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idk if this can go in the jp section so i’ll ask here

Would you say the auto translate captions from youtube are accurate enough to understand what’s going on/what’s being said? I only know ENG & I’m planning on learning JP but I still want to watch the VODs


It doesn’t work at all for me. I have to have my phone or tablet to use Google conversation translate to get a more accurate translation. I haven’t found a better way sadly. Since sometimes I can’t have both things going at the same time.


FYI chrome’s built-in browser live caption is more accurate than youtube’s and you can turn on live translating


chrome >> settings >> accessibility



I wanna try this, but does it only work if I watch through chrome and not directly through the YouTube app?


I don’t think the youtube app has real-time captions for ongoing livestreams, might be only on chrome


OP- I use firefox. Is there a good enough plugin that you know of to recommend?


if you’re on windows 11 there’s a live captioning feature available on the OS https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/use-live-captions-to-better-understand-audio-b52da59c-14b8-4031-aeeb-f6a47e6055df


New JP viewer here! I use YT auto captions for their shorts + comments + clips/twitter for context (if there are any ^^) searching by their oshi marks right after or a few days after stream helps for twitter translators too.


About 50% to be honest. If they say a clear word or sentence, it usually gets translated well if the plugin pulls it up, but it very quickly loses the plot once slang or general Streamer Noises ™ get involved. There is also the usual MTL difficulties with Japanese grammar and vagueness (they drop subjects on their sentences a lot and this can lead to a lot of misinterpretation as the English MTL will attempt to assign a subject and often fail).

If you need to just know general context of what they’re talking about, they’re fine, but don’t take any specific sentence at face value.


Nonnies, I just wanna vent about something trivial. I’ve been having multiple frustrating instances of talking to people online and seeing them misinterpret what I write and responding to me in opposition when in reality they’re agreeing with what I wrote. It’s like I’ll be writing something along the lines of “Pizza’s not bad and here’s how I would make a pizza.” and then someone will come at me like “I see where you’re coming from, but pizza is great and I don’t think you should be down on pizza.” and I’ll be like ??? and they’ll just go on about how they disagree with me even though we’re in complete agreement.

And it’s not an ESL thing because I can say with certainty that most of these instances have happened with native English speakers. It just feels like literacy levels across the board have hit rock bottom and it makes me so mad lol


Is that your problem? My problem is people keep reporting my irrefutable comments.



Welcome to the Internet. Actually welcome to the real world lol

It’s like people’s basic comprehension skills are out the window and everyone is 100000x more sensitive and quick to take offense than ever before. It sucks and is exhausting to express yourself when everything is taken out of context, the wrong way, or like you’re trying to dog down or attack someone for simply stating an opinion or just talking for talking sake without any meaning behind it. /mini vent of my own.


Yeah, it sucks. But sometimes it’s not even in a heated argument, sometimes it happens in casual conversations and that’s when I really go “??? I didn’t say that ???” because it’s not always coming from someone trying to start shit, sometimes it just happens in friendly circles and it has happened enough times that I’m starting to not care about clarifying even if the other person ends up with wild assumptions about me.


Last edited 2 months ago by Anonymous

literally this nonnie:comment image


Even worse than this tbh because at least in this context they’re bringing in something out of left field. My situation has been people just misreading my stuff and feeling the need to pop off on something I explicitly agreed with.

For me it’s been like “I like waffles” “So you hate waffles?”



Yeah I understand that. There are some bad actors out there on max power trip mode. They always take the most antagonistic angles even when it doesn’t make sense.


im like freaking the fuck out bcus this time last year . . . ik theyre all cooking but still . . .


It’s not the same circumstance nonnie, don’t worry. I think 2nd anniversary doesn’t feel quite as special as the 1st no matter what it’s for, so it’s just a little quieter and more chill this time around. There’s probably the post-Japan malaise and some of them getting over being sick, so they’ve got to focus on being well enough to celebrate before anything else.


op here – thank you for the kind words! its jus . . . ooh boy last year REALLY did a number on me. gonna go touch some grass and take a breather


(same anon as above) I’m right there with you, I took the grads really hard when they happened (on top of personal life stuff) and I’m not looking forward to the anniversary of it. Take care of yourself OP!


On two separate occasions with two different Stars EN boys I noticed Elizabeth Rose Bloodflame pop up in chat during their lives but they don’t acknowledge her. Did they decide not to interact with her because of crazy fans? I think it’s sad since she seems to like them as much as we do. 😟 (btw before anyone calls me an anti I don’t really watch the Hololive girls. I just watch the boys πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«)


“Did they decide not to interact with her because of crazy fans? I think it’s sad since she seems to like them as much as we do. 😟 (btw before anyone calls me an anti I don’t really watch the Hololive girls. I just watch the boys πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«)”

Make it less obvious next time.


People trying to analyze something that doesn’t exist is too funny.


No, I’ve watched Hololive, Holostars and vtubers in general for a long time and this is pretty much normal. Sometimes the streamer is just more focused on what they’re doing on stream. ERB’s chats also just feel like one of the fans, meaning that she’ll greet chat specifically and sometimes just drop a “lol” or something that doesn’t warrant acknowledgement. Pako and Geega’s chats are similar in this way too.


Pako? It reminds me of a thread on nyfco questioning “how relevant is pako to Holostars these days” or something like that.


I think it’s sad since there’s no links and timestamps


What’s the point of this comment, do people here not know about Hololyzer? Here:


YouTube links and timestamps?


damn, are u also the same anon asking for a link below? ngl, ur coming off as a troll who’s just asking for the β€˜link and timestamp’ so u can use it as drama material ._.

but if ur not, and ur just lazy, sorry ( ‒̯́ ₃ β€’Μ€Μ―)


I did click the link and I don’t understand, what’s wrong with yt links?


Crazy fans of who? Just drop the names or that’s just your delusions.


Few times that I was in the same chat and they didn’t notice her, like in Ruze’s stream earlier, the chat is going fast, they’re busy with the stream and she wasn’t moded so I guess it’s easy to miss. I honestly wouldn’t worry much about crazy fans when it comes to ERB, she already made herself very clear during her monetization stream and even β€˜sent people to the dungeon’. Maybe more like they feel awkward? The boys have always been ignored after all and most of them don’t really publicly interact outside of Stars




Ruze’s stream?


when I popped in for a few minutes, chat’s going fast, Ruze did acknowledge her in chat but also he was busy cracking open a rock lmao


Last edited 2 months ago by Anonymous



20:48 “Is ERB in here? I missed it. What’s up Herb? Imma call you Herb now. You got to deal with it. You call me senpai, I’m calling you Herb.”


Last edited 2 months ago by Anonymous

i only saw part of the stream and was disappointed he ignored her so im glad thats not the case

i know people are going to say they have their reasons for ignoring or whatever but i still dont like it, makes me feel bad for the other talent.


Her behavior towards some of the boys who clearly aren’t interested in interacting wouldn’t be tolerated even by normal fans if the roles were reversed and that’s how many of the boys have been treated their whole time in stars by most of the girls and their fans. I don’t blame them for wanting to stay in their lane and not interact just because she’s holo. She should read the room and not over extend to someone not looking to connect.



Who were they?


I remember one being Hakka. He wasn’t being rude or blatantly ignoring her or anything. ERB just said hi in chat & Hakka said hi back & gave her mod status then carried on with his convo about how much he appreciates the Hakkitos etc. etc.

I think some people wanted there to have more interaction between them instead of just a simple greeting.


Link and timestamp?


Nobody, that’s just op’s imagination.


I don’t think it’s outright ignoring or feeling uncomfortable she chats like a stream regular or like it’s a discord group so some boys depending on the topic engage more with their chat. She’s also always around and in their DMs so they probably don’t feel the need to address her publicly if they talk off air a lot too, just boundaries I think.


Im gonna be the one that says it even if i get DVd. It’s cool what she is trying to do, but she is also very forceful. Bae is also a Stars fan, but she doesn’t force the boys to interact with her in public. It’s okay if they want to interact with her esp, they boys who are used to hang out with live i.e jurard and axel, but some of them either get uncomfortable, or outright ignore her.


I mean tbf she chats pretty much the same way with everyone.


(OP) I agree she is a bit intense and kind of looks like she’s doing a “senpai notice me” kind of thing sometimes. I see your point.


This is literally the mindset that leads to being a unicorn for the boys. Let’s not.


ALL the boys hangout with females in public all the time. Are you projecting?


Nope. I’m saying it’s a bad idea to start accusing one of the few nice coworkers they have from the Hololive side of exhibiting “pick-me” behavior.

My reply was in defense of Liz, and trying to tell the anon to not do that.


I’m ESL and I even I know ‘Females’ is used only for Animals or in a clinical context, not human women in a casual setting. Why is this so hard to understand?


We all animals. Anything else?


nta. the only ones i see using females in casual sentences are incels


Do you think that’s casual?


wdy man, yes???

> ALL the boys hangout with females in public all the time.

is a casual sentence, since they are not talking in a scientific context lol, this is not JSTOR lmfao


If you normalize “unicorns” and “incels” then it is casual.


What is “incells”? Incels or whatever


Last edited 2 months ago by Anonymous

Incels, short for ‘involuntary celibates,’ are men who feel entitled to romantic or sexual relationships but become bitter and frustrated when they are unable to find partners due to their attitudes. They often harbor resentment towards women for not fulfilling their emotional and sexual desires, and this can lead them to dehumanize women. For instance, they may use micro-aggressions online, such as referring to women as ‘females,’ which is both grammatically incorrect in this context and can be demeaning purposefully.


Do you think that’s normal?


not in that way, grammatically is incorrect in a casual context since you are not speaking in zoological or clinical terms.


I talked about unicorns (in vtubers context) that’s a primeval animalistic thing, a base instinct.


“notice me senpai” Are you talking about Armis boys who keep showing up on the tempus boys streams?


Don’t know where to put this so it’s going in off topic, but do any of you guys ever have moments where you get turned off by something your oshi says and you think β€œI probably need a break from this”? I’ve had two moments like that from both my kamioshi and my other oshi (both from starsen) this week and it’s made me want to take a break from watching streams and even buying upcoming merch. I still like them of course but I just feel a bit off even if they meant it as a joke.


Either you’re new here or your feeling is too delicate. They’ll beat you up again next time, trust me.


Of course! And it has happened to me multiple times already, I’d say it’s pretty normal.


yes. take your break it is fine. sometimes it can knock you back to your senses that they are people too and are not infallible or exempt from saying things that tick people off, they’re human.


yeah, i felt that with Bettel today, it broke immersion and reminded me I’m his job lol



Yeah ngl it was a bit painful to watch yesterday I tuned out because he seemed really off mood wise. I watch streamers/youtubers to escape kinda after a long day of work and I know he says that he’s gonna be there for a while for reassurance but damn lmao.


Frr then him saying “I’m here forever” made me think of what I would say when I was stuck in a shit job for a while πŸ˜‚πŸ’€


normalize not killing the entire thread because of one stupid reply to it…………. just delete that 1 reply admins


consider the fact that admin-chama accidentally nuked the whole site a while back… i dont think whatever service this is can be that sophisticated i fear



why the hell is warosu so unorganized nyfco better than that shit


warosu is just a 4chan archive. it serves a different purpose than nyfco.


thanks explains why




ptera takahashi (temma)
full face reveal!! he looks so cute and just how I imagined
would look like irl




he looks shy~ cutie!




Oh, actually cute haha
I usually don’t really see eye to eye with nonnas on this site when they gush over PL faces but I get it this time.


he is just such a dang cutie omg


Shouldn’t this be in the Fleshtubers page? Anyway, I want to pinch his cheeks.


there’s a specific list of fleshtubers in the Fleshtubers page so I kinda understand why op posted here


wait!!! I just realized that’s the same house uyupi walked around in!!!! ahhhhhhh i might be going insane


wait nonnie! elaborate for us!! \(Λšβ˜Λšβ€)/



ALOS HE’S CUTE!!!! WAOW!!!! He seems so shy but wow he’s so fit too ><




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