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once again asking for the koipanion fleshlight image, with added balls.

you guys CANNOT just say there’s a balls version available without showing me


Enjoy 🙂

koi fleshlight (NSFW)
comment image



Last edited 8 days ago by Anonymous

This is my personal monalisa


thank you !!


Wait until you learn about the shaft.







probably an unpopular opinion but i don’t understand the point of flagging comments you don’t agree with on here? scrolling and not engaging is the best way to deal with stuff like that unless it’s obviously a troll then reporting makes sense. sometimes i see an opinion that isn’t supposed to be bait and come back a few hours later and it’s gone lmao i just think a lot of anons on here need to grow thicker skin


Been flagging stuff that seems either to passively aggressively shit-stir or has malicious intent or stuff that repeats itself.

I don’t watch Connor or Lando and im tired of the same looping for only people to fight about stuff they fought on the thread below.


while i understand the annoyance at some repeating threads, i think “passive-aggressive shit stirring” and “malicious intent” are way too vague of descriptors to be flagging over. i don’t know you and for all know you could be very reasonable with what you flag or you could be throwing out “malicious intent” as an excuse to flag any slightly negative opinion someone might be expressing. therefore, i don’t think we should be encouraging everyone to flag things just based on these highly subjective descriptors. while yeah i know this place will never agree on what constitutes as a troll, i still think we should be trying to limit flagging to just obvious bait and troll posts. this is just my opinion but even some slightly repetitive threads are easy to scroll past and ignore. it’s not like you have notifications on for this place and no one is forcing you to read or engage with those posts so personally, i don’t really care about them. this place is for discussion, venting, thirsting, and everything else we can’t do in public so once we start opening the doors to flagging anything with “bad vibes” it becomes a slippery slope of falling into hugbox territory


Hugbox complainers always end up being weird schizos tbh kinda tired i much preder the “hugbox” over drama ass psycho loop


I have to disagree. Allowing people to share their opinions freely may invite a few schitzos but those are easy to ignore imo. Going full hugbox just turns this place into twitter and then what’s even the point of having this site?


We never gonna have universal agreement on what’s a troll and what isn’t, fam


i think we have some smart fridge flaggers cuz i’ve noticed some of my posts disappearing even when they aren’t controversial. the downvote button is for people you disagree with, the report button is for trolls and baits.


“smart fridge flaggers” made me laugh i’m going to start calling people smart fridge users because of this post


Ah the good ol’ days…


Seeing comments from this site screencapped then posted or copy+pasted to /#/ and /MANS/ has made me more wary. This site ain’t secret but drama baiters won’t leave us alone and would rather breach containment for more toxicity.


huh where


I’ve seen it happen in 4chan but trolls post screenshots of this site on Twitter too. As a tame example, scroll down this page til you reach the post asking for the koipanion fleshlight image. See the comment with a link to Warosu? Click it, read the removed comment the link directly leads to then compare it to this comment from the previous page.

There were several “crossposts” today due to the off collab although reposting comments outside isn’t new. It’s sus whether some comments here are shit-stirring or genuine. I found this 4chan comment mocking this one by replacing Ais with Bettel funny but that’s the only one.



ok funny thing – i asked for the koipanion fleshlight image to send in a group chat (none of them know i watch vtubers)

it’s super funny to me that someone reposted a comment from here to there using that same image? cmon man rub one out and reconsider like the rest of us



now I REALLY wish someone posted the version with the balls since (I think) that gets you a vacation on 4ch


google show me this guys balls please



i don’t like these unicorns but that ais comment deserves to be shit on


It’s hard to have a decent discussion here when you have baiters coming here to this site. I know many here want to remain anonymous but it’s hard to trust anyone here. I think the problem is that most anons don’t know how to convey constructive criticism without making it aggressive. I get this site can be a place for anyone to vent but people should be mindful that vents can end up being used as weapons by antis.


I get what you’re trying to say, but there are also people who screech about any negative comments or actual criticism as being “mean” “antis” “haters”. For example, there were people shouting down anything on the Fleshies page no matter how mild they were being just 2/3 days ago.

This is neutral ground to vent where only the really egregious shit (hard doxxing, yadda yadda) should be reported, not cause someone’s opinion made you angy. (Not you specifically btw. I mean the royal ‘you’.) I come here to say my piece because it’s anonymous.


i thought shu might be a good fit for stars, come to find out he did try to audition for holo first kek



Did he say whether he was rejected by Cover or if Anycolor got back to him with an acceptance message first? I don’t watch him, and other holomems mentioned auditioning more than once.


From what I understand he applied before they were even considering a StarsEN branch, or at least before they’d solidified any plans for one, so Niji being the first to launch a male branch got him first.


Upvote if you’re 25 years old or older

Downvote if you’re under 25


i recently found out that a bunch of regulars in my oshi’s chat are like 28yrs old or older


EN Reco chapter 1 is complete! What did you nonnies think? Did you have fun with your oshi? Did you discover a new talent you’d like to follow?
I had lots of fun with my kami oshi, I think Faunamart was a fun project amidst it all– she wasn’t one of the heavy RPers but I felt like it contributed something very tangible to the RP nonetheless lol.
Definitely not a minority opinion, but Gonathan was the GOAT this time around in my eyes. I wasn’t expecting to actually feel something from the RP but Gigi played my heart like a fiddle and in that moment I fully understood why Cover hired her.


Initially disappointed when all the cool promotional material ended up being a Minecraft mod instead of an actual game or anything bigger and I generally have very little interest in heavy roleplay. I only watched Fauna’s PoV and appreciated how little she RP’d while trying to scam provide legitimate business to the server.


I was initially disappointed since I don’t enjoy minecraft streams at all, but the “big event” nature of it all made it really fun to keep up with for me.

it was funny seeing fauna being a hardcore saleswoman all the way to the end lol


I really enjoyed it!!!
I was mostly in Gigi’s pov just because of the unhinged interactions lmao
Gigi x Ame best love story than twilight


Yeah gigi was truly the MC lol
It was also really nice seeing so much of Ame (and Gura too) since they haven’t been streaming much the past while. Ame in particular felt more like she was enjoying streaming than I’ve seen in a long time.


Wasn’t able to catch many streams but I enjoyed watching biboo be a despotic princess


I knew I’d enjoy Liz’s streams, but Gigi really was a MVP for this! I really enjoyed the snippets of Raora and Calli I caught, too.


Raora’s pestering of Kronii was too funny lol, her just laughing at Kronii while getting her name wrong or clearly eating food while disrespecting her were the hardest I’ve laughed at a stream in a while


sorry to ask, does anyone have the koipanion fleshlight image?



there’s someone who has a habit? lmaooo i just needed the fishlight picture – have a nice day nony!!


The other anon should have handed out one of the less cropped versions for giggles.


>exact same filename

yeah that’s him. Weird ass tactic to copy-paste comments from here when the way it’s written obviously outs it as bait. Same guy who screenshots this website to create catalog threads and plug his failing clip channel


That guy is very much similar to those anti-fans in kpop. At least, we haven’t reached the point where these antis became stalkers who would harm the boys.


here you go mine friend



This and the buttbaby deepfake are my no.1 “i hate it here” items LOL



What’s the buttbaby deepfake?






i have this saved on my phone right next to the practice recordings for my acappella group, so any time i practice, i have to scramble to turn it off before it autoplays into “VESPER I NEED TO TELL YOU SOMETHING”



thank you!


Merch in celebration of the 7th anniversary of Holopro.



how have we already been here for 7 whole years? i love it here but how?


By the power of Best Girl Yagoo making good decisions and not trashy ones unlike the black rainbow.


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