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i know we’re all conspiracy brained so please keep in mind y’all there’s been issues with covers for both ID and EN girls lately as well, this is just poor management across the branches



they didnt announced anything at wonfes this season, but i wish so bad for ANY of the holostars members to have a figure. I feel like that would be such a win for the whole community. I dont even care who it is, i just want one


they’d need to become more popular to get higher production stuff like that since the companies invest a lot of money into figurines.


we need to be noticed by orange rouge


Looks like Flayon has a cover release tomorrow.



I don’t have T3 but does anyone have any idea what it might be?


another banger coming.


This is the one he said was really hard to cover right? I’m very excited!!


Let’s goooooooooooooooooooooooo! \o/


in the VR hangout, Altare said OG tempus was denied of having a book club…. Management was a lot stricter with their batch since everyone (including the managers) were new.

I dunno how Ruze managed to get his book club but whatever happened, management relaxed their strictness.


They were apparently not allowed to have lore videos for their debuts, either. What the hell was going on.


That was around the time of Omega, who is no longer in HoloPro.


(Commenter) I figured it might have something to do with that! Omega was originally featured in the Tempus lore manga, right?

Is it possible they weren’t allowed to do their own lore videos because the person behind Omega was super strict and wanted to control the direction of all lore? Maybe something interconnected with Council.


omegaalpha had their hands in everything lore-related starting with council, yeah. highly doubt axel would’ve been able to convince management to let tempus do lore voice packs if omega was still employed


A part of me wonders if the big breakdown between talents and management in the first year of Tempus is connected to this Omega person somewhere… but we’ll never know for sure.


Yeah… I know people don’t wanna hear his name, but reading this comment thread, I wonder if Magni in particular had a lot of fights with management over these things (not just lore, but how restricted they were in general). The “they didn’t give us a a chance” statement makes a bit more sense under the light of a management that won’t even green light a book club.


I remember even with HoloMyth, I forget if it was Ame or someone else, but someone said they would have to emphasize that whatever creative lore-related project they made was unofficial and not “canon” which I always found absurd that the streamer and literal voice of the vtubers was not allowed a say in their lore. I believe this is what prompted Ame to say stuff like her smol Ame and other creative streams were just “alternate universe” Ames and her habit of just doing things without running it by her managers because she saw it better to ask for forgiveness than permission, and she would get to have the success of her streams to back up her decisions if they cracked down on her.


It’s still a bit true even after Omega’s departure, it wasn’t until around the time Armis debuted that Shirni got more leeway from management re: lore stuff and Gigi also recently spoke on restrictions surrounding lore (her debut lore video should be considered noncanonical, according to her, after talks with management).



That’s really sad. I hope the boys will each find fun ways to flex this more recent control. Even if they’re belated by years, there’s parts of each member’s lore I’d love to see expanded — Or changed, if that’s what the streamer would prefer.

Altare’s missing friend, for example. Something he wants to play with, or something Omega came up with that he’d like to drop?


Leader so cute he’s bringing the cute side out of RPR.


do you guys know if the ohmonah tempus merch has a time limit like most of the official holo merch or is it available to buy just whenever? i see the older hq hoodies still listed on the site but idk if it still lets you buy them or not


They’re restocked everything including the halloween stuff a few times.

I assume as long as the online and con sales keep up they’ll keep restocking similar to the omocat collab merch.


theres no real time limit with ohmonah merch. its mainly available until stock is sold out unless listed otherwise, like when the tempus halloween merch were limited time for the holiday.


iirc only the magves stuff is limited to whatever they still have in stock, everything else is available whenever


I ordered my set of full 6 tempus nuis and an extra of my oshi for stress ball support I really can’t believe they’re only gonna come in like 6 months from now 🙁


on the bright side in 6 months when you’ve pretty much forgotten about them they’re gonna arrive at your house and it’ll be like a fun little surprise from past you


now when you talk it this way. I wonder how will Shinri’s Sadako preorder. Did he already change his address to his new place?


Shu raided Bettel instead of Claude is funny to me.


is there some beef between them or something or is it not that deep?


Shu and Claude are friends since PL dw


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