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Guys I want to buy the mascot plushies but I just have never seen that type of plushie design before. The legs and arms are really short so I’m wondering if it is a typical nui or not? Have anyone seen this kind of design IRL before for Holopro or Niji?

I want to save for a ‘real nui’ that can sit down and stuff.


i dont think it can sit like the JP nuis, i’ve seen these types of dolls and the body doesnt have anything to support it to sit up straight since the “clothes” are printed to the fabrics. but just wait for the sample picture if you want to be sure


Thank you! I hope a sample pic can come soon… the sales are permanent right? They say shipping starts in Jan so surely they’ll open sales until then?


unfortunately its not permanent, like the JP nuis its pre-order based and the sales period are until september 2nd. it does say there may be reruns for it in the future, but its gonna take a while like the JP nuis so its better to buy it now than wait for the rerun


its preorder until september 2nd but there may be reruns in the future


the tempus nuis are different from the holostars jp nuis since i don’t think they can sit. these are more like one of those kpop 10cm dolls and the niji puppets. basically just a plushie


Based on the concept art it does look like one of those Niji puppets… but then why is it so expensive? I’ve seen plushies on the holo website that look bigger and cost like 1/4 the price


i was kinda confused too by the pricing, the JP nuis are more detailed and have so many elements like removable clothes and accessories but its a little bit cheaper than the tempus nuis, where by the looks of it have more simple designs and printed clothes. maybe because of the size idk


What plushies are 1/4 of what the tempus nuis are 🤨 I mean if you’re comparing them to the hololive friends to Go plushies then I don’t get why Tempus’ are 2 dollars more 🤷‍♀️


why is there a chronic downvoter 😭 what happened


We got posted to 4ch multiple times yday and then subsequently had obvious baitposting on the armis page and off topic a few hours later. It stopped after nonnies started posting and writing hardcore yaoi of the baiter (presumed ernoul) so its prob that person venting their frustration another way


Tempuras, we got em, Tempus NUIS!!!!!



my life is complete! tempus nuis love!


i dont want to buy all the nuis but i think i have to… theyre all so cute.


sometimes you just gotta do it. sometimes, once i a lifetime you get a perfect selection of very good boy stonks and have to buy buy buy


Did the stance about shipping in StarsEN change, both officially and in-fandom? Wasn’t public shipping discouraged in StarsEN fandom by the talents themselves? afaik they used to distance themselves from blatant shipteases that go over “boys being boys” level of affectionate jokes but one of the Tempus in JP episode was pretty shippy so I wonder if something changed in StarsEN management about their direction. Or maybe it’s just Flayon and Hakka thing bc there are still boys against shipping like Bettel, Octavio and Ruze (not Tempus but still they have clear no shipping rules) and Holostars doesn’t seem to be too fujo heavy in terms of contents or audiences. When I tried to get into Tempura spaces one of the things Tempuras made sure for the newcomers is that openly shipping the boys is discouraged unlike other corpos or even hologirls here so that coming from the official source confused me a bit.



Last edited 1 month ago by Anonymous

the rules are the same as always: no shipping unless the bit is funny


They were not doing it for “real”, it was more of a Jokey sort which is not unprecedented– They play it as Game of Chicken rather than actual shipping. A childish sort of teasing rather than actual “imma gonna suck ur cock with the whole of my mouth and ass* like other companies do it (not only anycolor there’s plenty who do and it’s awk af.)

I hate straight men larping yaoi and queerbait so much, so I would be able to smell it miles away, they are just being silly and childish.

And again, they can do it, fans cannot and should not do it publicly. It’s the same as calling your friend a stupid idiot whore, and someone random doing it.


Did it? I thought the boys’ general stance is that shipping isn’t discouraged but it’s better to keep it from official tags and streams. Correct me if I’m wrong


(OP) Yes that’s basically what I mean, that people try to keep it away from public places. It’s not like the boys openly shiptease, provide “fujo fuels” as stream contents and encourage ship arts, or fandom is okay with public shipping. So I thought (aside from the obvious hidden shippers) shipping is generally something both the boys and the chat distanced themselves from in official places. Which is why the sudden shippy contexts in the official materials confused me.


Last edited 1 month ago by Anonymous

Going to rain hell down upon Bettel nui. The violence will be unprecedented. An indiscernible mess of tattered cloth and stuffing.


Last edited 1 month ago by Anonymous

Inviting Bettel over for dinner and feeding him his own nui.


anyone know if 10cm doll clothes will fit the tempus nuis 🫣


you can check the height in holoshop, but for JP nuis i use 20cm doll clothes if its hooded or for a hat but 15cm for regular clothes without hoodies. i hope that make sense ^^


might wanna ask people who have the JP nuis !


will this be the same size as the JP nuis?


cant be sure, but probably not since its a different type of nui from the JP nuis


Someone made a comparison between the nui height and damn, poor Altare. He’s never going to beat the short king allegations. Also, Bettel’s hat buff, lol



altare will always be a short king.


Ahoge make Flay and Hakka taller lol.


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