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Twitch trying to find any reason to ban vtubers to prop up the camgirls is really nasty and concerning.


I love my oshi. I love having an oshi. I love knowing other people get to experience this happiness, too. My sun.


I always wonder about the homework that many Holo members keep mentioning. Is it like typical paperwork like reports and stuff? Upcoming projects and streams they had to work on?


i think it’s a catchall term for all of the above. I remember when bae? Kiara’s? Discord chats got leaked and there were understandably a lot of moving parts behind the scenes just for basic solo and collab streams. Add in lessons and practice for idol activities, coordinating things for things like covers, etc, and it adds up to quite a lot.

(for those who haven’t seen the leaks i’m talking about, it’s nothing juicy so it didn’t get circulated a lot– just the discord where holo ENs coordinate stream times for collabs with ID and get checklists of xyz stuff like merch promos and big upcoming events to have in this and that stream from their managers)


It was Bae and it ended up leaking the server they were using for a sponsored Among Us collab. People were able to join and read the messages, but it was a temp server and the conversations were completely business.

It varies from person to person what and how much the homework is. Bae had a members stream a few months back where she had to write up 5 or 6 documents she was behind on. Stuff like that is probably scripts for voice packs, project proposals, merch proposals, etc. Plus whatever voice recordings and song recordings they may need to do. Plus whatever project management you would expect. Managing collaborators and other talents for projects and events is a ton of work.


Whoever keeps using the zany emoji is a troll.Not to mention, that emoji looks like someone having an orgasm in a hentai.



Last edited 2 days ago by Anonymous

All the bickering down below by antis roleplaying as starmin insisting the girls don’t actually like boys and spamming zany faces on every comment is giving off dude sitting in a cuck chair energy, except instead of his gf banging another dude it’s just 2 dakimakuras of anime people laying on a bed.



(addendum from the above commenter since I can’t edit) ty adminchama for cleaning things up. For future readers, there were lots of baity comments below that grossly mischaracterized the talents, but most of them went bye bye.


Probably those unicorns trying so hard to blend in after getting smoked out of reddit. Imagine being butthurt over boys and girls interacting. We know that one of the trash is here, the one that larp as a doctor.


I am just amazed at that unicorn incel persistence and the schizoness to keep larping that long.


I wish bro would stay in the cuck chair but he’s like walking into the local sephora and arguing with random women there to blow off steam instead


Our posts are just so good they gotta cum all over them



Yeah no, shoutout to the one unicorn dropping their ahegao all over the place. Very obvious which posts they care enough about to respond to.






I miss bettelgoose anon.With the negativity from this site for the past few days, I need some good laughs.



Last edited 3 days ago by Anonymous

What coming home to a kamioshi VOD/stream feels like




Seeing the VCR Minecraft server being an event attended by HololiveJP and HolostarsJP has me envious. Why are the people who gave us idol culture so much more normal about this?



i agree and i feel like the people replying to this are missing the point. i’m not op but at least to me the point isn’t about whether the collabs are underrated, overrated, good for growth, etc. it’s jsut about the fact that this collab can even happen at all on the jp side but people will start popping blood vessels if this was even considered on the en side. it’s got me envious too op, how did we even get to this point…



I think it also comes with the individualistic culture on the EN side.



People do pop blood vessels on the JP side and there absolutely are talents on the JP side who go out of their way to never interact with male talents for the sake of their fans (Koyori and Kanata are big examples of this). It’s up to individual discretion just like it is on EN side, it’s just that with a greater number of talents on the JP side you also have a higher number of members who willingly engage.




Koyori has almost 2k videos on Youtube. Probably 75% or more of which are solo streams. Koyori has a massive focus on her as an individual streamer rather than as a collaborator. I’d love for you to provide a source of her being staunchly anti-male, as you claim, because this stream exists:


You all are so obssessed, you are just making shit up now.



Koyori has always had a high population of dedicated gachis in her audience which is why she regularly draws in some of the highest revenue in Holo. I don’t know why saying that they lose it when she interacts with males is such a crazy statement to you, and I also don’t know why a single stream with notable vtuber event organizers (as opposed to streaming with a Holostar out of a personal friendship, note how I said talent, not vtuber in gsneral) is such a gotcha in your eyes. You seem to be one of those posters who reads an ulterior agenda into everything.



I personally don’t judge my oshis on how much they interact with other people. If all they did was collab streams all the time, I wouldn’t have started watching them in the first place. Given the limited time they are able to stream, I would much rather watch them do solo streams than collabs all the time where they can actually interact with their community, especially if the collabs are on massive servers.

Collabs aren’t even that great for sustained growth. They make their dono money from solo streams, not from collabs. Viewership numbers are almost never retained after collabs. You will get people who get CCV in the thousands for the big server events and just drop back down to low hundreds after it is over. The massive servers, especially, would overstay their welcome if they happened constantly.

The infrequent, small group collabs are where the real fun is at.


The Above comment has been moderated.
While opening an interesting discussion, it made a boogeyman of a 3rd party that has absolutely nothing to do with the conversation.



I wish ex-Niji fans wouldn’t be propped up as some boogeyman when the divide between the gender branches get talked about. People aren’t asking for constant collabs, we’re just asking for interactions to be normalized.

I saw it mentioned elsewhere but it’s another good point: If inter-gender collabs were all fine and healthy in holo, then why did the VG boys have to go outside of their own company to have female guests during their 3D pole dance stream?

And if you think the girls are ignoring the boys out of their own choice and not out of fear from trolls and unicorns, then why did Kiara straight up ask her audience if they would be okay with her collabing with men just months before HolostarsEN debuted (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xYias-g_wgA), meaning she knew we were gonna end up with boys and she was open to collabing (she has collabed with flesh men before), yet has now never interacted with them ever since HQ era?

The “obsession” with collabs is just because of how weird the current atmosphere is around the branches.



Niji is used here because they are the closest comparison to holopro. The obsession with collabs is because people refuse to understand that these people are mostly COWORKERS, not friends. Hololive is so big now that even inside branches, not everyone has had much interaction with some newer members. Take Kronii and Bae for example. Aside from bigger group collabs, they haven’t had one-on-ones or more meaningful interactions with: Shiori, FuwaMoco, Roara, Gigi, Liz, or CC. If you go cross-branch, it gets even more extreme.

This idea that everyone who joins suddenly become friends that gotta do everything together is bizarre. Fact is, most of the talents’ relationships aren’t much more than coworkers in the girls’ branches. Going back to Kronii and Bae, one fact people probably don’t know is that they really weren’t particularly close until late last year because they physically met for an extended period in person, by Bae’s own admittance. This sentiment very much was echoed by many members of Myth, as well, after they did their extended meeting for their 3D showcases.

The individualistic nature hololive also just stems from them being insanely busy, mostly. They have to juggle project workloads, company workloads, streams, and the thing most people love to ignore: their personal lives. Ultimately, it is all confirmation bias. When you don’t collab much and don’t have time to collab much, let alone stream, if you are even the type of person to initiate collabs, you do what is easy with peope you already know.

Collabs for the sake of collabs are meaningless, after all.



That’s why you always hear that you can have a few friends in your workplace. Even after he left Holo, Magni still retains his friendship with some of the boys particularly Bettel, Altare, Flayon, Vesper and even Axel because they were only eight members at that time before Magni and Vesper left. Magni even became friends with Reese. Also, it’s due to proximity given that Bettel and Reese move into the same area as Magni.

Collabs just a form of networking anyway. In-company collabs such as ENigmatic Recollection, the Holo GTA that Suisei and Miko announced yesterday, and the Stars EN 7DTD collab are just team-building exercises. The outside collabs like the TSB customs, VCR and Wrestletuber event are just events that vtubers like to mingle and meet new people.



I mean, I get where you’re coming from but I don’t necessarily agree. As someone who’s watched Axel play in the VCR servers, they’re generally a lot of fun if they’re able to login for a majority of the time, or even a solid string of days. Like just off the top of my head: everything involving La Familia; the first Rust server shenanigans; the Hoshigumi Yakuza; even the few bits of the second Rust server like the random band Axel joined, fishing gacha, and getting to meet and talk with one of his JP Hololive senpai (and Aki still reaching out to him for group collabs from that group). I’m 100% fine with sacrificing a week of solo streams with my oshi for moments that he holds dear and friends he makes.

They’re also meant for making new friends and networking. People call Hololive (especially EN) the “walled garden” for a reason and that’s because they don’t join big events like this, or if they do, it’s rare as fuck. Personally, I don’t want that. I would take WrestleTuber and the TSB Custom over the 12th iteration of the NY Mario Kart tournament because new fun things are guaranteed to happen.

Don’t get me wrong, smaller collabs within their branch are always going to be more entertaining and fun. We already know these people and have a connection with them and our oshi. Like the 7DTD server was something Tempura have wanted for ages, HoloMarches will more than likely be a lot of fun, and we’re getting back into the era of spontaneous collabs where someone just jumps into VC and they fuck around or invite more people.

But these events are nice for a shake up, cause there’s only so many solo days they can do before they go crazy, I’m sure.



(OP) Been here since Tempus HQ was announced. I am not judging my oshis, not sure where you got that impression.

I agree that constant collabs aren’t objectively good for revenue or growth, didn’t make that claim either. You’re fighting a ghost here. I made a comment about idol culture, which has unquestionably bled into the Holo fanbase.

I was asking why the interactions aren’t normalized, and I think my asking and your reaction are both negative examples of why.



I mean the misogyny in idol culture didnt bleed into holo, it was always there, and largescale change seems unlikely and has an unfortunate high risk of putting a holoen girl’s safety at risk. And I wouldn’t say confidently its better on the JP side, as foreign fans we’re missing a lot of context on whats going on in the JP scene, and as starmin its important to remember just how much infinitely worse things were for holostars JP gen 1, especially Miyabi.

There’s just so much weird history now between starsen and liveen that a big cultural shift where everyone is friendly would just feel unnatural and hollow; there’s an obvious, uncomfortable tension and decisions were already made that aren’t easily forgotten (ex the fwmco incident, post magves grad drama). I just appreciate the girls who go out of their way to be friendly and show their support, especially with hololive always being so insanely busy and insular.



It really depends on the individual idol and the expectations set up for their fanbase (even though I think they should be free to change their minds and do what they want like Kronii did). In the same early era you’re talking about we had a Subaru who was famous for her collabs with a male Niji member, to the point that that relationship was considered one of the big early gateways for the positive Niji-Holo relationship at the time.


I think the Magnoir hiatus and graduation and Advent debuts which happened in the middle of the hiatus caused that shift. I do know Shiori does follow some of the boys such as Axel and Flayon and Flayon and Axel also followed her. But I don’t think she mentioned the boys onstream but we do know she watched Altare’s 3D offcollab karaoke.



I don’t think anyone’s saying the JP side didn’t have it worse… Those early days of StarsJP were legendarily awful, but they’ve made massive progress since then. It just sucks to see things on the EN side *regress* in comparison. And people like Elizabeth being willing to reach across the divide to help normalize things being so rare is another depressing note. I do appreciate those that make an effort to change things, I just wish we didn’t end up like this as a community.



People seemed to enjoy the recent GTA VTRP server. I personally thought it was too chaotic, but people obviously liked it with how many clips it spawned.

Maybe the JP audience is okay with uninteractable content and just watching streamers play games/interact with others where I notice many of the people who watch our boys crave audience interaction.



anon that server was mostly indies with some of the stars and had no hololive girls in it so of course there was no fuss on those two.



Last edited 3 days ago by Anonymous

gta vtrp? i thought that was for western vtubers



Obviously because VCR events are limited and aren’t permanent. If they were the unicorns would’ve had meltdowns



Does anyone else get kinda shy to use chat after not being in a live after a while? Like you were around pretty often for a streamer you really like but had to step back because of xyz reason? So now you feel awkward interacting in current stream chats? Just wondering if I’m not alone in feeling this type of awkward


I can kinda relate to you, for me its mainly in prechat. I want to talk but sometimes I feel like I get ignored bc all the regulars are familiar with one another already.




People care that much?


Hey man, just feel free to talk in chat more. I know it might be weird but good regulars of the boys and girls like seeing new and returning people 🙏 Just start again small if you’re feeling awkward


No ive never thought about this tbh


unless you’re very recognizable (like Jay R) i feel like you don’t really need to worry about stuff like that. i just run right in and start yapping again & it’s like i never left


No, I feel you anon. I find it hard to chat like 90% of the time because I feel like i’m interrupting or awkward with nothing to say anymore even though I used to be a really active chatter for my oshis. I’ve been trying to unlearn that recently but it’s so hard.


yea for me, it’s kinda like standing around in a party with people you don’t know but everyone knows each other 🙁 I feel so out of place or out of the loop


Yes exactly, i feel like it doesn’t help too that a lot of people who are active chatters, especially in smaller chats are friends on discord or twitter or other social media platforms so they know each other and can bounce of their friends and the streamer. I always feel like the odd one out. The other day I sent a superchat to my oshi and felt so awkward because I wasn’t one of his regulars nor do i normally use my monthly member messages lmao but maybe we just need to unlearn shame together anon.


Keep chatting anyway! As someone who is an active chatter but not friends with people outside the steam I hope you chat more! It can feel stale seeing the same regulars and it makes me feel bad for my oshi when I see they have a lot of people watching but no new chatters. I think seeing new/shy chatters pop in is motivating that they’re not plateauing or people are losing intertest.


Last edited 3 days ago by Anonymous

Same. My only interaction with oshis is in chat. I don’t interact with the fandom on twitter or fancords. It’s fun to see other people’s reactions live



i’m the exact same and whenever any of them read my messages outloud it makes me giggle and kick my feet so it keeps me chatting and feeling included


Im the opposite lol. I cringe everytime they perceive me and read my messages out loud but it’s all in good fun


I just take the plunge. It does help that I’m not super recognizable since im a SNF (small name fan haha) and nobody gives a shit about me, so sometimes when Im late or have been absent for a while. I just pretend Ive been there all along. Nothing bad happens lolol
