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I was washing dishes the last time I listened to unchained, and then when I went to replay it, it wouldn’t load. I thought my internet was going funky. I wish the last time I listened to unchained wasn’t while i was washing fking dishes (╯︵╰,)




altare mentioned something about unchainged in his zatsu yesterday. if it’s not management’s fault then I’m curious what exactly is the issue causing the hang up ’cause seems like more than just forgetting credits and incorrect lyrics in the MV


So it’s not on management and it’s not on the editors. So it could be…whoever they had to change the credit for, legal, or someone above the Holostars managers.

At this point, I’m honestly paranoid enough to believe there’s a unicorn in middle/upper management who just “accidentally” put whatever paperwork needed to be signed off on at the bottom of his pile.



whoever’s responsible for handling the music rights has been dropping the ball lately and it seems like the overseas branches only are affected for some reason. ID girls had a group cover using the original instrumental, fans thought they had somehow got the permissions but then it got privated because it turned out they didn’t. nerissa had a cover striked by the original artist. axel and hakka talked about the scrapped projects they already spent thousands on.



Last edited 1 month ago by Anonymous

If the MV miraculously comes back right after the girls’ 3Ds are done, I guess we’ll have our answer.



i’ll be really disappointed in management if it’s another week without unchained. nobody knows what’s going on even the boys at this point. sucks that this all happened over a small error.


At this point there better be a massive re-release announcement and another premiere. The boys worked way too hard to have the song’s hype die like this.


I’ve seen the latest comments on the Unchained- Behind the Scenes and they were begging where’s the song. Management took a huge L for this.


They really dropped the ball here.


Could have the melody be done in AI or stolen? It’s taking too long and there’s too much secrecy and weirdness going on from upper management. I mean it could also be UnicornMane delaying the song because he’s a bastard lol



I’ve heard that Japanese companies just work really slow with a million layers of bureaucracy for the tiniest things. Not trying to excuse it, just saying it might not be a conspiracy.



editor has no clue too, what is going on


The edit to the video if it was a credits issue would take minutes. Don’t blame the editor this is on covers end.


it seems he just deleted his comments about some people giving him grief for what’s happening. it sucks that there are people who are unjustly blaming him for it.this situation is also upsetting to the people who finished their work & did their part properly especially since he’s also a tempura & has seen other fans’ comments


Last edited 1 month ago by Anonymous

i have to wonder if it’s just needing approval or something at this point? because if even the editors nor the talents know wtf is happening it has to be a more important management approval or something because it’s really not adding up at this point.


Maybe management needs to wait for perfect timing to upload??


AHHH i want sample pics of the nuis NOWWWW


Every time someone makes an “old” joke in Shinri’s chat I want to reach through the screen and shake them like a soda can. It actually makes me more and more angry every time it happens. And he needs to stop reading them out loud and encouraging them! Telling him that his “old brain is starting to show cracks” when he forgets something is not the cute jab you think it is. it’s just kinda mean, he’s only 34 ffs



Good ol’ Bettel and Bettelion back with the eating disorder talk and acting like it’s normal. You guys need help.



If it helps, I think some chat members are gonna bring it up to him during next stream from what I saw on Xwitter vagueposting to basically stop enabling that stuff.


going in bettel’s chat and saying “this advice is awful lmao” whenever the topic comes up would be 100x more helpful than this schizo shit (as a nutrition major dropout if that matters)


No amount of dieting will fix the real problem his height



He’s an adult and unwilling to take advice. The one Bettelion that advised him to go to a dietitian was right, you have to do that even if you don’t have an eating disorder.
We tried, but at the end of the day he is an adult and a stranger on the internet. He has to find that path on his own. Anything beyond that would be Tigermomying.


Last edited 1 month ago by Anonymous

I understand this, but at this point if he doesn’t want to hear it he shouldn’t bring it up. He’s an influencer. He can and will influence people to develop eating disorders whether he realizes that or not.

For me this is about ethics and the way chatters can be hurt by it. I don’t even care if he doesn’t take my advice, but I do care that others may copy him and hurt themselves.



Last edited 1 month ago by Anonymous

(Op) If he was eating a pint of ice cream every night, that’s like 500+ cal and he was never overweight. Instead of putting 500 cal into ice cream, he could easily put 3-400 cal into an entire other meal so he’s not starving and craving snacks (and there’s still room for a so-called unhealthy snack). Instead he cut out all snacks and is eating less. That doesn’t even make logical sense. He said he weighs 130 lbs, yet he’s eating LESS than he did when he was unhealthy?? How does he think he’s going to build muscle or sustain energy long term.

Ugh don’t mind my rant. I needed to put it somewhere. I hope he sees a dietician even 1 time.


I think for his height and the fact that he’s male he’s borderline underweight 😭 If he wants to build muscle or anything he’d need to eat MORE if anything. I get cutting out shit that makes you feel bad but he’s not overweight at all and this weird complex he has is not fun!


how the fuck is 130lbs anywhere near underweight for someone with his height????


For his approximate height, 130lbs is right near the middle of the normal weight spectrum on BMI. But BMI does not accurately assess things like how much of the mass is muscle vs. fat. His weight alone also can’t accurately reflect how healthy his diet is or isn’t.


That’s why everyone is starting to dislike Magni again. Magni will binge eat, have glizzies, eat treats, and then berate Bettel if he even thinks about getting a candy bar. His circle is enabling it so welp, you cannot really blame chat when his close friends have much more leverage and influence on his habits since they are in an echo chamber



what the fuck are you people talking about?? when did he ever binge eat and berate bettel?? how is his circle enabling it? are we watching the same godamn people?



This is about the roommate podcast. I’m a day 1 Tempura I was not anti-Magni prior to it, but I have to say now that the way he talks to Bettel is insensitive and echoes a lot of Bettel’s own negative self-talk.
They’re adult men and it’s their own relationship to moderate though so I just dropped the podcast in question.


Unfortunately the anti-Magni/Lando troll crew have made their bed on this site. -_- Look on the fleshtuber page for some crazy comments


No PL talk on this page, thank you very much ❤️



Bettelion is landos only hope, please understand.



Still wondering where are those 900k subscribers.


They’re not invited, the stream is limited to 85 viewers.


They’ve been here, this isn’t new lol?


never said it was new


His friends are all yesmen



yeah…. idk why lando’s friends are like that….. like ??? go speak up???


I feel like the clown has always had bad eating habits and a borderline ED talking points but I do expect better from chat at a certain point. Atleast not enabling him or trying to topic change lmao but at the end of the day what can you.


They enable him EVERY TIME and talk about how proud they are when he says the most concerning stuff. Normally I’m all for jokes, but so many people (especially men) develop disordered eating without even realizing it. People waste years of their lives to eating disorders and it’s painful to witness.

Spitting out a 15 cal starburst because of intense guilt isn’t actually healthy or something chat should be proud of. It’s frustrating.

This mentality is what makes people give up and makes sustained “healthy” habits seem impossible.


It’s really disappointing when they do the same enabling or be like “omg that’s good advice!!” when he says something that’s clearly out of line. Many of my guy friends are the ones who have the worst relationships with food in general and have only gym bro podcast advice and take that as gospel. He’s always been pretty bad about talking about food stuff because I don’t personally think him eating a pint of ice cream and candy and soda every night and being real depressed was helping either. There’s just no real balance of healthy it’s either one extreme or the other. I wish he would just get out of his head and or whoever is telling him all this misinfo and actually get help with this stuff but he’s literally a 28 year old man so what can I do.


I know the going from one extreme to another can also be influenced by ADHD, but Bettel’s problem is that he acts like just because it’s out of his control now, that’s just the way things are.

He does this with a lot of things which causes him to give up while he’s ahead instead of putting in the work to get around the issue. You don’t have to go from eating the whole box of goldfish to eating no goldfish. There is an in between. People don’t just magically gain self-control. You can work at it. One day he’ll realize that and it’ll change his life.

For now though…


You worded this so perfectly. The balance and impulse control is definitely really hard. When he was talking about how he can’t keep a bag of chips in the house because he’ll eat it all and even after he’s full I was mentally like bro please you are spouting 2014 tumblr ed binging cycles.. Even if he started to work on balancing stuff in smaller doses it would work so much better for him. Like it doesn’t have to be torture to you man. Idk sorry for ranting.


No need to apologize! I appreciate your perspective. Life if already difficult, so I don’t understand why he thinks he has to torture himself.

There’s so much technology and information that’s easily accessible to us, so it’s baffling how Bettel seems to lag like 10 years back with these unhealthy mentalities.

If he can afford a $600 vacuum and $300 animatronic, he can afford a dietitian and a therapist so he can stop making himself miserable.


Isn’t it a complete ass of an insurance hell to get anything medical related in Elysiumerica? To the point where people kinda have to be their own lawyers? The limitation could be more than a monetary one.


That’s more for specialists. And some things are a pain in the ass, requiring multiple phone calls, but everything isn’t like that.

Depends on your insurance. You just need your primary care physician to refer you to a dietitian or nutritionist and many of them take virtual visits. I had no problems with it, but obviously that’s not the case with everyone.


Last edited 1 month ago by Anonymous

Yes, getting medical attention, especially mental, is a dystopian hellhole. All providers are signed on with different insurances so first you have to find a health care provider that your insurance will cover, pray that your insurance also covers whatever condition you’re seeking help for since they love to deny that stuff so they have to pay less, and then on top of that, hope that the providers you can attend are both open to new attendants and somebody you can actually work with. Therapy especially can take rotating through 3+ therapists before you find one useful to your specific thought processes. And of course lets not go into the wait for specialists that you need referrals to, easily months for certain ones in certain areas.

And all that is assuming you actually are able to have health insurance in the first place. If your job does not provide it for you, the options are slim if you can’t pay several hundred a month out of pocket to cover it, or you can afford hundreds to thousands of dollars that is paying directly.

It’s jacked af and nothing is done about it because there’s too much profit tied up in it and those who make the rules are all covered by their own cushy job insurances so they never have to struggle with it themselves and thus don’t care.

Of course, we don’t know if the problem is from outside forces or if he himself is just not bothering to seek treatment, so it’s a moot point anyways, but that’s your unsolicited medical rant for the day.


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