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what are some other vtubers you want to mention, recommend, or promote?

What’s something you really like about them & their content? What’s a video/stream you would recommend for new viewers? They can be from other corps or indies 🌟


didn’t we shut down this same post like 2 weeks ago? this page is for the boys, not an ad space for the vtuber community at large.Edit: Not saying people can’t organically bring up people outside of the boys, but having a designated ad post just feels weird.


Last edited 4 days ago by Anonymous

this is the off topic page tho. Other people are mentioned here so why not?


Tfw you feel dogshit from exhaustion but your oshi promises she’s going to do a stream you’ve wanted to see for a long time tomorrow so you feel a renewed energy to live on


is it fauna’s pikmin 2 stream because i too am looking forward to her learning the brutality of capitalism and wildlife in that game


IT IS I have fun with her streams always but Pikmin 1 was such a fun time that I’m on the edge of my seat for 2 😭 I really hope she returns to playing FNAF too… man i love fauna


watch your oshi stream!!


I have work but knowing the VOD will be waiting for me to watch before I go to bed that night makes it worth it 🥹


nonnies tell me if im going crazy; what is happening with the shading in connor’s tattoo near the jester mask? these lines don’t seem to appear anywhere else afaik, is this just a stylistic choice?


I’ve been looking at pictures of his sleeve and arms for like the past couple mins trying to see what you’re talking about and I have to think you’re talking about the lines around it? if so then yes its probably stylistic to match with the half sleeve on his forearm that was there before he finished his upper arm with the jester piece and fill in the gaps. The lines have probably spread a bit too since it’s healed now compared to last year when it was fresh


aa ok, meant these horizontal lines in this img (text formatting my detested)https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F1V4YQ5WAAYEVG0?format=jpg&name=large


Last edited 4 days ago by Anonymous

i think it’s meant to look like folds in a ribbon or fabric


this was confusing so much thank you i think i get it now


Apparently, Shiori was watching Altare, Bettel, and Flayon’s 3D karaoke. Glad to see that this inspires her to do more 3D stuff.



God the unicorns are there in the reddit post to detract from the positivity again.



Unrelated but do redditors really need to make a fuss every time one of the Live girl do something with Star? It’s nice and all but I don’t watch the live girls to even care.



Yes, they even track every interaction based on time and years, i saw one of them even track every twitter follow of the girls and boys. Talk about being a creep.


Tracking interactions between people you like and follow just sounds like normal fan behavior, unless you’re like that guy who threw a tantrum at the idea of having multiple oshis. Tracking every twitter follow seems like a weird compulsive thing, not too different to how some holofans obsess over numbers. Making everything about boys vs girls is something you appear have in common with those you’re insulting.


tbf I still make a fuss on here when they interact. I used to be a much bigger fan of the girls, but for the last year, they’ve started to feel more & more like next door neighbors with giant dogs that try to attack us whenever we get close. for the girls who haven’t set boundaries already, acknowledging the stars is a genuinely risky career move. unfortunate that it has to be that way, but that’s the reality.



I guess they think it’s a good way to make the stars subreddit more active? the actual fans all know that place is a lost cause not worth posting on without active moderation.



Unity is good. This isn’t complicated.


do you have to bring up these people every time we discuss the girls talking about the guys and vice versa?



They should be ignored, but tbf I can see why people feel the need to point them out when the reddit assholes are often upvoted and welcome on the big official hololive sub.


pointing them out is exactly what they want. also reddit and peoples opinions on there doesn’t matter nearly as much as you think. most hololive fans are using twitter if anything.



Because we must reprimand them for nosing in on everything, they even use strong language and only show up when it comes to the girls interacting with the boys. I don’t even want to see them, they just popped out of nowhere.



Downvote and move on from ’em. Their comments can’t undo a moment of fun connection.



Oh yeah I saw. Why are they such pests. Why can’t they just leave us alone.



Yeah! It’s nice to see that appreciation for the work Altare’s doing with his 3D setup is enough to crossover.


god what i would give to have a bettel + magni 3d karaoke like this. I’m reminded of when they did their off collab karaoke and they were like “we cannot let them know what we were doing during ‘she bangs’” like what do those boys get up to?? lemme see!!


i love the clown, but his singing is still so nasally. he would benefit greatly from even 1 vocal lesson


To be fair he is drunk karaoking with friends. The last Karaoke he had a vocal leson and he was singing with his chest, and was not so drunk. All of them are having fun thus not singing their usual


no offense, but his vocals have always been nasally lol. i’ve watched every one of his karaokes and listened to all the songs he puts out. no one would go out of their way to use bad techniques like that just bc they’re singing casually. i support him regardless, but i’m just stating my opinion. of course, no one has to agree.


Agreed, I think he has a lot of raw potential and has improved a lot over time but he has some bad habits holding him back that could easily be remedied with lessons


ok i wanna share fanfic (utter filth) but i don’t wanna make any accounts unless i can post on anon. any ideas? am i just gonna have to resort to ao3?


either use ao3 or upload it to catbox as txt file and then link the url here


thank u 👍


can’t you post anonymously on ao3? unless i misunderstood what you mean


Last edited 5 days ago by Anonymous

You can. They have tools to make your story anon.


Last edited 4 days ago by Anonymous

you can . . . i don’t feel like it teehee


Post it here just like old school nyfco



I think the difference between the hologirls and the holoboys in attitudes towards sexy art is so silly tbh. I have notifs on for one of the girls and she regularly RTs fanart (from her art tag!!) of her boobs falling out of her shirt and shit. and I know some of them have specific tags for nsfw art. but all the boys’ horny artists have them blocked and post everything untagged so you have to dig to find them. I never understood why we can’t sexualize these damn boys just a little bit as a treat



im pretty sure ina got to a point where she had to ask people to stop being overtly lewd in art tags… and on the other side the boys arent shy about sharing something sexy. only difference really is that full nsfw is usually private on our side but public on girls side. girls side also gets a lot of traction from NSFW fans too more than us so it helps them more.


Yeah, I remember this happening specifically when lewd fanart of her back was trending like a year ago(?), I remember even seeing another girl commenting on it asking people to respect Ina’s wishes. It’s in line with her general desires, she’s stated multiple times even unrelated to that that she doesn’t find excessively revealing designs to be very exciting at baseline.


Idk if you still respond to this post but Gibby retweets several sexy fanarts of himself such as fanarts of him wearing the window boob sweater which emphasizes his abs or fanarts showing his muscular manboobs. I guess you don’t follow him much so which is why I find your post weird.


Same with Shinri who will retweet almost anything LOL


I have no idea what you’re talking about to be honest. There’s a ton of fanart of the boys that is insanely hot, and some that’s borderline porn saved by one piece of clothing sometimes. If you mean “why don’t people post art of them with their cocks out in their tags”, I mean like….fucking duh?


Why won’t you post a very NSFW or R18 fanarts of the boys on their art tags and see if they’re going to like or RT it, hm? Just to experiment.



(op) I never said I wanted that. I’m mostly annoyed because it’s basically impossible to find nsfw tempura artists without knowing one already. it’s significantly easier to do so with the girls because they sometimes have their own tags, and nsfw artists are still considered part of the community, rather than being shoved off to the side on alt accounts


Those nsfw tempura artists are fucking cowards. They should ask the boys for nsfw tags. When he was still here in Holostars, Magni was very open about nsfw and he even mentioned that someone sent him a nsfw art of him. He even encouraged fanartists to do what they must. If you’re familiar with his PL, you know what his likes are. It’s too bad he’s no longer in the company. Though I’m glad he retains his roots when he became a red catboy spy.



> Those nsfw tempura artists are fucking cowards.

Didn’t they actually get harassed before?


The boys have said any official tags of any sort coming from them require approval from management. It’s why even Magni did a wink-wink-nudge-nudge in the membership stream when he was “offhandedly” brainstorming what a NSFW tag for him would be. I think Shinri has done something similar too. This way they can say it’s totally an organic hashtag started by fans if asked, so management can’t do anything about it.


ah the tag shinrisque , shinri did found out about it and he did just nudge wink wonk, he saw that tags and laugh it out. he just ask as long its not him making that tags it will be fine. so try to find other boys fanmade nsfw art tag maybe will help to find more nsfw artists.maybe start a thread of the nsfw fanmade tags list


Last edited 4 days ago by Anonymous

I’d honestly be super surprised if, phrased appropriately, half of Tempus wouldn’t be okay with a NSFW tag. Axel, Flayon and Hakka are all routinely horny on main.


It just depends on the individual, neither gender is a monolith. Suisei for example strongly requests that she never see NSFW of her and more than one of the EN girls is also on the more modest side (they don’t have the freedom to openly state it like suisei, but you can see it in their rts)


that’s not quite what Suisei said though.

she just asked for people to not use her main tag for lewd art. that’s it, no further comment or “judgement” beyond that.


It’s an assumption that can be made from her general marketing– she dislikes being sexualized and she dislikes seeing herself get sexualized. There’s a reason why there are several group outfits where her outfits are the only outlier with modifications for modesty.


Last edited 2 days ago by Anonymous

boundaries, anonchama. just because someone’s ok with it, doesn’t mean everyone should be


I think it’s just talents who are comfortable vs who aren’t. Flayon, hakka and shinri don’t care for the most part and some people specifically post soft horny shit in their tags sometimes get rted by them. a good 90% of starmin artists who post horny or super overtly sexy art are yaoi posting, which people just might not wanna see in general tbh even if they know it’s there lmao, it’s different for everyone.


Last edited 5 days ago by Anonymous

Not every tempura/armada feels comfortable with sex or sexuality. Most hololivers do because most of them are hetcis adults who are engaging in nsfw content, and why we are so different to us. We are a mix of bros, yumes, fujos, pg families, kids, older people too??, straight, gay, etc.

In their PLs most of them seemed chill with having a sexytag but here it’s more about fans protecting fans. Which in all honesty is nice and it allows for a more wide audience.



That entire first paragraph you wrote is some of the most condescending backhanded shit towards basically everyone except the smallest subset of fans that I’ve read on this site in a long time. I have no words, bravo.


(op) but doesn’t it benefit those people to have a specific tag for nsfw? that way they can mute it


Girl, you need to stop being parasocial, they are untagged for a reason.



It’s remind me when nijiboy have to educate their fans because they keep tagging uncomfortable shipped art on their tag.


“parasocial” has become a catchall word that apparently means nothing and everything now lmao


enjoying yaoi = being parasocial?


A bit yes, when it’s real people.



we’re just playing with the anime suits like barbies, nonchan, chill.



Not really, especially because they have requested not to


(op) can you please provide a source for this? people keep telling me the boys have asked us not to, but nobody has ever been able to point me to a specific place where it was said. the most I’ve seen was the stream where bettel said he was fine with shipping as long as he didn’t have to see it.


The only other guy that I can recall saying anything about porn/shipping is Axel once or twice. He basically said (really paraphrasing here) “it’s gonna happen and you like what you like, so I’m not gonna stop you. Just keep it off main and don’t push stuff onto me, the person”.

Essentially don’t post porn in official tags, block him (cause he’s mentioned getting it on his TL and has been worried about if he’s in public lmao), and not to push IRL shipping onto him, no matter the orientation.
