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at the risk of getting flamed for being sensitive, the frequency at which hakka uses the word “bitch” makes me really uncomfortable. idk if i’m just projecting my male related trauma onto him but i wish he would use it less casually. i really love him and i watch all his streams but i dont want to let it slide just because he is my favorite. i hope this makes sense. is this something i need to talk to my therapist about and move on from ^^ ;



you have every right to be uncomfortable, just as he has every right to say it. this is definitely something to talk about with a therapist, but for now i suggest paying more attention to context if you want to continue watching streams. for instance calling axel a bitch while laughing is very different in context than a man angrily calling a woman a stupid bitch.


assuming you do have a therapist, this is absolutely something you should talk to them about. i understand having that kind of trauma flare up, but if it’s to the point where those kinds of words aren’t directed at you, that is absolutely something that you yourself need to work on. at the end of the day, yes, bitch has origins as a derogatory term, but many women and nonbinary people have reclaimed it as a term of endearment or neutral exclamation, and it becomes your own responsibility to deal with how you handle hearing it said.

tldr: yeah talk to your therapist, it’s not really that deep


To be blunt, yeah, this is a “you” problem. If you’re projecting trauma that you have onto someone who had no part in it just because he’s using a word you associate with that trauma (and not even directing that word usage at you), then it sounds like work to be done with a therapist or counselor.


Yeah that’s fair. I had to drop Uki back in the day for this as well. You’re not alone.



Gonna be the contrarian and get flamed, but – if your trauma is to the point that you are being negatively affected by people using the word not even aimed at you and completely divorced from any ill intent, then at that point yes, it is your own trauma that you yourself should be working on, and not policing the world around you to turn it into your own hugbox.

Compromise needs to be made – sure you can reach out to inform him that it makes you uncomfy, but also if the word has that much power over you that is a problem you yourself need to address.



His Roomate had said that he is open to education, he is not wise in many aspects (his words) and wants to make those around him comfortable. Maybe make a throwaway on Twitch and let him know in a kind and informative manner or via the marshmallow. He wants to be educated, but one can’t be educated if you don’t know. Out of all the boys, Hakka is the more open to it



there’s a whole conversation to be had about the frequency of men using feminine-related words and slurs in casual conversation but at the end of the day the word bitch is losing its impact and that’s just something we have to come to terms with. plenty of blasphemies and slurs have lost their meaning overtime and we say a LOT of offensive things without batting an eye because we either don’t know the origin or we don’t care anymore. look into a lot of phrases with racist origins such as “no can do,” eenie meenie miney moe, “long time no see,” etc. i also have long-standing issues with certain trigger words and slurs used against me but i can’t police how others talk, especially when they say it with no malicious intent. it may not be something you can ever get over, maybe it can, but i’d say if you have enough trauma around bitch and other slurs being said by men that it affects your enjoyment of them, most male content creators are just not going to be suitable for you.


nah it’s ok, Axel says it a lot too. I think it’s mostly an ESL thing learning english online you default to the naughty words more frequently ^^; and they’re like the youngest so that’s just how kids used to talk to each other back in my day too. donmai, stay comfy and work through it if you can.


I think mostly for Aniki it’s the Aussie in him. They say some pretty raunchy stuff that makes most English-speaking countries gasp.


True lol Aussie’s are built different man


I haven’t been able to catch that many streams lately and I was rewatching the axel vod for the potato rpg and he was on fire with how fuckin funny he was when making the characters. “The two Zesty fuckin buttbuddies” for bettel and magni killed me. I love this guy.


“Zesty bros selling kebabs” wheeze


#1 magclown shipper since the beginning. this is the “just kiss already!” guy


remember to get your nuis before preorder is over!!!


thanks for the reminder nonnii!! wish me luck in this trying times ;v ;


What’s Flayflay watching on Sunday for menshi?


beau is afraid


ty roon


sorry he changed it, it’s now under the silver lake


ah I’m skipping the dark dramas/black comedies. not my thing but have fun o7


Tempus/StarsEN GTA RP! I guess that’s what the exciting sunday was about! I’m really happy. This was also probably what Bettel was bothering Ruze about on twitter the other day too lmao.




That’s what happen when he didn’t submit the png on time and leave it to your friends to decide it…/j

nah… they did ask Axel for png but he’s still asleep, so shinri help decided the picture because its kinda the inside joke on StarsEN


At this point, wouldn’t it be better to have a google drive folder titled Axel PNG with just various random PNGs of Axel and several copyright free dogs lmao


Axel Syrios’ portrait is straight up a dog I can’t stop laughing



axels picture is so funny lmao can’t believe they got all the theater kids and shitposters I can’t wait to see this chaos.



Had a dream that Bettel casually announced that he was graduating in the middle of a zatsu in which he was showing vacation pictures. He said to check twitter for his final schedule and I woke up sweating and immediately grabbed my phone. He’s not even my oshi but I hate the feeling of dread that I woke up with.

Has anybody else had these types of graduation dreams?


when magves were on hiatus I had dreams about them either graduating or coming back like once a week. it was crazy


Last edited 26 days ago by Anonymous

Not me but I remember someone back at nyfco who had a nightmare that Magni graduated and a month later magves went on the hiatus


way back at the end of 2023 i had a weird dream that the tempus 2nd anniversary was a formal dinner party and the fanbase was invited to mingle with all of the boys. i was standing by the drinks table talking to hakka and we were reminiscing about the first anni’s tempus week streams, and i mentioned being really sad about magves graduating. he was like “yeah, i miss bettel the most”. i said “wait, what? bettel is here.” and hakka was like “nooooo, don’t you remember? *sigh* so many fans seem to have not noticed… he went on hiatus and graduated with them last year, i really miss all those three guys.” my stomach dropped and i realized i hadn’t seen bettel at the party all night. he never turned up in person. THEN WHOSE STREAMS WAS I WATCHING FOR A YEAR? and i instantly woke up desperate to check my youtube and confirm that bettel had actually streamed lies of P and yakuza gaiden post-grads and wasn’t gone the whole time, lmao.


dreamed of dingo graduation and threw up


The only acceptable dingo graduation is from college/uni.



Axel named an orc with a spear as Vesper. I’m very sure they all follow each other’s indie accounts to make this joke.


Ifykyk. HQ are close across all lives and Axel still holds them really dear to him so this isn’t that shocking.


It’s very sweet and heartwarming to see them being real friends and not just coworkers.


Oh they ABSOLUTELY do. If you pay close attention, you can spot interactions and references here and there.

We don’t know all of the details, but the Tempus boys still keep in contact with the grads.


genuine question if anyone was there, what happened on bettels puzzle stream today for him to tweet this? I haven’t been able to catch his streams in a bit due to a work shift change.



not gonna namedrop but I can think of at least one person who regularly “teases” him in such a way that comes across as genuinely mean. at any rate I don’t think he’s calling out anyone in particular, he probably just noticed more comments like that lately


Maybe he made fun certain kind of music and someone got hurt.


He slandered classic old songs for some 2000ish, he’s so cute.


He’s being mean to a meanie, which is not a good idea.


Ah I love tempus vagueguard. Dude has got to stop being so vague about this stuff and directly call out chatters and tell them to fuck off. I’ve seen a lot of people say that they’re gonna stop chatting/not say anything anymore because of this tweet and that’s so disappointing. I know it’s not because of what happened last stream supposedly but damn, just make a announcement next stream instead of posting like this.


He’s the non confrontational guy and has admitted this before because of his anxiety. I still think he should have addressed that one chatter instead of making regulars feel like they’ve done something wrong but he clearly does have pretty severe anxiety about shit considering earlier this year/late last year. I do hate how all of VG always vaguepost though negative or positive.


He clarified that this wasn’t about todays stream….


he lies a lot too lol probably so people doesn’t search what was the comment that made him tick and harass the perpetrator and there’s a new Bettelion civil war lmao


I’m assuming it was about someone calling him color blind. But I could be wrong.


chat in general has been eh lately but there’s a vod comment/chatter that he was mostly likely talking about and i don’t want to call out this person directly on here because it’s a bit silly on an anon site. they’re really argumentative in axels chat as well i’ve noticed that i think he’s talking about and he did call them out a bit on stream but i guess they didn’t get the memo.


Could you post a screencap covering the name and picture? At least so people know what is the limit for the general audience.
I feel today many didn’t know.


I was there for the full 6 hours and I noticed chat genuinely arguing with eachother and some people unironically calling him stupid/dumb for taking so long to do the puzzle. They were some people who have been taking the jokes too far so it has just been a bit rough this week with chat in general and I think this stream made him put his foot down a bit.


Genuinely insulting his intelligence should never be a funny heehee joke. I get that he’s the internet clown man and that he’s been a content creator doing shit for 10+ years now but damn. That shit would make me upset. Even worse when it’s actual fans doing it and trying to make a misguided quip.


Last edited 27 days ago by Anonymous

i don’t normally pay attention to chat but i noticed this today too him and some of the other boys seriously needs mods. does anyone know if cover doesn’t allow them to have mods or something?


cover has a mod team but they’re probably more active modding the girls streams on the regular simply because they have way more viewers and their chats are much more faster


Last edited 26 days ago by Anonymous

he was playing dumb about not having the unchained menshi files and people started getting genuinely mad at him and telling him he didn’t know how to do his job and such. happened really early in stream and set a weird atmosphere.

people have also been edging at taking the aug 19th jokes too far and chat was fighting with him about what it means to be goth and calling him a poser for being more invested in the fashion and lifestyle side than the music for like a solid hour (something that is clearly integral to his identity)

he just generally seemed pretty henpecked and in a low mood through the back half of the stream. wish he had called chat on their shit sooner instead of shutting down but i also get not wanting to kick the nest again when chat was clearly in a mood today.


You seem to be greatly projecting some oversensitivity here. He was bantering with chat even throughout the debate and said that he enjoyed it when someone told him to stop bringing it up.

Just because something makes YOU uncomfortable doesn’t mean Bettel is uncomfortable. He’s a grown man.

He was shutting down because he hates puzzles and they greatly frustrate him. This is nothing knew. His frustration was the expected result from this endeavor as is the case whenever a puzzle is involved, yet he does them anyways.

Doing something you’re not good at for 6 hours would put anyone in a low mood. He was done because of the puzzle, not because of chat.

You all are masters are projecting onto him and ignore the actual words that come out of his mouth.


It’s not like we’re making this up. He wouldn’t have brought it up himself if it wasn’t a concern, so some of us want to know if there was something in particular so that we can avoid it in the future.

I also note he admitted today he’s never blocked anyone in chat and I just thought either we are super well behaved or he can put up with a lot. Either way, it’s good to be mindful of where the line may be and not to cross it.


I saw a comment on the VOD about cultural appropriation? Someone was complaining. But then, that’s the consequences of having a broad audience. This is why I ignore some Holostars and Hololive streams. I only watch based on few viewers cause it’s chill.


What the fuck are you talking about. It said when people take aesthetics without knowing their origins it can lead to that, but that’s why research is important. Wasn’t even targeted towards Bettel if you actually read the comment. It was about the discussion that occurred in chat. You bitches absolutely cannot read to save your lives. He didn’t even take offense to the subculture talk, y’all just try too hard to baby him. It’s fucking ridiculous.


I only checked the first hour before I had to go but him acting dumb and making it seem like he had absolutely no clue what the animated Unchained files were… that was a weird bit.

Made it look like he didn’t communicate with his genmates at all, and it honestly changed the mood right from the start even after he clarified that he knew what those were and would upload the link later.


that was a pretty weird bit. like it was pretty convincing, i think, so i was confused when he said he was joking. I don’t really care, though. I don’t really know what those files are anyway.


The Live 2D animations of the Unchained MV. Hakka requested them from management to be given to Tempura Members because of the wait of the Re-release. He is only sharing the animations w T2 Hakkitos (of all the boys if I remember correctly) but said he would share the animations with each of the boys so they can share it on their own Menshi. But yes, that was super odd, and I still have a hard time believing it was a bit ??? I don’t mind, but it is a very weird hill to die on; then again I don’t mind, if he doesnt want to upload it for whatever reason that’s his right. I stopped pressuring the moment he began to feel uncomfortable about it.


Last edited 27 days ago by Anonymous

“if he doesnt want to upload it for whatever reason that’s his right” damn you guys really set your expectations of him below ground. The only thing Bettel needs to do is ask any of the boys or manager for the link (assuming it wasn’t already shared to him on their Discord) and paste it in a membership post. All the work was already done by Hakka and his managers.


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