with nothing to show for it.

So maybe with all of that said, a ENigmatic Recollection just being a Minecraft mod is perhaps at least more financially responsible on their part lol


I thought it was gonna be an actual ass game wtff


does anyone here know more about the niji doxx situation? idk if the person who made the first big post about it can/should be seen as a trustworthy-enough source


It’s controversial, as it’s KoreKore, a know Japanese dramatuber (you may have heard about his involvement with Rushia and how that was potentially a factor in her termination).

He’s very well-known for clickbait, over-exaggeration, and just generally being a scumbag who chases clout…but at the same time, I don’t think anything he’s ever reported has been factually wrong at the center of it.Exaggerated to farm views, certainly, but not incorrect. Not including his obvious “I heard this rumor coverage” but actual whistle-blowing – like he was involved in bringing Brave Group’s horrendeous security breach to light, so he certainly has sources and will report on actual wrongdoings he finds. Certainly he’s been truthful enough to dodge Japan’s draconian libel laws.

So I’m expecting that he does, in fact, have something – but what that something actually is will be the crux of the issue.


Does anyone have the link to the HQ mouse cursors? I can’t find it anywhere 🙁



My sides were off to the moon when it’s revealed that everyone on the planet knew Nerissa’s family existed…. except for her own Mane-chan


Sorry for open lesbian lust but something about Nerissa just makes me actually insane 😭 Perfect blend of cute


and wholesome


Was there a confirmation put out for the change in yt gifted membership distribution priority? I only read rumors and speculation that they now go to new or inactive subs. It’s just really disappointing since part of my enjoyment was sniping active people in chat while supporting both the streamer and the community at the same time…


I got snipe on the stream that i don’t even subscribe at all, not even watch it. ever since that day, I rarely got sniped on the boy stream already….


I recently got gifted a membership to a channel that I haven’t watched in months so unfortunately it may indeed be the case now…


I don’t think it’s confirmed confirmed but there’s definitely a soft confirmation as many people have been trying to get specific active chatters who have been getting consistently gifted for months now and are unable too now. I personally have been trying to snipe someone for like 3+ streams now and it still doesn’t work. It’s really disappointing since genuine fans who might not have the income to support are getting screwed over.


i don’t get why youtube has to change things every once in a while instead of simply copying how twitch does it. let us choose who gets the gifts if we’re paying for a small number of them at a time or let the RNG if it’s like 10+


sorry for another vent post on a subject i know ppl dont like but it’s frustrating how it seems like the notion of avoiding mentioning holostars is also being adopted by people outside of the company. i was watching an indie talk about their ANYC con experience and gushing over the girls by name like Ollie and ERB hyping up the crowd but when it came to the boys segment they just talked about how good the fighting game looked and completely skipped mentioning any of the boys that hosted that.

yea yea i know people will like what they like and talk about whatever they think is suitable for their audience but its still so weird and jarring and sticks out like a sore thumb when people mention the girls by name and then pretend the boys don’t exist in the same breath



ok jurard


Shut the fuck up Don’t you know a lot of people take screenshots of this website?


I mean tbf they probably just dont watch them. hard to talk about people you know nothing about


if you didnt watch the boys/ weren’t interested in their panel and had to say anything about them, you wouldnt, would you?


honestly the fighting game segment was kind of boring, having been in the crowd myself. There isn’t much they could talk about aside from the fighting game really.


Kinda wish they do karaokes like what the other boys in the Anime Expo and Japan Expo. Idk how the reception on GB and Jurard’s panel was.


Jurard and GB panel was pretty funny and engaging, it definitely kept everyone interested as someone who was there


Nonnie I think you’re reading it too much lol



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