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I’m sad the GTA RP arc for the boys had to end that way. It was fun shooting the shit at first but you could see things slowly devolve between the cops and Axel’s gang because everyone had different expectations and experiences in RPing. Axel and Bettel as GTA5 RP veterans know there’s a fine balance in the meta when it comes to the big opposing groups like cops and criminals, and did their best to guide players and make the RP enjoyable for everyone including the viewers. The boys new to RP like Hakka and Shinri obviously didn’t have that experience. Shinri was focusing on just getting into character and by the time he kinda figured things out it was too late for peace. Hakka leaned into the corrupt cop angle which is fine and all but there’s a limit to how corrupt you can act before it becomes unenjoyable for the RPers around him.

That being said, I could tell the boys were trying their best to lead everyone and get things going. This first EN RP server was pretty rough, but it still had a lot of fun moments and I hope it won’t be their last.


I think everyone was still having fun which is the important thing. Since they’re all in a discord server I’d like to think that they talked through any issues and are still friends at the end of the day. Plus everyone knows that a lot of people involved including the organizers are inexperienced so some scuff and awkwardness was kinda expected. I’m just happy that the boys got a chance to shine and make new friends.


It didn’t help that the rest of the boys spent like 3-4 hours preparing to catch Axel while he spent 1hr on the outskirts of the city unaware of what was happening. He didn’t even know who Flayon was there or that he was one of his wives coz no one told him kek.

Still, everyone had their own moments & their individual endings were somewhat satisfying even if the way to it was scuffed. I hope they’ll take this as a learning opportunity to make a more cohesive RP next time.


Im really sad im not enjoying most of what tempus is doing in gta, the plotlines are just so confusing and messy


Axel was trying to bring some sort of system into the server, sad that they’re not applying it. It feels a bit of a lul tbh, even he said there’s not much to do. I feel like it might be better if the server organizer rethink about how to run the server. The first two days of RP was fine, but by the 3rd day, it was pretty rough. There’s not really goals or anything


Watch the clips, my mans clippers doing Gods work and making it absolutely peak cinema


ngl i hope this is the last day the boys play on the server. it’s so boring and tiring and a waste of time, i feel like viewership is dropping because of it too. the people that actually want to rp aren’t being listened to.


I feel like Hakka and Shinri just going and killing the other boys makes it so boring. It’s just the same thing over and over. Tbh I’m really not liking how Hakka specifically is playing 😒




Yeah it really fell off after Day 2


Been really enjoying the gtarp from the boys lately :’)


Now I know how people who understand jp feel about vcr. I’m just obsessively watching vtrp vods and trying to find every pov of funny moments. It’s wholesome seeing some shy small streamers react to what’s going on too. It seemed like by contrast vcr and nopixel were full of pros. Also a few of them are starmins which is a cute bonus.


Ooh, I haven’t had time to dig through the VTRP vods yet, but I really like when the boys interact with smaller streamers, especially if they’re starmin. Are there any particular streamers/timestamps you could point my way?


Of course Ruze and Bettel’s first friends Rora and ApolloLikesBugs are very funny.
Kenbishi Saya seems like a huge starmin and her first vod has timestamps of her meeting them and feeling embarassed afterwards.
Lucks Shi made Hakka seem awkward on his pov but she was laughing a lot on her pov.
Eliolotl is a roon and tweeted about it even though she kept it professional on stream.
Nemusagi felt like this server’s equivalent of team rpr with how she’s esl, plays Apex, and helped Axel a lot.
Xander was hilarious and was very grateful to have met the boys.
There are others but you could probably just search #VTRP to find more.


xander was one of the mvps for me this RP, his character was just so endearing and the morty voice killed me every single time lmao. i’m glad to have discovered him, i feel like he’s got a good thing going and i’ll definitely be watching him going forward


I personally recommend ApolloLikesBugs’s POV! He’s quite entertaining


this subplot of axel pinkman vs da monki vs 2shins is so funny im actually sobbing


just report the troll comments instead of arguing with them. there’s also a channer trying to say axel did something cancel-worthy on the gta server but no one is buying it so lol



Channers taking any action done/statement said while in roleplay as reflective of the person themselves is dumb.


pretty sure the comments are all coming from the same person as well LMAO


was it the assasinations, being God’s hitman, illegal flying & plane crash, monki abuse, public indecency & stripping, or asking God where to cook drugs?


It was the stripping I think. I only use the 4chan archive to key search terms sometimes and people are trying to make seem like he killed baby kittens on voice chat or something for that lol.


IIRC they’re taking the server owner asking if she needs to shut down the server when Axel started stripping as if she was being made uncomfortable by his actions and thus paint him as a sexpest, conveniently leaving out that her actual worry was if Stars management would get mad about it. She was reassured when people told her Axel’s done worse and the Holo management aren’t prudes, and things continued on as normal.


Think it was the public indecency + stripping this particular time iirc. Aniki living up to being the Spicy one.


Hey, just asking here does anyone know what happened with altare today? I saw he was streaming but I was at work and then his vod went down and he tweeted that he would be taking a break for a couple days :< I do worry about him..


He’s just having a bad day, the game was suck, he was overwhelmed with twitter(ya know just twitter being twitter as usual), he ranted a bit about bad movies. anytime he rants he usually to unlist or priv his vod. Give him some time to process his feelings, he’ll be okay (*´-`) it’s almost hanbyeol bday too, so i hope he can get a nice rest with his friends


Thank you for telling me!! I get it. I hope he feels better after hanging out and taking some time off social media because I know how much constant doomposting posts can affect your mental online especially as a streamer who has to be online most times like he does.


He’s just frustrated that he can’t finish any of his projects


You watched the livestream, good sir?


I promise this is not meant as hate or negativity towards anyone but there’s a feeling I’ve been having that I need to get off my chest. Do any any other Tempuras feel a sort of… disconnect with Armis and Armada? I’m kind of assuming this might be how HQ Tempura felt when VG debuted but I started with VG and all of Tempus feels like home to me. When Armis debuted I was very excited and actively tried to watch them all and participate in their communities but I’m not sure if it’s because I only had time to truly dedicate myself to my og oshis in Tempus or what but after a couple months I started to feel like I didn’t quite belong with the rest of the Armada. Not because of anything they did (although maybe some of it had to do with the fact that it brought a lot of new fans from the other company and they still hadn’t acclimated to Stars culture) but I just didn’t feel that connection with the rest of the fans or to Armis as a group. I have an oshi in Armis but because of this disconnect I’ve felt less and less motivated to watch him and it really bums me out. I don’t know if this feeling is normal or completely unreasonable but I wish I didn’t have it.



Guys, armis is nothing but tempus wannabe is indisputable. We can’t win this, report button is our only savior.



Just admit you hate Armis. Bye-bye.




i dont think its necessary to have cohesion between the groups. but i started out with jp holostars and after awhile i started listening to the en side before armis came along and going from the jp to en culture was a massive whiplash. but i just accepted that its a different group of people and accepted it. maybe its because my context is different but armis and tempus dont seem that distant or dissimilar to me. most of the armis fans i know of have at least one oshi in tempus.


Hmm I honestly not… familiar with the armis fanbase… I’m sad that one of my armis mutual told me they think armis is way better because they’re funny and chaotic, unlike tempus. I’m still enjoying armis—they’re great people! But honestly, not the fanbase :(( I ended up just vibing watching armis and tempus in my own pace


Tempura, be the change you wanna see if you want to watch Armis, because they’re not going away and there will be more boys to come one day. You say you feel like you don’t fit in, but there are enough of you here saying that that proves you’d fit in fine if you just interacted. It kind of feels like this discussion just furthers the divide.

Ovtavio has been inviting each of the boys on his weekly Octalks, and did a pass the lore video with all the boys. Ruze has been actively engaging all the boys since debut to bridge the gap and has been working on a giant DnD world for them all to play in since the start of the year.

If you feel like there is a strict divide, maybe check yourself to see if you just want to see it that way.


I hope the new boys are competent enough to bring their own brand not just tempus wannabe.



Have in mind we have all bonded via trauma. First we had to defend HQ against the unicorns Part 1, when VG debuted we had to do it AGAIN because now incels wanted to divide the fandom to again input a unicorn agenda. Then we had both the incels attacking Magni because they found out he was bi, and discmites also antagonized him because they wanted to play tigermommy, all at the same time. Then Vesper’s menhera arc, Then the fucking Hiatus and subsequent Graduations. We are the way we are because we became codependent and defensive of each other both in terms of talents and fandoms.

We learned survival tactics to protect the talent the fans and the fujoyumebro alliance after several traumatic events. We are close in the way The Walking Dead Characters are close wwwww



as a day 1 HQpura, VG did feel a little strange at first especially since it had only been about half a year since HQ debuted, but they integrated very seamlessly after a bit. i think it helps that they were a part of the same unit, and even before the graduations it was pretty clear that they wanted to be seen as more or less one unit rather than separate groups. i haven’t really gotten into armis but frankly you don’t really have to. myth, promise, advent, and now justice all have their separate fanbases, cultures, and memes. they may come together for events and collab but they’re separate units in one branch and fans aren’t expected to follow all of them equally. that’s how holostars is too. they have separate fanbase names for a reason so you shouldn’t force yourself to like every single one.



realistically there’s going to be more waves in the futures too that’ll all have their own dynamics too. i have no idea where the idea came from that them all being under the same company name means you have to like them all? even on the JP side of the holostars fandom some people like certain groups more than others and there’s nothing wrong with that. they’re all going to interact and collab with each other in their owns ways and that’s their choice to make not the fandoms.



“i have no idea where the idea came from that them all being under the same company name means you have to like them all?”

There are some ” trolling ” comments down there you need to delete. Some are gone already, congratulations. I hope they don’t come back 😉



I find this fandom to be very weird where they advocate some sort of division between two gens. I don’t see that in the other branches. Just look at the Breaking Dimensions concert. All HoloEN fans are supportive of each other and cheering for the members. Same goes with the Holostars JP anniversary concert and the Holo ID live concert. And yet here you have a troll saying “I want a Tempus-only concert”. Srsly, Tempus HQ, Tempus VG, Armis. They’re all Holostars EN. That’s all


“And yet here you have a troll saying ‘I want a Tempus-only concert’.” I mean you said it yourself, they’re trolls. Search a little bit and you’ll find those same troll comments about wanting to exclude some of the girls. That’s the kind of thing you read when you’re on an anonymous websites.


(reply OP) what i meant in the original reply was that you don’t have to actively watch ALL the boys and be a fan but you can still RESPECT them all. i wouldn’t claim i’m a fan of the ones i don’t watch personally but i still enjoy seeing them in collabs. should’ve phrased that better my bad. these troll replies stink though they needa be sprayed down with febreze 🤮


I feel like that’s really valid to have as a feeling. I have a similar thing going on for ARMIS where I always feel a bit off in their fan spaces because they seem so tight knit already I almost feel like i’m intruding. I feel like the lack of group/one on one collabs with certain boys doesn’t help that either. Half of Armis is really shy and doesn’t really interact with anyone outside of their group compared to VG and HQ is really open. I also feel like there’s a huge disconnect collab wise between Altare and Axel and the rest of ARMIS. I get time zones are probably what kills it here for some of the boys and having other work commitments and homework but it sucks to feel so disconnected even though there’s only like 10 boys here at the end of the day and I feel like everyone should hypothetically be connected together.


I was a Tempus fan from the month HQ debuted and this is very much how I felt about VG. Every new group has a different feel and dynamic.


For Tempus/Armis, it’s gotten a lot better after Armis settled in to streaming and aren’t afraid (for lack of a better term) to interact with VG and especially HQ (or at least Axel). VG were always pretty open with interacting with Armis from the get go, while HQ were kinda distant (be it they just were and/or they got fucking busy). The big thing is that Shiny Spicy are now daisenpai’s, and whether they acknowledge it or not, the 2 of them will now be seen with this air of “it’s the guys who started the branch/the first gen”. They have a harder hurdle to get over than VG does. It’s better now for Axel, since Ruze and Octavio interact with him a lot and it seems like Jurard is less terrified to interact with him. Altare being in and out of streaming consistently this whole year means there’s still a divide between him and Armis, but I think the 7DTD server will help out a lot. (Since HQ are 100% joining, and it’s probably going to be some combo of Bettel/Hakka/Shinri/Jurard/Ruze/Octavio as well.)

I dunno, sorry for the TED talk lmao.


I feel the same, I also started when VG already existed and personally, I think it’s the interaction between groups. When I started, I watched compilation clips and some of fave clips are those from HQ+VG collabs. The Magwolf, Hakka’s bday, Rick & Morty intro, WoW Wednesdays. They just meshed so well

Maybe if they had more collabs I’ll get that feel of belongingness? but well, timezones and homeworks make that hard. Another reason for me is that, I just don’t have enough time to keep up with everyone


i think theres definitely a different feel to armis as opposed to HQ and VG, and thats okay! for me, it was a lot harder to get into armis at first because of so much other stuff going on in other companies that i enjoyed and that really tainted how i felt about vtubers, and especially corpo vtubers, for a long time. i recovered from that and now i absolutely love jurard’s crazy ass lol it really just ends up being a matter of who you vibe with, and theres nothing wrong with not vibing with everyone


Yes. I started with HQ and never really felt like that about VG. I thought VG melded with HQ very well from the start, likely because they already had been interacting together behind the scenes for so long.

I just can’t get into Armis.


My oshi are split across HQ, VG and Armis. I don’t personally feel any disconnect.

  • Altare
  • Vesper
  • Hakka
  • Shinri
  • Ruze
  • Gibby


Follow-up thought after I typed this reply. I think part of why I don’t feel a disconnect is specifically because of Ruze, who has integrated himself pretty seamlessly into interactions and activities with his senpai.


Axel’s GTA VoD is so fucking funny I’m dying. He’s so unhinged when he got rid of JP politeness filter. Man, I hope this GTA journey will bring so many friends for the boys. They’ve all been doing so well so far.


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